Title: Workshops in Warszawa, November 2829, 2002
1Sustainable Energy Systems
Workshops in Warszawa,November 28-29, 2002
Wiktor RALDOW New and Renewable Energy
SourcesDirectorate General for Research
2European Research Area
Strategy for new research policy in Europe
Creating a single market in research integrati
on as opposed to fragmentation increased
investments in research
- EU to become the most dynamic, competitive and
sustainable knowledge-based economy, capable of
greater social cohesion - Promoting sustainable development
- Improving education, training and innovation
3Research actions within Sustainable Energy
Systemsaim at sustainable, secure and affordable
energy supply through
- reducing greenhouse gases and pollutant emissions
- increasing security of energy supply
- increasing the share of renewable energy sources
- improving energy efficiency
- improving competitiveness of EU energy industry
- improving quality of life within EU and globally
4Implementation principles
- Creation of the European Research Area in
sustainable energy systems - Focus on priorities
- Priority use of the new instruments
- Selective calls
5Implementation instruments
- Integrated Projects (IP)
- Networks of Excellence (NoE)
- Specific Targeted Research Projects (STRP)
- Co-ordination Actions (CA)
- Specific Support Actions (SSA)
6Sustainable Energy Systems (810 M)
- Short and medium term impact (DG TREN)
- Medium and long term impact (DG RTD)
7Short and medium-term (SM) research actions
Focus Integrated demonstration actions Impact Acc
elerate market penetration with emphasis on 2010
energy policy objectives Risks Technological but
also market / financial Policy aims Energy
policy (serving research and associated policies)
8Medium and long-term (ML) research actions
Focus Research, including prototypes and pilot
plants Impact Technology development (wide
exploitation beyond 2010) Risk Scientific /
technological Policy aims Research policy
(serving energy and associated policies)
9Short and medium-term research actions(405 M)
- Clean energy, in particular renewables
- Cost effective supply
- Large scale integration
- Energy savings and energy efficiency
- Eco-buildings
- Polygeneration
- Alternative motor fuels
10Clean energy
- Cost effective supply of renewable energy
- Electricity from
- biomass and/or waste derived fuels
- wind
- photovoltaics
- other renewable energy sources
- Heating and cooling from renewable energy
sources - Production and processing of liquid and gaseous
biofuels - Large scale integration of renewable energy
sources (incl. managing energy demand)
11Energy savings and energy efficiency
- Eco-buildings
- design, construction and operation of new /
refurbished buildings - building stocks energy performance
- Polygeneration
- energy technologies for providing electricity,
heating, cooling and/or other energy products and
services - fuel cells, hydrogen, renewable energy sources in
the energy system - decentralised generation
Innovative Energy Technologies
Sustainable Communities
Large scale integration
- Renewable energy sources
- Eco-buildings
- Polygeneration
13Alternative motor fuelsFocus on biofuels,
natural gas and H2
- Integration of alternative fuels into the
transport system - Well to wheel approach feedstock, production,
storage, distribution and use - Strategies for market penetration
- Testing implementation and transition strategies
for Clean Urban Transport (Civitas II)
14Medium and long-termresearch actions(405 M)
- Fuel cells, including their applications
- New technologies for energy carriers,
particularly H2 - New and advanced concepts in renewable energy
technologies - Capture and sequestration of CO2
- Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy
15Fuel cells
- Fuel cells development
- low temperature FC
- high temperature FC
- System development for
- domestic and industrial co-generation and
air-conditioning - power generation (0.5-5 MW)
- portable power systems
- small road vehicles
- heavy duty transportation
16Energy carriers Hydrogen
- Production
- Storage
- Safety
- Distribution
- Basic materials
- Hydrogen economy
17Energy carriers Electricity
- Large scale use of distributed energy resources
- Energy storage and technologies for grid
connections - Enabling technologies for interactive networks
18Renewable energy technologies
- Photovoltaics
- Biomass and bioenergy
- Other areas such as
- wind
- geothermal
- ocean
- concentrated solar thermal
19RES Photovoltaics
- Concepts for next generation solar cells
- PV components and systems
- Processing and manufacturing technologies for
crystalline Si modules - Materials and technologies for thin film PV
- PV in the built environment
- PV in MW size plant
20RES Biomass and bioenergy
- Combustion technologies
- Gasification systems
- Biofuels for transport and fuel cells
- Energy from bio-residues and energy crops
21CO2 capture and sequestration
- Post-combustion capture
- Pre-combustion capture
- Geological sequestration
- Chemical / mineral sequestration
22Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy
- Model and tool development to study social and
economic issues related to new energy
technologies - energy external costs
- social issues related to implementation of energy
technologies, incl. ethics - quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods
23Road map
- calls planned for 2003 (280 M), 2004 (111 M),
2005, 2006 - mid-term review of the work programme incl. the
road map - call texts specify which areas are open and for
which instruments - common (FP6) evaluation criteria and thresholds
- list of topics for IP and NoE proposals
- previous submission of an EoI gives no preference
to any proposals - possible competition between and within research
topic areas - specified areas for STRP proposals
24First call(to be confirmed)
- opens on 17 December 2002 and closes on 18 March
2003 - budget approximately 82 M for SM and 198 for ML
- approximately 65 of the budget for new
instruments - one step submission
- evaluation of IPs and NoEs may include interviews
25First call(to be confirmed)
Biomass and bioenergy
First call(to be confirmed)
Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence
- Alternative fuel chains for biofuels and
hydrogen (IP and/or STRP)
- Efficient biofuel production fromligno-cellulosic
feedstock (IP) - Hydrogen rich gas from multiplebiomass feedstock
(IP) - Overcoming barriers to the development of
bioenergy production systems (NoE)
26First call(to be confirmed)
Biomass and bioenergy
Specific Targeted Research Projects
- Alternative fuel chains for biofuels and
hydrogen (IP and/or STRP) - Innovative combinations of biomass and wastes
with fossilfuels
- Environmentally friendly biomasscombustion
technologies - Biofuels for fuel cells
- Energy from bio-residues andenergy crops
27First call(to be confirmed)
Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence
- Low cost PV modules with integrated dc/ac
inverters (IP)
- Thin-film PV technologies with higher efficiency
/ cost ratio (IP) - Cristalline Si modules costing below 1/Wp with
cleanmanufacturing and recyclingtechniques (IP) - New generation high efficiency PVthrough better
utilisation of the solar spectrum (NoE)
28First call(to be confirmed)
Specific Targeted Research Projects
- Transfer to industrial scale of a new generation
of PV technologies and products
- Organic solar cells
- PV concentration
- Innovative concepts for PVin buildings
- MW-size PV plants
29Staying informed
- CORDIShttp//cordis.lu/rtd2002/
- EUROPAhttp//europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/research/ind
ex_en.html - European Research 2002 conference
2/resources_en.html - Expression of Interest analysishttp//cordis.lu/
fp6/eoi-analysis.htm - Energy research web site http//europa.eu.int/co
mm/research/energy/index_en.html - DG Energy and Transport web sitehttp//europa.eu
30Some advice
be aware that a lot of work may be needed stay
informed be active be focused remember the