Title: Mitigating Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks
1Mitigating Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Bret Hull Kyle Jamieson Hari Balakrishnan
- (SenSys 2004)
- Presented by Lee, Sehoon
- October 11, 2005
- Introduction
- Congestion Mitigation
- Hop-by-hop flow control
- Rate limiting
- The MAC layer
- Composite approach Fusion
- Experiments
- Conclusions
- Discussion
3The Problem
- Effective Congestion Control in Sensor Networks
- Distinct characteristics from wired Networks
- Congestion signs buffer drops and increased
delays in wired Networks - Increase in interference, poorer channel quality
- Many-to-one data flow can lead to unfairness
4Impact of Wireless Channel
- A Transmitter can cause interference well beyond
the TX range - Greater no. of concurrent transmissions
- Greater error probability
5Impact of Network Geometry
- Many-to-one communication pattern
- Nodes near the sink act as sources as well as
relays - Can lead to unfairness nodes farther away starve
- Packet drops and energy wastage ensues
- Network efficiency
- ( of useful hops) / (total of transmissions)
- Node imbalance
- ( pkts rcvd at i ) / ( pkts rcvd at is parent
from i ) - Aggregate sink received throughput
- Network fairness
- Median packet latency
- Buffering / flow control increases delay and
- Hop-by-hop flow control
- Rate limiting
- A Prioritized Medium Access Control
8Hop-by-Hop Flow Control
- Congestion Bit in packet header
- Set by a node that detects congestion
- Nodes that hear packet get feedback
- If parent set congestion bit, stop transmitting
- Congestion Detection
- Queue occupancy
- Queue length increases beyond threshold
- Channel sampling
- Channel busy time estimation
9Rate Limiting
- Allowed rate determined by estimating no. of
flows traversing parent - If N flows, rate is 1/N
- Entails promiscuous hearing
- Token bucket scheme
- To regulate each sensors send rate
10Token Bucket Traffic Shaping
Tokens generated at rate ?1/N
A (?, s) Traffic Filter Allows traffic at
average rate ? with maximum allowable burst size
Departing Packet Token
Arriving Packet
A packet may depart only if it can be paired with
a token
11MAC Techniques
- Prioritized MAC
- Make backoff dependent on local congestion
- More congested nodes choose lower backoff, and
get priority in channel access - Shut down RTS/CTS
- Use guard-time to avoid Hidden Terminal problem
12Application Adaptation
- Helps reduce rate of injection of traffic at the
original source - Rate-adaptive applications
- e.g. in sensor networks, might reduce rate of
periodic sampling, else send data aggregated (and
compressed) over a window of time
13Composite Approach Fusion
- All techniques in concert
14Experimental Evaluation
- 55 node indoor testbed (Mica2)
- Data rate 38.4 Kbps
- Comparison with default TinyOS MAC protocol
- Routing with DSDV to use ETX path metric
- Channel quality aware routes
DSDV Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector
Routing ETX the Expected number of
16,076 sq. ft. area in of an office building
15Periodic Workload
- Data generated at fixed intervals
- A sink acts as point of data collection
A typical routing topology
16Periodic Workload Efficiency
Fusion exhibits best efficiency, even under
increased load
17Periodic Workload Imbalance
Fusion performs best Most nodes have Imbalance
less than 5
5 nodes (the 90th percentile) have Imbalance
greater than 50
18Periodic Workload Throughput at Sink
Throughput lower when using Fusion Non-rate
limiting results in higher throughput
19Periodic Workload Link Loss Rates
Link losses are minimized by Fusion
20Periodic Workload etc.
- Fairness Latency
- Fairness decreases without congestion control
- Rate-limiting improves fairness
- As load increases, Fusion is the fairest and
consequently latency is higher
21High fan-in Workload
- Only a small subset of nodes advertises routes to
the sink - Topology has higher fan-in and smaller network
diameter - Even at low load, efficiency is lower than in
Period Workload
Fusion outperforms all strategies at most offered
22Correlated-event Workload
- Nodes send B packets back-to-back in synchronized
fashion - Useful model for detection and tracking
23Correlated Event Workload Efficiency
Efficiency best when congestion detection done
using Occupancy Delay
24Correlated Event WorkloadLatency
Latency is significantly higher when using Fusion
- Hop-by-hop flow control with queue occupancy
improves efficiency for all types of workloads - Rate-limiting improves fairness
- MAC enhancements support Hop-by-hop flow control
- Fusion dramatically improves network efficiency,
fairness, and channel loss rates
- Multiple techniques used in conjunction to
improve congestion characteristics - Techniques not new
- Some techniques rely on promiscuous hearing
- Detrimental to power-save schemes