Leadership in the Sea Cadet Corps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Leadership in the Sea Cadet Corps


Leadership in the Sea Cadet Corps. Leading Cadet E Galloway. Edinburgh District. Northern Area ... Leading Cadet Ewan Galloway ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Leadership in the Sea Cadet Corps

Leadership in the Sea Cadet Corps
  • Leading Cadet E Galloway
  • Edinburgh District
  • Northern Area

  • By the end of this lesson you will learn what a
    leader is and how to be a good leader
  • Leadership also involves discipline and
    supervision think how the information outlined
    in this training programme affects your current
    styles of discipline and supervision

  • Leadership is aiming to get the task done in a
    certain way.
  • The ability to get your team to do the task
    because they want to. Not because you told them
    to do it.

Working as a Team
  • When you have a team of cadets working for you
    there are several things you need them to do.
  • You need them to
  • Do it efficiently
  • Do it cheerfully
  • Do it willingly

Senior Cadet Duties
  • As Senior Cadets you are all going to be in
    charge of other cadets and it is your duty to
    ensure that three things are done
  • Achieve the Task
  • Develop the Individual
  • Build the Team

Leadership Fire Triangle
  • This works just like a fire triangle,
  • There are three things.
  • If one doesnt work then the other two wont
  • If you achieve the task then your team will feel
    good about it and learn from it.
  • If they learn from it it will help them become
    better cadets.
  • If you have built a good team then they will
    achieve the task.

Principals of Leadership (Continued)
  • D) Patiencethe ability to understand that some
    people learn slower than others
  • E) Enthusiasmenthusiasm for what you are doing
    and the ability to transmit the enthusiasm to
  • F) Decisivenessthe ability to come to a prompt,
    intelligent decision and to stick with it without
  • G) Responsibilitythe willingness to accept
    responsibility for his decisions and actions

Principals of Leadership (Continued)
  • Ten commandments of leadership
  • 1) Lead by example
  • 2) Know your people
  • 3) Be a friend, not a pal
  • 4) Never lie to your people
  • 5) Respect your people
  • 6) Be loyal to both superiors and subordinates
  • 7) Give praise when praise is due
  • 8) Never be insulting or sarcastic
  • 9) Never promise what you cannot perform
  • 10) Never threaten what you cannot enforce

  • General
  • However clearly you brief your cadets with
    specific instructions, you cannot assume that the
    assigned task will be properly carried out unless
    you follow with close supervision.
  • Some cadets will forget what you told them to do
    Others will try to get away with doing as little
    as possible.
  • Others will become confused about what is
    expected from them.
  • Often the situation will change, and the orders
    that you gave originally will no longer be

Supervision (Continued)
  • Purpose of supervision
  • The purpose of supervision is to insure that your
    cadets carry out your orders promptly and
  • Your supervision shows them that the job is
  • Supervision enables you to change your orders to
    meet changes in the situation.
  • Supervision permits you to encourage and motivate
    the cadets if the going gets hard.
  • Supervision makes it possible for you to detect
    and correct errors in their work immediately.
  • Supervision is an important continuing function
    of leadership.
  • Supervision is not the same as inspecting,
    although inspection is, at times, a necessary
    substitute for continuous supervision.

Supervision (Continued)
  • Operations of supervision
  • Supervision is a complex responsibility made up
    of the following four separate operations, all of
    which must normally be performed if your
    supervision is to be effective
  • 1. Observing your cadets as they work
  • 2. Giving orders in reaction to changes in the
  • 3. Examining the completed work (inspection)
  • 4. Reacting to the quality of the work.

Discipline and Correction
  • Discipline
  • The word discipline derives from the same root as
    the word disciple, which means " a willing
    follower ".
  • The essence of discipline, especially in a
    voluntary organization such as the sea cadet
    corps, lies in the willingness of individuals to
    follow the rules of the organization.
  • To follow the rules usually means giving up a
    little bit of freedom So people must be
    convinced that discipline provides a benefit
    which is worth a degree or sacrifice.

Discipline and Correction (Continued)
  • Benefits of discipline
  • Discipline provides a number of conditions
    necessary for any group activity. The main ones
    would have to be conditions of learning, and team
    work and team spirit.

Discipline and Correction (Continued)
  • Methods of correction
  • How you take corrective action will depend on the
    offence, the offender, and the circumstance.
    There are a few simple rules, however
  • 1) The criticism should be aimed at the offence,
    not the offender
  • 2) Avoid sarcasm, humiliation and profanity
  • 3) Keep it short and to the point
  • PIP Praise in Public, Punish in Private

  • To be an effective leader takes vision,
    flexibility, knowledge, communication, and hard
    work. But those who have the desire and the
    determination to sharpen their wits, hone their
    skills, and accentuate their virtues can pull
    away and deftly lead the herd to success.
  • This training can be applied in all situations
    when you are in command/charge of a group of
    cadets this is required for your AC LC
  • Any feedback regarding this training programme is

Where to Get More Information
  • Other training sessions will be conducted
    throughout the year these dates will be given
    closer to the time.
  • You may obtain further information in regards to
    leadership from the guide to instructional
    technique, which can be obtained on request from
    the 1st Lt/command officer.
  • Leadership courses are conducted at Frimley park
    (over 16s only), and there are IT courses for
    certain promotion requirements. IT courses will
    be given as an addition to this course at a later
  • Leading Cadet Ewan Galloway
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