Title: 201 Transitional Issues and Alternative Processes
1201 Transitional Issues and Alternative
2 2007 Annual Child Support Training Conference
201 Transitional Issues and Alternative
Moderator Keith Pepper - Director, Marin County
DCSS Presenters Anne Pounds - CCSAS Business
Partner On-Site Support Group Lead Salli
Matteson - Legal Unit Supervising Child Support
Officer, Yolo County Ruby Tumagan - LCSA Project
Consultant, DCSS
3Definition of Transitional Issues
- Certain business processes require an awareness
of an LCSAs transition status - Managing Participant Updates
- Updating Managing County
- Merging Statewide Cases
- Case Opening for California Responding Interstate
Cases - Case Transfer
- Performing Transitional Adjustments
4Definition of Transitional Issues
- For other business processes, CSE acts as a third
consortium - Case related actions such as establishing
paternity and support orders - Participant related actions such as enforcement
interface submissions and enforcement action
5Key Points of the Presentation
- What happens to data in SWS when a county cuts
over to CSE - Definition of Controlling County, Managing
County, and Managed By - Differences in the ways statewide participants
and cases become obsolete and ways to prevent
duplicate cases and participants
6Pre-existing and Converted Data in CSE
- All cases and participants pre-exist in SWS at
the time of cutover the data conversion process
does not create new cases or participants - Conversion to CSE does not correct or replace
case or participant information pre-existing in
SWS - County Case and Participant views are deleted
during conversion
7Pre-existing and Converted Data in CSE
- Case numbers are not reassigned your case
number may begin with another countys FIPS code - IVD cases in CSE cannot be closed if there exists
a related open county case view
8Pre-existing and Converted Data in CSE
9Locate Interface Participant Updates
- Information received from a locate source may
replace existing primary data - Primary SSNs can be replaced with SSNs received
from the FCR - Primary Address can be replaced if the existing
Primary Address is unverified and the new
address is from a reliable source - Make sure to verify addresses otherwise
Postmaster Verification letters will be sent
10Participant Related Terms
- There are two terms associated with participant
data management - Controlling County - Governs how updates from ARS
and CASES are processed - Has no effect if participant only has cases in
transitioned counties - Managed By - Governs which transitioned LCSA
receives participant level tasks
11Controlling County
- To prevent ARS/CASES from overwriting primary and
secondary data entered online, use CSE to change
the Controlling County to any transitioned LCSA - Use SWS to change CC if changing to a
non-transitioned LCSA - Use CSE to change CC if changing to a
transitioned LCSA - CSE will not automatically reassign Controlling
County from a transitioned LCSA to a
non-transitioned LCSA due to ARS/CASES updates
12Managed By
- Is not the same as Managing County
- The Managed By field determines which
transitioned county receives participant level
tasks for NCPs - Participants who are only CPs or Dependents do
not have a Managed By designation - Is viewable in CSE but not SWS
13Managing County
- Determines which county receives a portion of an
NCPs collection in the event there are multiple
related county views - Determines whether a case is considered a
transitioned case (managed using CSE) or a case
being managed using ARS/CASES - Affects case assignment and task routing
- Affects accounts, legal actions and enforcement
14Managing County
- If you are not the Managing County, your case
accounts and balances do not convert to CSE (but
are in the Legacy Data Archive) - You must use SWS to change MC if
- Both LCSAs are not transitioned
- You are changing from a transitioned LCSA to a
non-transitioned LCSA - You must use CSE to change MC if
- Both LCSAs are transitioned
- You are changing from a non-transitioned LCSA to
a transitioned LCSA
15Obsolete Statewide Participants
- Statewide participants can become obsolete due to
- Updates from ARS/CASES that cause a county view
to unlink from a statewide participant and - Participant has no non-IVD cases or cases in
transitioned counties - There are no remaining participant county views
- CSE participant merges performed by a user
16Obsolete Statewide Participants
- Information copied from the Obsolete
participant is different - For ARS/CASES updates
- Name, SSN, DOB, employment, address
- Participant relationships
- Case and court case associations
- For CSE participant merges performed by a user
- Name, SSN, DOB, employment, address
- Participant relationships and case associations
- Public Assistance History
- Legal actions including pending legal actions
- Financial information suspended collections,
CSE receivables, allocation and disbursement
holds -
17Obsolete Statewide Participants
- Use Activity Log to determine how statewide
participant became obsolete - If from ARS/CASES update
- County Participant xxx from county yyy has
been unlinked from this participant. - Participant xxx merged into participant
yyy. - If user performs CSE merge
- Source participant xxx was merged into target
participant yyy. -
18Merging Statewide Participants
- Before merging statewide participants
- Confirm primary/secondary Name, primary DOB and
primary SSN of all related county participant
views - Update county view information in ARS/CASES if it
will not match the Target otherwise a new
statewide participant will be created - Verify Controlling County after merge
19Obsolete Statewide Cases
- Statewide cases can become obsolete due to
- Updates from ARS/CASES
- CSE case merges performed by a user
- A processed service request will prevent a
statewide case from becoming obsolete due to an
ARS/CASES update - A user may need to use CSE to manually merge the
two cases
20Obsolete Statewide Cases
- Information copied from the Obsolete case is
different - For ARS/CASES updates
- County case and participant views linked as
appropriate - For CSE case merges performed by a user
- Case status and interstate status
- Family violence and good cause indicators
- Case participant status
- Legal actions including pending legal actions
- CSE support orders, CSE case accounts and CSE
case financial transactions (task created for
financial worker to review financial merge and
run CSE Balance Regeneration) -
21Obsolete Statewide Cases
- Use Activity Log to determine how statewide case
became obsolete - If from ARS/CASES Update
- SWS has recorded the removal of County Case
xxx from county yyy from this statewide
case. - Case xxx merged into case yyy.
- If user performs CSE merge
- The source case xxx was merged into target
case yyy.
22Interstate Cases California Responding
- California Central Registry opens cases for
transitioned LCSAs - Task CM040 (case assignment) sent to LCSA case
worker based on task routing rules - CCR does not enter court order hardcopy
information still sent to LCSA - Currently no change for non-transitioned LCSAs
(until mid-Oct)
23Interstate Cases California Responding
- Change Request CR-C-01237, Interstate Processing
Certification Response scheduled for V 2.2.2
(mid-October 2007) - Information entered by CCR will be sent
electronically to ARS/CASES hardcopy
information still sent to LCSA - All Transmittal 1 acknowledgements (including
rejections) will be generated by CSE and printed
at CCR
24Case Transfer
- Greatly simplified between transitioned LCSAs
- Support orders and accounts already in CSE
- No case closure
- For Mixed Transitioned and Non-Transitioned
- Need to coordinate the timing of financial and
enforcement actions - Need to coordinate the change in managing county
the transitioned case must be managing county
to open or close accounts -
25Transitional Adjustments
- Detailed ARS/CASES financial transactions are not
converted - To adjust a collection that was previously
distributed in ARS/CASES, a worker must - Manually add account information for the back-out
- Be aware of the date of collection impacts on the
conversion balance for the reapply - User is automatically taken to the CSE
transitional adjustment pages if collection
pre-dates conversion - Non-transitioned LCSAs should contact a
transitioned LCSA to perform transitional
26201 Transitional Issues and Alternative