Title: Perspectives in forward physics
1Perspectives in forward physics
- Mario Campanelli
- James Monk
- University College London
- LHC has been often presented as a discovery
machine, thinking of BSM spectacular signatures - In the beginning, the conventional wisdom is that
we should re-discover the SM. - On the other hand
- Almost everything is a discovery when you run at
5 times more energy - Many issues are still pending perhaps not big
surprises expected, but worth looking at there
are still things to discover in the SM
3Forward physics
- The only happy guys when luminosity is low
- Not too much pileup to dirty rapidity gaps
- Most of the cross sections are high enough anyway
- Two main lines
- Diffraction
- QCD evolution
- Processes with Q2ltlt s can proceed through the
exchange of color-singlets (pomerons) and produce
events with large rapidity gaps. - Extensively studied at Hera, and at the Tevatron
5Soft Survival Factor
- The gap in radiation in a diffractive event will
be filled in if another interaction happens on
top of it. - Even without pile-up there would be multiple
interactions from the same protons that take part
in the diffractive scattering. - The probability that there is no such secondary
scatter is the soft survival factor - Necessary to connect the predicted cross-sections
with the measured (lower) cross-sections. - Observed to be 0.1 at the Tevatron.
- Different models predict values 0.03 at the LHC
- Model dependent variation with t2, ??
Exchanged colourless object either Pomeron (spin
0) or Reggeon (spin?0). -t2 must be sufficiently
large for jet to hit calorimeter
- Modified Herwig Iproc 2400
- Modified because at leading order as does not run
at the Reggeon-proton vertex (justified by HERA
and Tevatron data)
7Compare modified Herwig within Athena (at
1800GeV) to Tevatron data
Low N excess in signal
DØ data (hep-ex/9809016)
Modified Herwig signal Vs. Pythia 2?2 background
No. calorimeter towers ? lt 1 2 jets ? gt 1.9
and gap ?? gt 4 2 jets with ET gt 30 GeV.
8ET of the second jet
- Choose signal (Herwig) events where the central
(?lt1) multiplicity 2 - Can determine what fraction of events are colour
singlet exchange as the ET of the second jet
increases - This fraction should increase with the jet ET
9Gap Fraction
- Rises with ET as does data
- Soft survival not included here
- Gap fraction broadly compatible with data
assuming soft survival of 0.1
10QCD parton evolution
- Matrix element calculation only available to a
fixed order, higher order contributions estimated
with evolution equations that resum part of the
perturbative expansion. - Main evolution equations
- Dokschitzer Gribov Lipatov Altarelli Parisi
(DGLAP) - Balitski Fadin Kripov Lipatov (BFKL)
- Ciafaloni Catani Fiorani Marchesini (CCFM)
11DGLAP evolution
- Used by Pythia, Rapgap etc.
- Sums over ln(Q2) terms
- Ordering on virtuality of propagators, ie kt and
x of emitted partons
Kt ordering
12BFKL evolution
- No exact Monte Carlo implementation, similar to
CDM (in 2 slides) - Sums over ln(1/x) terms (instead of ln Q2)
- Strong ordering in x, random walk in kt
- More energetic forward jets (low-x region)
- Less energy-angle correlation
13CCFM evolution
- Implemented in CASCADE
- Based on kt factorization
- Angular (instead of kt) ordering
- Uses unintegrated PDFs
- Similar to DGLAP at high Q2, BFKL at low-x (ideal
14Color Dipole Model (CDM)
- Implemented in ARIADNE (presently not available
in Atlas) - Color dipoles created between colored objects
decay into gluons, that create more diples etc.
Random walk in kt
MonteCarlo implementation of BFKL
- Differences are mainly visible in forward jets,
the most far away from the (common) matrix
element. - Most sensitive region low-x and low-Q2
- Ex. HERA
16Observables at LHC (from CMS)
Very sensitive to 1/x -gt E much more
discriminating than Et
Knutteson, Hera4LHC workshop
Health warning Ariadne contains no q?gg
splitting. Questionable suitability for LHC