Title: Wellbeing
1 Well-being and sustainable development Anna
Coote, Head of Social Policy, nef March 2009
2Different ways toconceptualise well-being
People are rational and know how to improve their
own well-being. If you give people maximum chance
to satisfy their preferences (e.g. more choice,
more income) theyll end up happier.
3Different ways toconceptualise well-being
- Preference satisfaction
- Objective list
Well-being is highest when peoples objective
needs (e.g. for security, health, freedom, etc)
are met.
4Different ways toconceptualise well-being
- Preference satisfaction
- Objective list
- Hedonic
Well-being is a positive affect that is, a
relatively positive ratio of pleasant to
unpleasant emotions, moods and feelings.
5Different ways toconceptualise well-being
- Preference satisfaction
- Objective list
- Hedonic
- Evaluative
Well-being is positive self-evaluation feeling
that life overall is going well.
6Different ways toconceptualise well-being
- Preference satisfaction
- Objective list
- Hedonic
- Evaluative
- Flourishing
Well-being is about growth, fulfillment and
people reaching their potential.
7Defras shared understandingof well-being
... a positive physical, social and mental
state not just absence of pain, discomfort and
incapacity Requires that basic needs are met,
that individuals have a sense of purpose feel
able to achieve important personal goals and
participate in society Enhanced by supportive
personal relationships, strong and inclusive
communities, good health, financial and personal
security, rewarding employment, and a healthy and
attractive environment.
8Dimensions of well-being
- Capturing
- how people feel
- and function
- both personally
- and socially
9Where does well-being come from?
10Five ways to well-being
11A dynamic model
Experience of life
e.g. happiness, satisfaction, interest, boredom
and distress
e.g. to be autonomous, competent, and connected
to others
Functioning well and satisfaction of needs
Enabling conditions
Psychological resources
e.g. resilience, optimism, self-esteem
e.g. opportunities and obstacles, inequalities,
social norms, culture
12A dynamic model
Experience of life
Functioning well and satisfaction of needs
Enabling conditions
Psychological resources
13Role of public institutions
Experience of life
Functioning well and satisfaction of needs
Enabling conditions
Psychological resources
14Well being and sustainable development
- Today
- Economic growth pays for expanding public
services to meet expanding needs - They provide for us
- Growing demand for downstream services
- Resource intensive welfare state
- Economic growth is ruining our natural
environment - Well-being scores are low
- 2050
- No economic growth in developed countries
- Human resources valued and nurtured to grow the
core economy - Co-production is the key
- Focus on preventing needs through human agency
supported by public policy - Zero-carbon public sector
- Higher well-being scores
15A virtuous circle