Software Architecture in Practice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Architecture in Practice


A failure occurs when the system no longer delivers a service that is consistent ... ensure that the backup state is sufficiently fresh before resuming services. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Software Architecture in Practice

Software Architecturein Practice
  • RiSEs Seminars
  • Bass, Clements and Kazmans book Chapters 5
    and 6
  • Fred Durão

  • Achieving Qualities (Chapter 5)
  • Availability Tactics
  • Modifiability Tactics
  • Performance Tactics
  • Security Tactics
  • Testability Tactics
  • Air Traffic Control (Chapter 6)
  • Requirements and Qualities
  • Architectural Solution

Achieving Qualities
Availiability Tactics
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • A failure occurs when the system no longer
    delivers a service that is consistent with it
  • We use tactics to keep the fault
  • Fault detection
  • Fault recovery
  • Fault prevention

Fault Masked or Repair Made
Tatics to Control Availability
Availability Tactics - Fault Detection
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Ping/echo
  • One component issues a ping and expects to
    receive back an echo, within a predefined time,
    from the component under scrutiny.
  • Heartbeat
  • One component emits a hearbeat message
    periodically and another component listens for
  • Exceptions
  • By encouraging an exception which is raised when
    one of the fault classes is recognized.

Availability Tactics - Fault Recovery
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Voting
  • Process running on redundant processors each take
    equivalent input and compute a simple output
    value that is sent to a voter. If the voter
    detects deviant behavior from a single processor,
    it falis it.
  • Active Redundancy
  • All redundant component respond to events in
  • Often used in client/serve configuration.
  • Passive Redundancy
  • One component reponds to events and informs the
    other components of state updates they must make.
    When a fault occurs, the system must first ensure
    that the backup state is sufficiently fresh
    before resuming services.

Availability Tactics - Fault Recovery(2)
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Spare
  • A standby spare computing platform is configured
    to replace many different failed components. It
    state initialized when a failure occurs.
  • Shadow Operation
  • A previously failed component may be run in
    shadow mode for a short time to make sure that
    it mimics the behavior of the working components
    before restoring it to service.
  • State resynchronization
  • The passive and active redundancy tactics require
    the component being restored to have its state
    upgraded before its return to service.
  • Checkpoint/Rollback
  • It is a recorging of a consistent state created
    either periodically or in response to specific

Availability Tactics - Fault Prevention
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Removel from service
  • Remove a component of the system from operation
    to undergo some activities to prevent anticipated
  • Transactions
  • It is used to prevent any data from being
    affected if one step in a process fails and also
    to prevent collisions among simultaneous threads
    accessing the same data.
  • Process monitor
  • Once a fault has been detected, a monitoring
    process can delete the nonperforming process and
    create a new instance of it.

Modifiability Tactics
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Tactics for modifiability are organized in sets
    according to their goals
  • Localize modification
  • Prevent Ripple Effects
  • Defer Binding Time

Changes Made, Tested, and Deployed Within Time
and Budget
Tatics to Control Modifiability
Change Arrives
Modifiability Tactics - Localize Modifications
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Mantain semantic coherence
  • Provide modification to the modules without loose
    semantic coeherence
  • Use of abastract common services
  • Anticipate expected change
  • Generalize the modules
  • Making a module more general allows it to compute
    a broader range of functions based on input.
  • Limite possible options

Modifiability Tactics - Prevent Ripple Effects
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • RIPPLE AFFECTS If B depends of A, any change
    made in A affects B.
  • Types of dependecies
  • Syntax of data/service
  • Semantics of data/service
  • Sequence of data/control
  • Identify of an interface of A
  • Location of A (runtime)
  • Quality of service/data provided by A
  • Existence of A
  • Resource behavior of A.

Modifiability Tactics - Prevent Ripple Effects
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Hide information
  • Is a decomposition of the resposiblities for an
    entity into a smaller pieces and choosing which
    information to make private through specified
  • Mantain existing interface
  • If B depends on the signature of an interface A,
    maintaining this interface and its interface
    allows B to remain unchanged.
  • Restrict communication paths
  • Use an intermediary
  • If B has any dependency on A, it is possible to
    insert an intermediary between B and A that
    manages activities associated with the dependency.

Modifiability Tactics Defer Binding Time
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Deffering binding time support two new scenarios
  • Time to deploy
  • Allowing nondevelopers to make changes
  • Deffering binding supports allowing the end user
    or system administrator to make settings
  • Tatics
  • Runtime registration
  • Configuration Files
  • Component Replacement
  • Adherence to difined protocols

Perfomance Tactics
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • The goal is generate a response to an event
    arriving at the system within some time
  • Contributors to response time
  • Resource consumption and Blocked time
  • Tactics
  • Resource Demand
  • Resource Management
  • Resource Arbitration

Response Generated Within Time Constraints
Tatics to Control Performance
Events Arrive
Perfomance Tactics Resource Demand
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Reducing the resources required
  • Increase computional efficiency
  • Reduce computational overhead
  • Reducing the number of events processed
  • Manage event rate
  • Control frequence of sampling
  • Controlling the use of resources
  • Bound execution times
  • Bound queue sizes

Perfomance Tactics Resource Management
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Introduce concurrency
  • Mantain multiple copies of either data or
  • Increase available resource

Perfomance Tactics Resource Arbitration
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Whenever there is a contention for a resource,
    the resource must be scheduled by some policies
  • Firt-in/First-out (FIFO)
  • Fixed-priority scheduling
  • Dynamic priority scheduling
  • Static scheduling

Security Tactics
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Tatics
  • Resiting attacks
  • Detecting attacks
  • Recovering attacks

Response Generated Within Time Constraints
Tatics to Control Performance
Events Arrive
Security Tactics Resisting Attacks
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Authenticate users
  • Authorize users
  • Maintain data confidentiality cripthography or
  • Maintain integrity
  • Limit exposure
  • Limit access - firewall

Security Tactics Detecting Attacks
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Use of intrusion detectors
  • e.g. Sensor to detect attacks
  • By comparing network traffic patterns to a
  • By comparing historic patterns of know attacks

Security Tactics Recovering from Attacks
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Restoring State
  • By maintaining the redundant copies of system
  • Attacker Identification
  • By maintaining an audit trail or a copy of each
    transaction applied to the data

Testability Tactics
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • To allow for easier testing when an increment of
    software deveplopment is completed
  • Tactics
  • Input/Output
  • Internal Monitoring

Completion of an Increment
Faults Detected
Tatics to Control Testability
Testability Tactics - Input/Output
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Record/playback
  • By capturing information crossing a interface and
    using it as input into test harness.
  • Separate interface from implementation
  • Allows substituition of implementations for
    various testing propouses.
  • Specialize access routes/interfaces
  • Allows capturing or specification of variable
    value for a component through a test harness.

Testability Tactics Internal Monitoring
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Built-in Monitors
  • The component can maintain state, performance
    load, capacity,security and other information
    accessible through an interface.
  • A common technique is to record events when
    monitoring states have been activated.

Usability Tactics
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Tatics
  • Runtime Tactics
  • Design Time Tactics

User Given to Control Usability
Tatics to Control Usability
User Request
Usability Tactics Run Time Tactics
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Usability is enhaced by giving the user feedback
    as to what the system is doing
  • Maintain a model of the task
  • Maintain a model of the user
  • Maintain a model of the system

Usability Tactics Design-Time Tactics
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Separate the user interface from the rest of the
  • Some software architecture patterns
  • Model View Controller
  • Presentation-Abstraction-Control
  • Seeheim
  • Arch/Slinky

Relationship of Tactics to Architectural Patters
Achieving Tactics Chapter 5
  • Each pattern implements multiple tactics
  • E.g. the pattern Active Object implements this
  • Information hiding (modifiability)
  • Intermediary (modifiability) Relationship of
    Tactics to Architectural Patters
  • Binding time (modifiability)
  • Scheduling policy (performance)

Architectural Patterns and Styles
Achieving Qualities Chapter 5
Data Flow
Virtual Machine
pipes and filter
batch sequential
rule-based system
  • A small catalog of architectural patterns
    organized by relations

Air Traffic A Case Study in Designing for High
Initial Sector Suite System (ISSS) The system
case study
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • Air Traffic Control is
  • Hard real time
  • Critical deadlines
  • Safety critical (human lives can be lost)
  • Highly distributed
  • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of USA
    is the customer for the ISSS
  • ISSS is a part of ATC System responsible to
    upgrade systems in the towers and ground

ISSS Requirements and Qualities
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • The two most important quality requirements
  • Ultrahigh availability
  • Be unavailable for less than 5 minutes a year
  • High performance
  • Process number of 2400 aircrafts simultaneously
  • Main principle of architecture
  • The ability to interface with a set of different
    software and hardware, some decades old and other
    not yet implemented

ISSS number scale
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • Some more requirements
  • Have to support up to 210 consoles per en route
  • There may be 16 to 40 radars to support single
  • The code to implement ISSS contains about 1
    million lines of Ada
  • Handle conflict alerts (potential aircraft
  • Providing extensive monitoring and control
  • Provide graphical user interface facilities.
  • Provide a recording capability for later

Architectural Solution
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • ISSS Physical View
  • Module decomposition View
  • Process View
  • Code View
  • Layered View
  • Fault Tolerance View

ISSS Physical View
Air Traffic Chapter 6
Module Decomposition View
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • CSCIs Computer Software Configuration Iten
  • Display Management
  • Responsible for producing and maintain displays
  • Common System Services
  • Responsible for providing useful facilities
  • Recording, Analysis and Playback
  • Responsible for capturing ATC sessions for later
  • National Airspace System Modification
  • Responsible for change requirements
  • IBM AIX Operating System
  • Responsible for providing the Operating System

Process View
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • ISSS is constructed to operate on a plurality of
  • PAS primary address space
  • SAS standby address space
  • FG function groups
  • In the PAS failure a SAS is promoted to the new

Client Serve View
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • Application in the process view interact with
    each other in client-server model.

Code View
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • An Ada main program comprises a number of sub
    programs that are separated into packages
  • Ada runs on Ada runtime system
  • ISSS employs a mapping Ada tasks onto Unixs
    (Axis) process to operating concurrently

Layered View
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • ISSS processor system is a commercial UNIX
    operating system, IBM AIX
  • The ATM Atomic Broadcast Manager plays a key
    role in the communication

Fault Tolerance View
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • ISSS elevated fault tolerance to an important
    role in the design of the system
  • Fault Tolerance provides various levels of fault
  • Detecting errors
  • Handling exceptions
  • Diagnoses, recovers and reports
  • Hardware Redundancy.

Adaptation Data
Air Traffic Chapter 6
  • ISSS makes extensive use of modifiability tactic
    of configuration files which it calls
    adaptation data
  • Adaptation data represents an elegant and crucial
    shortcut to modifying the system requirements.

How the ATC System Achieves its Quality Goals
Air Traffic Chapter 6
GOAL How Achieved Tactics Used
High Availiability Hw redundancy Active redundancy...
High Performance Distributed processors Introduce concurrency
Openess Interface wrapping Abstract common services
Modifiability Templates and table driven Component replacement
Ability to use Subsets Appropriate separation of concerns Absract common services
Interoperability Client-Server division of funcionality Adherence to defined protocols
  • Bass L., Clements P. and Kazman R. Software
    Architecture in Practice. Second Edition, 2003.
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