Title: On the horizon
1On the horizon
- Chapter twenty-five of
- Szyperski, Clemens et al. Component Software -
Beyond Object-Oriented Programming. Second
- Advanced object composition
- Delegation
- Split Objects
- Environmental acquisition
- Dynamic inheritance
- New forms of object and component abstraction
- Subject-oriented programming
- Aspect-oriented programming
- XML Components
3Advanced object composition
- Class composition is too static for many
components applications - Object composition is usually based on message
forwarding - The Loss of identity of the whole causes some
- Dependencies between base class and subclass
- Delegation-based object composition problem
- Performance aspects
5Split Objects
- A web of objects with a common identity
established by means of delegation - Individually a fragment of a split object does
not have object status - Delegations across split objects is excluded in
this model - Hierarchical split objects
- Reorganization
6Environmental acquisition
- Objects are embedded in a containment hierarchy
- Delegation or forwarding requests are sent up the
containment hierarchy
7Dynamic inheritance
- The idea is to generalize the concept of a base
class to that of a base object selected at object
construction time - Rely on delegation between an object and its base
8New forms of object and component abstraction
- Fundamental property of objects
- Traditional inheritance
- Supertype
9Subject-oriented programming
- A subject can associate state and behavior with
an object identifier as required by that subject - Association of property
- Separation of concerns along hyperplanes
10Aspect-oriented programming
- AOP is about explicitly slicing programs
according to the various aspects they address - AOP weavers
- Post-deployment weaving
11XML Components
- XML world is mostly declarative in nature
- Still be necessary to establish an appropriate
component concept - XML web services
12Gamut of markets
- Chapter twenty-five of
- Szyperski, Clemens et al. Component Software -
Beyond Object-Oriented Programming. Second
- Component platforms and infrastructure
- Tools
- Professional Services
14Component platforms and infrastructure
- The value of component platforms and
infrastructure can exceed that of used
components - Approaches to reduce the cost of component
15Component design and implementation tools
- Rests on environmental specifications
- Should use RAD methods
- Use the same environment to prototype a component
and implente the component - Support for the construction of models and
supporting futher metadata
16Component testing tools
- Testing of components is the single most
demanding aspect of component technology - Systematic aproach to testing are needed
- Advisable strategies
17Component assembly tools
- Assembly needs to be automated
- Differences from hardware assembly
18Component system diagnosis and maintenance
- Related to component testing
- Diagnosis is tricky because systems consist of
components from many different vendors - Diagnosis tools and ways of operation
- Requirements of maintenance
19Component system and framework architects
- These tasks are extremely demanding
- Independent architecture firms can concentrate
the expertise - Few clients X Open markets
20Component assembly consultants
- Component assembly is supposedly simple
- Component specializing in assembly of components
can find a broad market - COTS (commercial off the shelf)
- Act knowing well the potential and limitations of
products and helping gauge the risks and benefits
21Component configuration management
- Outsourcing
- Monitoring of component markets
- Development of gradual migration plans and the
integration - Migration from monolithic solutions to
component-based ones
22Component warehouses, marketing, and consulting
- Traditional aspects
- All activities are likely to be fully electronic
- Legal and practical protection offered by
physical package becomes unnecessary
23Component operators, web services, application
service providers
- Component paired with a service provider forms a
marketplace service - Business model will be concentrated in
provisioning service combined with availability
and help desk services
24Any question?