Title: Biomass Briquette -The Future Of Renewable Energy
1Biomass Briquettes - A Future Of Renewable
2What is Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy is the energy that is
generated from the natural processes that are
constantly replenished. This includes water,
sunlight, wind, geothermal heat, tides and
various forms of biomass. The renewable energy
cant be exhausted and is continuously renewed.
3What Is Biomass?
- Biomass is a renewable organic substance that
includes the biological materials derived from
living organisms like wood, waste and alcohol
fuels. - Hence, this biomass can be used as a featured
renewable resource for the production of energy.
4What is Biomass Briquetting?
- A technology that reuses and recycles the
biomass and bio-waste materials and convert them
into a high quality bio fuel briquette is known
as biomass Briquetting. - The biomass briquette plant provides the
briquette machines for the production of such
type of briquettes from the waste biomass
5Biomass Briquetting Machine
- The briquette press machine accepts the wood
waste from the forest and agro-waste as well as
the waste materials like the municipal waste,
agricultural waste up to 25 mm size to make fix
shape bio fuel briquettes. - The biomass briquette machine produces the
briquettes without any additional chemical as a
binding agent.
6Process of Manufacturing
- The biomass briquette plant includes simple
manufacturing process as follows
7Biomass Briquettes As A Future Resource
- The biomass briquettes have some special
characteristics that make them a renewable
resource for the future - High specific density
- High combustion efficiency
- High calorific value than coals
- 100 non-polluting resource
- No need of any extra chemical for manufacturing
- Eco-friendly fuel
8Market and Applications of Biomass Briquettes
- The demand for the fuel briquettes raise from
the shortage of the traditional fossil fuel such
as gas, black coal, oil, firewood etc. - There is a huge demand of renewable sources of
energy in the market because of the increasing
prices of the fossil fuels.
- The biomass briquettes are the cheaper bio
fuel that is mainly used for the steam and power
generation in the boilers of many industries. - The biomass briquettes are used as a green
fuel to save the environment.
10Applications of Briquettes
- The biomass briquettes are used by the
industrial, commercial and household sectors
like - Chemical industries
- Ceramic industries
- Milk plants
- Vegetable plants
- Refractory industries
- Leather and rubber industries
- Spinning Mills
- Gasified system applications
- Textiles and brick making units
- Food processing units
- Therefore, biomass briquettes made from the
biomass briquette plant considered as a Green
Fuel for environment saving.
12Use Green Fuel Briquettes To Save Future
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