Title: The Paper Trail
1The Paper Trail Jacky Bennett Chief
Executive 6th December 2007
2Our History
1803 Worlds first Papermaking Machine developed
at Frogmore Mill
John Dickinson Stationery Co.
3Frogmore Mill and Apsley Mills
- 1999 John Dickinson closes and factories
demolished - 2000 The Paper Trail Charity formed and John
Dickinson site acquired - Regeneration scheme including visitor centre,
residential, retail, commercial, hotel and gastro
pub - 2002 Frogmore Mill acquired
- Over 150 permanent jobs and 300 ancillary jobs
created - 36 new businesses
45 Hectares of Brownfield land
4Our Social Enterprise Annual Achievements
Working heritage paper mill
- 650 tonnes recycled paper
Education training centre
- Over 3000 students involved
- Presentations to 13500 students
Sustainability recycling centre
- 300 schools collecting 200 tonnes paper
- Environmental awareness information
Research development centre
- Innovation centre for new product trials
Business centre
- 34 small business units let
- Over 3000 conference delegates
Visitor experience
- Over 8000 visitors
- Regional presentations to 2000
- delegates
5Enterprise Education 10,000 students to date
- 300 schools
- Over 200 tonnes
- 500 enterprise days
6Business Enterprise
- Research trials
- Business training
- Conferences
- Art gallery
7The Paper Trail Jacky Bennett Chief
Executive 6th December 2007