Title: SCMnet Troubleshooting Tips
1SCMnet Troubleshooting Tips
- Tips for resolving common Agile to Oracle
transfer issues
Cass Smith Business Systems Analyst Symmetricom cs
- Review basic transfer process
- Questions to ask
- Checking change orders in the SCMnet GUI
- Common problems and what to do
- Additional Info
- Questions?????
3Agile Oracle Transfer
4Key Questions
- Was the PDX file exported from Agile?
- Were there processing errors in SCMnet?
- Did batch processes complete in Oracle?
5Agile Questions
- What status should trigger the export?
- What is the current status of the change order?
- Did an export occur?
- Was a change made in Agile after the export?
6SCMnet Questions
- Is the status Pending or Locked or Cancelled?
- Is the status Errored?
- Can you find the CO using Search COs?
- Is SCMnet polling PLM files?
- Is SCMnet processing Change Orders?
- Are SCMnet customizations working as expected?
7Oracle Questions
- Did the Engineering Change Order Implementation
request run (if ECOs are not manually
implemented)? - Is the Item/BOM in Prototype Engineering rather
than Manufacturing?
8Checking Status in SCMnet
Click on Search COs and enter the change order
Then click on the Search button
9SCMnet Search COs Results
Note that other change orders may also be
displayed because it ends with the change order
number you entered.
10Log Error Messages
Some error messages to look for and what to do
Data Issues
Error Message Whats Wrong How to Fix It
Invalid ltattribute valuegt for item ltpart numbergt The attribute value in Agile is not valid in org(s) in Oracle Activate the ltattribute valuegt in the needed org(s) in Oracle - or - correct the value in Agile
You must enter an item revision for revised item ltpart numbergt that is greater than or equal to the current revision The new revision for an item is not alphanumerically higher than the old revision In Agile, change the new revision to something higher than the old revision
Value too large for column ... reference designator Agile ref des field cannot be limited to 15 characters, this is the max Oracle allows In Agile, reduce the reference designator to no more than 15 characters (including spaces)
Failed to get OLD_EFFECTIVITY_DATE for Assembly ltBOM assembly numbergt Component ltBOM component numbergt BOM ID Synchronization issue - either value is not in SCMnet cross reference or is missing/incorrect in Oracle BOM Component DFF Enter correct value in DFF in Oracle or run BOM ID Synchronization
ltpart numbergt does not exist in ltorganizationgt Item has been assigned to an Organization in Agile but is not assigned to the Organization in Oracle Assign the item to the Organization in Oracle - or - correct the data in Agile
11More Log Error Messages
Error Message Whats Wrong How to Fix It
ltOracle attributegt can not be updated since Onhand ltattribute typegt quantity exists A template is being applied or attribute is being updated that will change an item attribute that can only be changed when QOH 0 in all orgs Contact the stockroom(s) where QOH exists to have them temporarily issue the parts to an account so QOH 0 in Oracle. After the change order has processed, all the stockroom should receive the parts from the account back to the correct subinventories.
ltchange ordergt already exists Another .PDX file for this change order has already completed Cancel this .PDX in SCMnet
File exported from Agile but cannot be found in SCMnet using 'Search COs' SCMnet is not finding and/or processing new PDX files Use buttons 'Poll PLM Files' and 'Process Change Orders' on SCMnet GUI or stop/restart scheduled SCMNet task on Agile applications server
Change order is locked in SCMnet by another change order Previous change order that has items in common (possibly in subassemblies of Affected Items) is errorred in SCMnet Either resolve the error so the previous change order completes or cancel the previous change order in SCMnet (this will allow the new change order to process)
Circular lock on change orders processing thru SCMNet (multiple change orders locking each other) Multiple change orders that have items in common (possibly in subassemblies of Affected Items) are locked waiting for each other to process in SCMnet Run script that updates status of affected changes orders in SCMnet tables. The script should set these change orders to 'CANCELLED' then they can be resubmitted one at a time.
SCMnet GUI cannot be opened Service on application server has stopped restart Apache Tomcat service on Agile application server
12Where to Retry
- If correction was made in Oracle resubmit the
change order in SCMnet - If correction was made in Agile cancel the
current PDX in SCMnet then re-release the change
order in Agile - If Dependency Check is turned off (SCMnet stops
processing when it hits an error) cancel
dependent change orders in Pending queue before
cancelling change order with error
13Where is it stored?
- PDX files and related scripts are stored on the
Agile application server - SCMnet mapping tables and SCMnet procedures are
stored in the SCMnet schema in the Oracle instance
14Set Up/Link Instances
- Set up folders on Agile Test server with exactly
the same names as are/will be used on Agile
Production server (necessary to maintain links
after refresh) - When the Test Oracle instance is refreshed,
refresh the linked Agile instance, too.
15For More Info
- SCMnet 4.1 Installation and Configuration Guide
(includes instructions for BOM ID
Synchronization) - Agile Documentation - http//www.oracle.com/techno
16Q and A