Title: Welcome to SEI 108 Content Strategies
1Welcome to SEI 108 Content Strategies
- Blog about background knowledge
- ELL content strategies and activities
- WebQuest
- Blog about new ideas
- Review requirements
3Instructional Strategies vs. Learning Strategies
Instructional Scaffolding vs. Verbal Scaffolding
- Instructional approaches that integrate content
and language are more effective than approaches
in which language is taught in isolation.
Integrating Language and Content Lessons from
Immersion, National Center for Research on
Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning,
December 1995
5SEI 108 Vocabulary
- Inspiration
- WebQuest
- Blog
6Blog QuestionsWordpress SEI Blog
- Answer the SEI Blog questions found on the SEI
108 web page.
7(No Transcript)
8Teaching English Language Learners is just good
- Why is teaching ELLs different than or similar to
teaching native language speakers?
9 Appointments
- Make 4 appointments on your clock.
- Next meet with your 300 appointment.
- Then discuss your ideas on the quote.
10Unique to ELLs
- Explicit teaching of learning strategies.
- Guidance in oral discourse.
- Attention to language structure and function.
- Even strong decoders are weak at comprehending.
- Little background in English writing processes
and conventions. - Catherine Brown
11Commonly asked question
- How will the ELL strategies affect my dominant
English speakers? - Will these strategies work in a mixed leveled
classroom? - If I simplify my language or activities will my
students be bored?
12Language Skills
- Reading
- Writing
- Listening
- Speaking
13Give one, Get one
14The Insert Method (Coding)(v) already know(?)
confusing (!) unusual or surprising() a new
I forgot, but I do remember now!
15Preview / Review
- Overview of objectives
- Primary Language
- Visuals
- Vocabulary
16A Reason to Review
Teacher What is the chemical formula for
water?Bongani "HIJKLMNO"!!Teacher What are
you talking about?Bongani Yesterday you said
it's H to O!
17Vocabulary Development
- How are these numbers related to developing
content vocabulary? - 5-10
- 10-15
18Speaking and Listening
- For English Language Learners, the expected
passing rates for building academic language
exceeded the control groups across all measures
by an average of 16.5.
Building Knowledge for Academic Achievement,
Marzano and Pickering, 2005
20Vocabulary Organizers
- Inspiration Example
- Inspiration for Vocabulary
21(No Transcript)
22Frayer Model
Facts or Characteristics
Synonym or Antonym
23Using PowerPoint to Introduce Vocabulary
- Math
- Amazing Body Systems
24Student-Generated Questions
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- Reading Strategies
- Comprehensible input is one of the key elements
for second language acquisition.
Krashen (1985)
27 Pantomime A Tale
- The whole group is divided into 7 small groups.
- Each group is given one of the paragraphs from
the story or an article. - The group prepares to present. A narrator reads
the selection while the others pantomime the
information. - The groups present.
29- Reciprocal Teaching
- Predictor
- Questioner
- Clarifier
- Summarizer
- Discussion Director
30Reciprocal Teaching
- Content Area Text Choices
31Adapting and Modifying Text
- Graphic depiction
- Outline
- Rewrite a part of the text
32Writing Strategies
- Sentence Starters or basic structure formats
- Writing Prompts
- Graphic organizers
33Writing Across Cultures
- Create two teams.
- Answer teacher question by hitting correct
response first. - Winning team answers a second student-generated
question for extra point.
35 36WHY?
- An activity-centered approach creates
opportunities for extended student discourse
which is likely to be beneficial for second
language learning.
Integrating Language and Content Lessons from
Immersion, National Center for Research on
Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning,
December 1995
37(No Transcript)
- Blog
- Inspiration
- Flyswatter
- United Streaming without sound
- Insert Method
- Role Playing / Pantomime
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Give one, Get One
- Introduction
- Task
- Process
- Evaluation
40What do I do if I only have one or two computers?
- Centers
- Pairing
- Use Aver key to project images
- Projector
- Sharing with a colleague
41Review Portfolio Requirement
- Include
- Syllabus for SEI 108
- Your completed in-class WebQuest assignment and
class hand-outs - Pre-class reading reflection
- In-class Blog reflection
- SEI 108 Certificate of Training
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