Title: Prenergy Port Talbot Biomass Plant
1Prenergy Port Talbot Biomass Plant
- the 350MW plant would be Britains largest
biomass-fuelled producer - would deliver almost 70 of the Welsh renewable
electricity target - burn wood chips sourced outside UK and delivered
by sea to deep water harbour - Prenergy to develop the plant on derelict
industrial site in Port Talbot
4understanding public perceptions
- March July 2008
- Survey of Port Talbot residents (n 805)
- Four focus groups Mariners Point, Aberafan,
Taibach and Margam - Seven interviews Action group (2), Councillors
(2), Director of Environment, Chief Planner,
5Support for the biomass plant
- I support the Prenergy Biomass Power Station
(strongly disagree to strongly agree) - Implications of PBPS for
- air quality
- meeting energy targets
- tackling climate change
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10 concerns about industry practice
- Well, theyll burn coal, wont they? Or Im
afraid they will actually burn rubbish, that
itll become an incinerator (FG1) - because of the actual fuel itself what we
find with these big companies is, its all very
good, all very well in the beginning. Five years
down the line theyre suddenly bringing in this
wood chip from somewhere else (FG2)
11.... and health concerns
- Yeah, I've got... I suffer with a serious chest
problem, yet I've never smoked in my life so I
attribute my health problems with the filth of
Margam's steelworks. They dump their rubbish
late at night when people are in bed asleep, so
you can't sleep with your windows open (FG 4) - Thats one of the biggest concerns of the town,
you know, why are we being used again, to be
dumped on? Other councils have turned around
and said, whoa, you know, we care a little bit
more about our townsfolk, go elsewhere. I think
this is what people are thinking, here we go
again. (FG3) - Well, as much as I love Port Talbot, I think if
they keep adding more power stations upon power
stations, I, I would move just because the health
and the safety of my own children. The health,
yeah, thats the only reason, yeah. (FG3)
12Public views of key stakeholders
- Involved stakeholders
- Prenergy,
- Neath and Port Talbot County Council,
- PT-RAPS (the local and very active protest group)
- The Welsh Assembly
- How much do you trust these organisations?
- How likely do you think it is that these
organisations will act in the interest of the
people of Port Talbot?
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14 Do you know what I mean, or, like if your
neighbours are doing an extension, and you get a
letter from the council saying, this is whats
happening next door, do you agree with it, but
none of us have had anything from the council
saying about this. (FG1)
15public engagement by Prenergy
- No engagement with the public prior to lodging
planning permission - Distributed leaflets to houses in Nov 06 Jan 07
prior to public exhibitions - Held two public exhibitions in Dec 06 Jan 07
16public perceptions of engagement by Prenergy