Title: Urban Parks Program and Countryside Parks
1Urban Parks Program and
Countryside Parks Recreation Areas Program
- The Best of All Legacies for Albertans
2Previous Urban Parks Program
- Urban Parks Program supported the acquisition and
development of urban parkland since 1978 - In spite of funding withdrawal in 1995, it was
touted as one of the provinces most successful
initiatives ever - The Municipal Recreation and Tourism Areas
program gave similar support for other
3Development Of The Proposal
- ARPA Resolution
- Partner Sponsored
- Broad Consultation
- Advocacy Strategy
- Presentation Of Proposal
4Benefits of Parks And Open Spaces
- Personal
- Social and Community
- Economic
- Environment
5Business Case For Renewal
- Supporting Healthy Albertans
- A Good Investment
- A True Legacy
- Province-wide in Scope
- Serving Those in the Greatest Need
- Vital Support to Growth Communities
- Integrated Leisure Services Planning
- Evolving with Changing Leisure Needs
6A Compelling Context
- Alberta Advantage - People, Prosperity,
Preservation - Alberta Healthcare/Wellness System Reform -
Mazankowski Report - Responsive to recommendations from the Alberta
Future Summit - A vital step towards a provincial urban
development strategy - Unrivalled success story
- A solid base to build from
7Desirable Outcomes
- Healthier Albertans
- Reduced Healthcare costs
- Sustainable Municipalities
- Provincial/Municipal partnerships
- Alberta Leader in Urban Park Development
- Environmental Protection
8Program Highlights - Urban Parks Program
- Goals
- Objectives
- Funding Elements
- Program Term
- Program Management
- Accountability
9Program Highlights - Countryside Parks
Recreation Areas Program
- Goals
- Objectives
- Funding Elements
- Program Term
- Program Management
- Accountability
10Building a legacy The time to act is now
The Best of All Legacies for Albertans
11Urban Park Capital Funding Proposal
Municipality Carry-Over
Base Grant 10 Per Capita Total
TOTAL 33,200,000
48,000,000 19,798,750
Based on 2000 population
12Urban Park Carry Over Grant Proposal
Municipality Population
Original Allocation Funds Dispersed
TOTAL 1,509,033
82,200,000 49,000,00
2000 Population
13Funding Previous Phase of Urban Parks
Municipality Population
Original Allocation Funds Dispersed
49,000,00 59
2000 Population