Title: Steps In Managing A Process
1Steps In Managing A Process
2High Level Core Process MapAnswers the Question
What are the basic things we do that lead to
fulfilling our mission?
3A Simple Linear Process
4Steps In Managing A Process
5High Level Core Process MapAnswers the Question
What are the basic things we do that lead to
fulfilling our mission?
6A Simple Linear Process
7Add Detail to Enhance Planning
8The Process of Preparing Dinner
9You can even map how we care for our members.
10How do we teach, enroll and integrate new
11How to Improve Processes
Analyze Variances From
Define Ideal State
Define Current State
Players Process Steps
Players Process Steps
Principles Speed Quality Cost
12Exercise Map a process
- First, define the process so there is common
understanding as to exactly what the process is
that you are mapping. What is the beginning and
end of the process. - Second, define what you want this process to
accomplish. How will you know when the process is
performing well? - Third list the possible players in the process
down the left hand side. Then use stick on
post-it-notes to write down process steps for
the current state of the process? What is
working and not working now? - Now, define the ideal process.
- Ask the question who owns this process? Who is
the process owner who should be implementing
the process and learning from its successes and
failures and then improving the process?
135. Delegate and Follow-Up
- The ability to delegate, to employ the resources
of the community are essential to growth. There
are two reasons for this First, the tasks will
become too complex for nine members of an
Assembly to do themselves second, utilizing
others is essential to their commitment, growth
and development. - The first quality for leadership, both among
individuals and Assemblies, is the capacity to
use the energy and competence that exists in the
rank and file of its followers. Otherwise the
more competent members of the group will go at a
tangent and try to find elsewhere a field of work
and where they could use their energy. Shoghi
Effendi hopes that the Assemblies will do their
utmost in planning such teaching activities that
every single soul will be kept busy. (From a
letter dated 30 August 1930 written on behalf of
Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly
of the United States.)
145. Delegate and Follow-Up
- Pick the best people for the task.
- Write down roles and responsibilities.
- Identify benchmarks of progress.
- Follow-up consultation.
- Praise progress.
156. Sustained Encouragement Creating Energy
- Training alone, of course, does not necessarily
lead to an upsurge in teaching activity. In every
avenue of service, the friends need sustained
encouragement...When training and encouragement
are effective, a culture of growth is nourished
in which the believers see their duty to teach as
a natural consequence of having accepted
Baháullah. January 9th, 2001 letter from the
Universal House of Justice to the Continental
Board of Counsellors
16How to Create Energy
- The dynamic force of example.
- Knowledge of the world.
- Clear and simple direction.
- Express appreciation.
- Review and consult.
- Publicly praise privately correct.
177. Develop Systematic Meetings
- Begin with a standard agenda.
- Use good facilitation skills.
- Write down action plans What, Who, When?
- Adopt a model of decision making?