2- Union Station Precinct Study Phase 3
- Phase 1 2 Summary
- Phase 3 On-Going Work
- Heritage / Streetscape Principles
- Overall Urban Design Strategy
- Street Furniture
- Front Street
- Proposed Union Plaza
- Pedestrian / Cycling Strategies
- Next Steps
3- Timing
- Phase 1 Research
- - July to September 2005 COMPLETED
- Phase 2 Design Exploration
- September to December 2005 COMPLETED
- Phase 3 Synthesis
- - January to March 2006 ON-GOING
- Public Forums
- October 25, 2005
- December 13, 2005
- February 21, 2006
4S U M M A R Y P H A S E 1 2
5Goals Transportationprovide recommendations
concerning through-traffic, taxi queuing, and
other transportation issues to make Front Street
more accessible to pedestrian traffic Heritagepr
otect and enhance the historical context Urban
Designcreate an enhanced and integrated public
realm through a design that coordinates the
findings of the transportation and heritage
components of the study
6 LakeshoreWalks and Gardens Rail Corridor Union
StationLyle Plan - Area of Influence North
Railway landsHarbourfront
Harbourfront Area of influence southUnion
Station Pedestrian Area of InfluenceProposed
PrecinctStudy BoundaryProposed Precinct
BoundaryLake/City Connections
7 8- Proposed Precinct Boundary
9- At-Grade Proposed Improvements to the Public
10 18 Yonge St.
Construction of Royal York Hotel
11 P H A S E 3
12 H E R I T A G E / S T R E E T S C A P E P R I
13- Heritage Precinct Guidelines
The Union Station Heritage Conservation District
contains buildings that are historically,
socially, culturally and architecturally
significant to the City of Toronto. The goal of
these guidelines is to ensure the continued
significance of the district and maintain and
enhance its important role in shaping the city.
14- Heritage Precinct Guidelines
- General Heritage Principles
- Preserve historically significant materials and
architectural features - Repair rather than replace
- Replace with comparable features
- Draw from existing examples
- Allow for creative and contemporary design
15- Heritage Precinct Guidelines
- Contributing Buildings
- New additions must respect size, scale, siting
and materials of the property and the districts
historic character - Demolitions involving any contributing building
will only be approved after thorough review in
accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act.
16- Heritage Precinct Guidelines
- Non - Contributing Buildings
- All alterations should take into consideration
the overall character of the district - Demolition is acceptable and new compatible
infill construction is strongly encouraged - Adjacent Properties
- Development in areas surrounding the district
should respect and enhance established visual and
physical connections to Union Station
17- Heritage Precinct Guidelines
- New Construction
- Respect general size, shape and scale of the
features associated with adjacent properties and
the district - Respect the design of historic, architectural and
site characteristics - Materials are to be considered in context with
adjacent properties - Significant existing features are not to be
obscured, damaged or destroyed by new additions
18- Streetscape Precinct Guidelines
The Union Station Precinct should encourage a
coordinated plan for the enhancement of the
public realm. The public realm should be
permeable, feature amenities and provide a
strong physical link with the Precincts
history. Combined, (heritage / streetscape)
these principles will ensure the preservation
of historically significant architectural features
and establish a strong relationship between
these features through a high quality open
space environment that speaks to the importance
of the precinct within the city.
20- Principles
- Expand and Enhance the Public Realm
- Re-Balance Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffics
- Maximized Porosity Thruogh Extended Pedestrian
Connections - Protect Views Corridors
21Urban Design Plan
22 23 24Front Street - Clean up the Street
25Front Street
26- Transportation Front Street Preferred Option
(Selected from 14 Options)
Option 9 One Way (Two Lanes)
York St.
Bay St.
Option 11 - Centre (Two Lanes)
York St.
Bay St.
Option 13 Narrowed Road (Two Lanes)
York St.
Bay St.
Option 14 Narrowed Road (Four Lanes)
York St.
Bay St.
27 28- Union Plaza Design Charette
- Participants
- Menkes
- Maple Leaf Developments
- Air Canada Center
- City Of Toronto
- architects Alliance
29- Issues
- Expand Public Space Exterior
- Union Station Entrance Capacity and Civic
Precense - Unify Plaza / Create Sense of Place
- Development of Block 4
- Potential Full / Partial Closure of South of
Bremner Blvd. - Taxis Pick up / Drop off
- Intersection York St. / Bremner Blvd.
30 31Streets - Washington
- Materials - Paving Pattern - Precedent
32Front Street
33 34 35 36Streets - Paris
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 P E D E S T R I A N / C Y C L I N G S T R A T
47 48 49 Front St.
Front St.
Bay St.
Bay St.
50 51- Present Draft Report - Union Precinct
- Continue to consult with stakeholders
52C O M M E N T S