Title: From Competencies to Initiatives
1From Competencies to Initiatives
4-5 May 2006, Tallinn, Estonia
2nd European Workshop
European Models of Synergy between Teaching and
Research in Higher Education
Networks European Network on Co-operation between
University and Industry
Paul Dan CRISTEA, Rodica TUDUCE Bio-Medical
Engineering Center University Politehnica of
Bucharest Spl. Independentei 313, 060042
Bucharest, Romania Phone 40-21- 3169569,
40-745-117062 e-mail pcristea,
2The University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
- Schools of
- Electrical Engineering
- Power Engineering
- Automatic Control and Computers
- Electronics, Telecommunications
- and Information Technology
- Mechanics and Mechatronics
- Engineering and Management of
- Technological Systems
- Biotechnical Systems
- Transports
- Aerospace Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Applied Chemistry and
- Material Science
- Engineering in Modern Languages
- Applied Sciences
3Images from the University POLITEHNICA of
4Campuses of the University POLITEHNICA of
5Polizu campus
6This spring in the main UPB campus (9 April 2006)
7The Leu campus
Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science
8Students in an auditorium of UPB
9The University Politehnica of Bucharest
- UPB is the oldest and the most prestigious
technical university in Romania. - Its traditions are linked to the founding of the
Romanian higher technical education. - On 24 March 1818, by a Royal Edict, the premises
of Saint Sava Abbey were converted into a
technical school. - In 1832 this school was re-organised, and exact
sciences courses were given, such as applied
trigonometry, geodesy, mineralogy, engineering
graphics, principles of road and bridge building,
elements of architecture, etc.
10- The first Polytechnic School was created by
transforming the "National School of Bridges and
Roads" into the "Polytechnic School of
Bucharest". - In 1890, a commission was set up at the National
School of Bridges and Roads to issue equivalency
certificates for the engineering diplomas
obtained abroad, thus transforming this national
school into a model for evaluating higher
technical studies. - During the years, many internationally well known
personalities, such as Gogu Constantinescu, Elie
Carafoli, Costin Nenitescu, and others, were
professors at the "POLITEHNICA".
11- Level of study offered by the 14 Engineering
Schools - B.Sc. 4 years M.S. 1.5 years PhD 3-4 years
- 62 Departments
- 37 Research Centers
- Total academic staff 1674 (Full professors 533
Ph.D. 1140) - Undergraduate Students 22 000
- Master students 2 000
- Ph.D. students 2 426
12- Currently, the Bologna process is being
implemented at UPB, and a transition to a
teaching better responding to current societal
demands is under way. - The EUI-Net project could help in this phase by
contributing to a smooth transition to real
industry needs and EU standards.
13The Hi-PolyTech-Park
- Opportunity to valorize the intellectual
potential for our students and researchers to
develop new products with a high impact on the
emerging knowledge based economy. - Aims to attract the most important companies to
integrate their management skills and financial
resources with our potential to create new
software and hardware product based on ITC. - Main fields of competence in which our staff and
students actively pursue research and applicative
projects include - Embedded systems
- Mobile communication and processing
- Pervasive computing
- Grid technologies
- Nanotechnologies and materials
- Spoken language technology and image processing
- Biomedical engineering applications
- Autonomous systems
- Distributed systems
14The Bologna Declaration
- The Bologna Declaration of June 1999 calls for
the establishment by 2010 of a coherent,
compatible and competitive European Higher
Education Area, attractive for European students
and for students and scholars from other
continents. - The European Education Ministers identified six
action lines in Bologna and they have added three
more in Prague in May 2001 - Adoption of a system of easily readable and
comparable degrees - Adoption of a system essentially based on two
cycles - Establishment of a system of credits
- Promotion of mobility
- Promotion of European cooperation in quality
assurance - Promotion of the European dimension in higher
education - Lifelong learning
- Higher education institutions and students
- Promoting the attractiveness of the European
Higher Education Area
15Tasks of Socrates programme
- Mapping and enhancing education
- Facilitating European cooperation
- Defining and updating generic and specific
competences - Promoting synergies between teaching and research
- Reinforcing the link between education and
society - Creating links with other continents
16Tuning methodology
- Understand curricula and make them comparable.
- Chosen lines of approach
- generic competences,
- subject-specific competences,
- role of ECTS as an accumulation system,
- role of learning, teaching, assessment and
performance in relation to quality assurance and
17EUI-Net Project
- University - Industry cooperation in a
knowledge-driven society - Traditional U-I cooperation areas
- Curriculum development
- Professional insertion
- Research Development
- Production Services
18Workpackage SIG 1
- Generic and specific competences in the subjects
relevant to the industrial sector, using the
"Tuning" methodology. - Coordinator UPB
- Partners
- Vraa College, DK
- IVIS Information and Telecommunication Systems
LLC, Athens, GR - Unibertsitate Eskola Politeknikoa Donostia, San
Sebastian, SP - Universite Paris 7 Denis Diderot, FR
- Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
- High Technology Group SNC
- Henley Management College, Oxon, UK
- Technical University of Iceland, Reykjavik,
Iceland - Bussines Innovation Centre of Latvian Electronic
Industry - Baltic Education Technologies Institute
- University of PECS, HU
- Politehnica University of Bucharest, RO
- CANAM Steel Romania SRL, RO
19Generic and specific competences in subjects
relevant to the industrial sector
- Extend the TUNING methodology to the engineering
field. - Questionairs addressed to the following targeted
respondents - graduates (group G),
- employers (group E),
- academics (group A).
- Asked to answer two types of questionnaires each
- Generic skills in engineering (GESKE),
- Specific competencies in engineering (SPECOE).
20Current and foreseen activities
- Development of the E-environment for
questionnaires distribution and data collection - Survey and results processing
- Workshop for analysis and internal evaluation of
Industrial related curricula - Final Outcome elaboration of a synthesis book
Tuning Industrial Educational Structures in
Europe, part I - External evaluation and elaboration of the final
version - Final report
21Teaching Training by Research PhD supervision
- Involvement of doctoral students in research
projects - CEEX programme participation of PhD students
- Project proposals submitted by doctoral students
- Enhancement of the organizational framework
- Doctoral schools new doctoral schools in
Bioinformatics, Electrical Engineering, Applied
Computer Science at UPB - Stages in research institutes in European
22Opening of the INTEL Wireless Laboratory at PUB
(9 September 2005)
23Successive phases of development of the INTEL
Wireless Laboratory at PUB
3rd year (2007-8)
2nd year (2006-7)
1st year (2005-6)
24The Ideas Projects workshop organized by the
students of the Faculty of Engineering of UPB
(30 April 2006)
25Actors of the Teaching Research process
- Strengthening actors involvement in research
process - academics,
- students, graduates,
- industrial partners,
- government representatives.
- New mechanisms for involving industrial,
economic, social and educational actors. - University, national, European and international
26Continuously up-dating of teaching
- Integrating research results in teaching
- Restructuring teaching according to the newest
developments in each scientific and technological
domain - Opening of new domains of teaching
- Interdisciplinary training
- Systems Biology
- Bioinformatics
- Technical Entrepreneurship
27Entrepreneurial spirit
- Competencies alone are not enough when it comes
to convert knowledge into initiatives able to
change world and society. - The SIG1 module of the EUI-net project has
extended its area of interest in the direction of
developing Technical Entrepreneurship. - Joint activities of universities and enterprises
to create a real entrepreneurial attitude amongst
engineering students.
28Basic requests
- Entrepreneurial spirit must be sustained by an
adequate training providing - necessary basic and specialized knowledge,
- direct and early involvement in the current and
future trends of the industrial field they will
contribute to shape during their professional
29Environment for Growth
Source The Economist Intelligence Unit World
30Extending Tuning
- Extend tuning not only horizontally
- Various generic and specific competencies
offered by universities across Europe in response
to current and future industry needs and
requests. - A new level that requires
- developing industry initiatives in universities,
- direct use of students' creativity,
- both technical and business-like skills.
31European Commission plans on education and
- February 10th, 2006
- Gunter Verheugen, Vice-president and Commissioner
for DG Enterprise and Industry, - Jan Figel, Member of the European Commission
responsible for Education, Training, Culture and
Multilingualism - stated the intention of the Commission to
cultivate a more entrepreneurial spirit amongst
schoolchildren and students.
32EC recommendations for governments
- Including entrepreneurship in school curricula.
- Training teachers in business awareness.
- Improving cooperation between educational
establishments and the local community.
33Entrepreneurship in Europe
- The European Commission has placed
entrepreneurship high on the European agenda for
several years. - The commitment to promote entrepreneurship
through Education is set out in the Lisbon
Agenda. - Memo with the title Promoting entrepreneurial
mindsets Examples of good practice in Europe
(February 13th, 2006) states that examples of
entrepreneurship education in EU Member States
show that good practice exists in Europe.
- Making good practice more widespread and
systematic in Europe. - Education is positively linked with higher
entrepreneurial activity (20 of participants in
mini-company activities in secondary school go on
to create their own company after finishing
studies). - Education in entrepreneurship increases the
chances of start-ups and self-employment and
enhances individuals economic reward and
35- Curricula for schools at all levels should
explicitly include entrepreneurship as an
objective of education. - Future engineers be prepared not only to enter
the labor market as employees, just as an
additional highly trained working force, but also
as job creators. - Graduates and even last year students will bring
their fresh ideas, their initiatives aimed to
technological advancement, able to change the
future of both university and industry.
36Events at UPB
- March 31st, 2006 Visit of Dr. Craig Barrett,
President of the Board, INTEL Corporation - a more manifest presence of large companies
within universities, - forming engineer students as young entrepreneurs,
- opening of a course of Technical
Entrepreneurship, given by professors from
Berkeley University, USA (April 2006), for twenty
professors of UPB, from all the technical schools
of the university.
37Dr. Craig Barrett, President of the Board, INTEL
Corporation, visit at University POLITEHNICA of
Bucharest meeting the students
38Discussing the ways towards a creative training
39Dr. Craig Barrett, President of the Board, INTEL
Corporation, presenting Prof. Ecaterina
Andronescu, Rector of the University POLITEHNICA
of Bucharest, the first continuous wave silicon
40 Entrepreneurship training at UPB
- The course of Technical Entrepreneurship has the
role of a starting point in a training-of-trainers
effort to extend entrepreneurial training in all
the engineering studies organized in the
university. - Entrepreneurship education will be included in a
large variety of courses, at Bachelor, Degree and
Postgraduate levels, and will be offered across
many different academic departments.
41- New courses comprise Business Studies
Accounting and Finance Community Studies
Cultural Resource Management various engineering
specialties. - A new course of Technical Entrepreneurship has
already been introduced in the curriculum of the
Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages. - This means that, almost without exception, each
of UPBs students will have the opportunity of
completing an entrepreneurship module at some
point during their studies.
42Entrepreneurship Programin cooperation with
43Celebrating the success of the first course on
Technical Entrepreneurship given at UPB by
professors from Berkeley University (3 April
44Thanks for your Attention!