Title: Triggers
- A Triggers is a type of stored procedure defined
on a specified table - The trigger code is automatically executed upon
an INSERT, UPDATE and/or DELETE statement on the
statement. - With early database management systems, computer
scientists referred to the firing of a trigger
hence the adoption and continued use of the term
trigger. - Modern DBMS products like SQL Server use triggers
to enforce PROCEDURAL INTEGRITY constraint.
(Business Rules)
- The trigger and the statement that fires it are
placed in a single TRANSACTION. - This transaction can be rolled back or committed
within this trigger. - Note the following terms
- trigger action the INSERT, UPDATE and/or DELETE
that fires the trigger. - trigger code the trigger Transact-SQL
statement(s) that execute when the trigger is
4Trigger Syntax
- Triggers have four components
- (1) the trigger name,
- (2) the table or view name to which the trigger
is assigned, - (3) the timing of the trigger action and
associated DML action, and - (4) the program code to be executed.
- The simplified, general syntax of the CREATE
TRIGGER statement is shown here
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name ON table_name
, DELETE AS batch code IF UPDATE
5Trigger Syntax
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name ON table_name
, DELETE AS batch code IF UPDATE
- Trigger_name is the name of the trigger as a
database object. - The table or view for a trigger is specified with
the ON clause. - If you want to ensure that other users cannot
view the trigger definition, you can use the WITH
ENCRYPTION clause. The trigger definition is then
stored in an unreadable form. - FOR, AFTER, and INSTEAD OF options define when a
trigger acts. - FOR and AFTER clauses both specify that a trigger
fires after the event that triggers the firing
AFTER and FOR are synonymous. - INSTEAD OF specifies that a trigger should
execute instead of the event that would normally
activate (fire) the trigger. AFTER triggers are
only supported on tables, not views.
6Trigger Syntax
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name ON table_name
, DELETE AS batch code IF UPDATE
- INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements specify
which DML event will cause a trigger to fire
DML options can be combined, but you cannot
specify a DELETE statement option for a trigger
with an IF UPDATE clause. - The AS clause is used to specify whether the
trigger executes procedural and nonprocedural
T-SQL statements or an IF UPDATE clause.
7Inserted and Deleted Tables
- Two special tables are used in trigger
statements the deleted table and the inserted
table. - SQL Server 2000 automatically creates and
manages these tables. - You can use these temporary, memory-resident
tables to test the effects of certain data
modifications and to set conditions for trigger
actions however, you cannot alter the data in
the tables directly.
8Inserted and Deleted Tables
- The deleted table stores copies of the affected
rows during DELETE and UPDATE statements. During
the execution of a DELETE or UPDATE statement,
rows are deleted from the trigger table and
transferred to the deleted table. The deleted
table and the trigger table ordinarily have no
rows in common. - The inserted table stores copies of the affected
rows during INSERT and UPDATE statements. During
an insert or update transaction, new rows are
added simultaneously to both the inserted table
and the trigger table. The rows in the inserted
table are copies of the new rows in the trigger
9Inserted and Deleted Tables
- The inserted and deleted tables are used
primarily in triggers to - Extend referential integrity between tables.
- Insert or update data in base tables underlying a
view. - Check for errors and take action based on the
error. - Find the difference between the state of a table
before and after a data modification and take
action(s) based on that difference.
11Example 1Updating Employee Salary
- This example uses an audit trail table to store
information about changes made to employee salary
data. - Audit_Employee Table Structure
- Column Name Column Data Type and Size
- emp_ssn CHAR(9)
- old_salary MONEY
- new_salary MONEY
- system_user_name CHAR(20)
- datetime_changed DATETIME
12The CREATE TABLE Statement for the Audit_Employee
- CREATE TABLE audit_employee (
- emp_ssn CHAR(9),
- old_salary MONEY,
- new_salary MONEY,
- system_user_name CHAR(20),
- datetime_changed DATETIME,
- CONSTRAINT pk_audit_employee
- PRIMARY KEY (emp_ssn, datetime_changed) )
13Creating/Testing the Update Salary Trigger
- CREATE TRIGGER update_salary
- ON employee AFTER UPDATE
- AS IF UPDATE(emp_salary)
- DECLARE _at_emp_ssn CHAR(9)
- DECLARE _at_old_salary MONEY
- DECLARE _at_new_salary MONEY
- SELECT _at_old_salary (SELECT emp_salary
- FROM deleted)
- SELECT _at_new_salary (SELECT emp_salary
- FROM inserted)
- SELECT _at_emp_ssn (SELECT emp_ssn
- FROM inserted)
- INSERT INTO audit_employee VALUES
(_at_emp_ssn, _at_old_salary, _at_new_salary, USER_NAME(),
- The trigger fires when an UPDATE occurs to a row
of the employee table as specified by the ON
clause. - The AS clause object is the IF UPDATE
specification for the emp_salary column of the
employee table. -
14Creating/Testing the Update Salary Trigger
- CREATE TRIGGER update_salary
- ON employee AFTER UPDATE
- AS IF UPDATE(emp_salary)
- DECLARE _at_emp_ssn CHAR(9)
- DECLARE _at_old_salary MONEY
- DECLARE _at_new_salary MONEY
- SELECT _at_old_salary (SELECT emp_salary
- FROM deleted)
- SELECT _at_new_salary (SELECT emp_salary
- FROM inserted)
- SELECT _at_emp_ssn (SELECT emp_ssn
- FROM inserted)
- INSERT INTO audit_employee VALUES
(_at_emp_ssn, _at_old_salary, _at_new_salary, USER_NAME(),
- The BEGIN and END statements denote the trigger
code. - Three variables are declared that store the
employee social security number, old salary, and
new salary (_at_emp_ssn, _at_old_salary, _at_new_salary).
- The data types for the variables match the
associated columns in the employee table.
15Creating/Testing the Update Salary Trigger
- CREATE TRIGGER update_salary
- ON employee AFTER UPDATE
- AS IF UPDATE(emp_salary)
- DECLARE _at_emp_ssn CHAR(9)
- DECLARE _at_old_salary MONEY
- DECLARE _at_new_salary MONEY
- SELECT _at_old_salary (SELECT emp_salary
- FROM deleted)
- SELECT _at_new_salary (SELECT emp_salary
- FROM inserted)
- SELECT _at_emp_ssn (SELECT emp_ssn
- FROM inserted)
- INSERT INTO audit_employee VALUES
(_at_emp_ssn, _at_old_salary, _at_new_salary, USER_NAME(),
- SELECT statements store values to the three
variables by selecting from two virtual tables in
SQL Server named deleted and inserted (these two
tables are described later). - An INSERT statement inserts a row into the
audit_employee table. - The USER_NAME( ) and GETDATE( ) functions extract
the system user name and date of the modification
from system tables.
16Testing the Update Salary Trigger
- Test the trigger by executing the
individual_raise procedure created earlier.
Assign employee Bock with social security number
999-11-1111 a 5 raise. - EXEC individual_raise _at_emp_ssn999111111,
_at_percent_raise5.0 - SSN Last Name Old Salary
- --------- ---------------------- ----------
- 999111111 Bock 33,217.50
- (1 row(s) affected)
- (1 row(s) affected)
- (1 row(s) affected)
- SSN Last Name New Salary
- --------- ---------------------- ----------
- 999111111 Bock 34,878.38
17Audit_Employee Table Results
- The update_salary trigger stored one row in the
audit_employee table. - System user named dbo made the update at 148
a.m. - The audit trail is invisible to any employee
making salary modifications. -
- SELECT emp_ssn "SSN",
- CONVERT(CHAR(10), old_salary, 1) "Old
Salary", - CONVERT(CHAR(10), new_salary, 1) "New
Salary", - CAST(system_user_name AS CHAR(8)) "Who",
- CAST(datetime_changed AS CHAR(23)) "On
DateTime" - FROM audit_employee
- SSN Old Salary New Salary Who On
DateTime - --------- ---------- ---------- --------
------------------- - 999111111 33,217.50 34,878.38 dbo May 9
2003 148AM
18Trigger Example 2 Enforcing a Business Rule
- Example business rule No employee may receive a
pay raise that exceeds 10 of their current base
salary. - The check_salary_raise trigger checks the of a
raise and if the new employee salary figure is
10 larger than the old salary figure, the UPDATE
transaction is canceled through use of a ROLLBACK
TRANSACTION statement. - The old and new salary figures are stored to
variables from the deleted and inserted virtual
tables, and compared to evaluate the of salary
19Check_Salary_Raise Trigger Code
- CREATE TRIGGER check_salary_raise
- ON employee AFTER UPDATE
- AS IF UPDATE(emp_salary)
- DECLARE _at_old_salary MONEY
- DECLARE _at_new_salary MONEY
- SELECT _at_old_salary (SELECT emp_salary
FROM deleted) - SELECT _at_new_salary (SELECT emp_salary
FROM inserted) - IF _at_new_salary gt _at_old_salary 1.1
- PRINT 'Salary Raise Exceeds Policy
- PRINT 'Salary Raise Approved'
20A Valid Raise Test
- The EXEC of the individual_raise procedure fires
the check_salary_raise trigger as evidenced by
the Salary Raise Approved message. - EXEC individual_raise _at_emp_ssn999111111,
- _at_percent_raise5.0
- SSN Last Name Old Salary
- --------- ------------------------- ----------
- 999111111 Bock 34,878.38
- Salary Raise Approved
- SSN Last Name New Salary
- --------- ------------------------- ----------
- 999111111 Bock 36,622.29
21Audit_Employee Table Results
- The audit_employee table now has two rows a new
one reflecting the result of the earlier
update_salary trigger firing. - SELECT emp_ssn "SSN",
- CONVERT(CHAR(10), old_salary, 1) "Old
Salary", - CONVERT(CHAR(10), new_salary, 1) "New
Salary", - CAST(system_user_name AS CHAR(8)) "Who",
- CAST(datetime_changed AS CHAR(23)) "On
DateTime" - FROM audit_employee
- SSN Old Salary New Salary Who On DateTime
- --------- --------- ---------- ----
------------------- - 999111111 33,217.50 34,878.38 dbo May 9 2003
148AM - 999111111 34,878.38 36,622.29 dbo May 9 2003
22An Invalid Raise Test
- An invalid raise of 11 for employee Bordoloi
will cause the check_salary_raise trigger to
display the Salary Raise Exceeds Policy Limits
message. - Because the transaction was canceled by the
audit_employee table will not have any record of
the modification.
23An Invalid Raise Test (Cont.)
- EXEC individual_raise _at_emp_ssn999666666,
_at_percent_raise11.0 - SSN Last Name Old Salary
- --------- --------------------- ----------
- 999666666 Bordoloi 60,898.75
- (1 row(s) affected)
- (1 row(s) affected)
- Salary Raise Exceeds Policy Limits
24Defining the Order of Trigger Execution
- Because SQL Server allows more than one trigger
for a table or view, it is sometimes important to
specify the order in which triggers execute. - By definition, triggers execute in the order in
which they are created. - Revise our scenario by dropping the two triggers
and recreating the update_salary trigger to
include a COMMIT statement then, recreating the
check_salary_raise trigger.
25Redefined Update_Salary Trigger
- CREATE TRIGGER update_salary
- ON employee AFTER UPDATE
- AS IF UPDATE(emp_salary)
- DECLARE _at_emp_ssn CHAR(9)
- DECLARE _at_old_salary MONEY
- DECLARE _at_new_salary MONEY
- SELECT _at_old_salary (SELECT emp_salary
- FROM deleted)
- SELECT _at_new_salary (SELECT emp_salary
- FROM inserted)
- SELECT _at_emp_ssn (SELECT emp_ssn FROM
inserted) - INSERT INTO audit_employee VALUES
- (_at_emp_ssn, _at_old_salary, _at_new_salary,
26Resetting the Trigger Firing Order
- Use the system stored procedure named
sp_settriggerorder (read set trigger order) for
an individual event such as an AFTER UPDATE
transaction. - Use the parameter _at_order to specify values of
either (1) FIRST, (2) LAST, or (3) NONE these
specify if a trigger is to fire FIRST or LAST as
an AFTER trigger. - The _at_stmttype parameter specifies the type of DML
transaction (1) update, (2), delete, or (3)
insert. - EXEC sp_settriggerorder _at_triggername'check_salary
_raise', - _at_order'first', _at_stmttype'update'
27Testing the Trigger Firing Order
- Test the trigger firing order by attempting to
increase Bordolois salary by 11 (violates the
business rule). - The check_salary_raise trigger fires first and
rejects the pay raise. The update operation is
rolled back. - EXEC individual_raise _at_emp_ssn999666666,
_at_percent_raise11.0 - SSN Last Name Old Salary
- --------- -------------------- ----------
- 999666666 Bordoloi 67,597.61
- (1 row(s) affected)
- Salary Raise Exceeds Policy Limits
28Effect of Trigger Firing Order on the
Audit_Employee Table
- Since Bordolois raise was rolled back, will a
row still be inserted into the audit_employee
table? - No, because row insertions would first be written
to the inserted virtual table however, the
check_salary_raise trigger fired and rolled the
transaction back. - Rolling back the transaction canceled the raise
and the update_salary trigger never fires.
29INSTEAD OF Triggers
- An INSTEAD OF trigger fires in place of a
triggering event such as an UPDATE or INSERT
transaction. - INSTEAD OF triggers execute after SQL Server
creates the inserted and deleted virtual tables,
so the data rows for the triggering event are
stored to these two virtual tables, but any
existing integrity constraints and triggers
checking business rules have not yet fired. - INSTEAD OF triggers can be created on both views
and tables, whereas AFTER triggers can only be
created for tablesan important advantage of this
type of trigger. - INSTEAD OF triggers use the data rows found in
the inserted and deleted virtual tables for views
that are in use to complete any required DML
30A Project and Equipment View
- Assume the following tables
31A Project and Equipment View
- The project_equipment view displays information
about equipment used on various projects. - The column named eqp_total_value is a computed
(derived) column in the equipment base table.
32An Attempted Update
- Project 30 has one printer allocated (eqp_number
'5678') - Allocating another printer of the same type to
project 30 requires an UPDATE operation that
attempts to use the project_equipment view. - This yields an error the computed column
eqp_total_value (referenced as derived in the
error message) cannot be specified for update
through use of a view. This is a limitation of
33Creating an INSTEAD OF Trigger
- The Trigger fires for the project_equipment view,
but updates the equipment table directly from
values in the inserted virtual table.
34Executing an UPDATE Transaction
- When the UPDATE transaction shown earlier was
executed, the equipment base table was not
updated the UPDATE failed. - Now a re-execution of the UPDATE actually causes
the UPDATE statement specified as part of the
INSTEAD OF trigger executes.
35Executing an UPDATE Transaction
- Now the update executes and the new information
for the equipment and project is shown by the
SELECT statement. - The value stored in the eqp_total_value column
was automatically updated to 344.00 because this
column is derived. -
- Triggers are database objects that fire based on
specified DML events. - Triggers enforce business rules.
- AFTER triggers can enforce integrity constraints
for tables while INSTEAD OF triggers can enforce
integrity constraints for both views and tables. - The order of trigger execution when a table has
multiple triggers is specified with the
sp_settriggerorder system procedure.