transnational learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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transnational learning


European Union European Regional Development Fund Model agreements in place-keeping of open spaces examples from MP4 Dr Marcia Pereira & Dr Harry Smith – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: transnational learning

European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund
Model agreements in place-keeping of open
spacesexamples from MP4
Dr Marcia Pereira Dr Harry Smith
  • MP4 project
  • Model agreements
  • Four model agreements
  • Emmen
  • Hamburg Steilshoop
  • Sheffield
  • VLM
  • Workshop discussion conclusions

MP4 Project
  • Making Places Profitable Public and Private
    open spaces
  • AIM to demonstrate how open space improvements
    offer positive socio-economic benefits, and how
    the benefits offered to key communities can be
    maintained in the long run (place-keeping).
  • supported by Interreg IVB North Sea Region
    European funding
  • four local authorities/public bodies (Emmen,
    Flemish Land Agency, Gothenburg, Sheffield)
  • one charitable foundation (Lawaetz Foundation DE)
  • four universities (HCU, HWU, UoC, UoS)

Model Agreements
  • MP4 Project Objectives
  • Assess existing transnational experiences with
    place-keeping literature review case studies
  • Produce model agreements for sustainable
    partnerships and develop innovations in
  • Implement, promote and test place-keeping models
  • Monitor and evaluate socio-economic impacts
  • Develop place-keeping policies and mainstream
    best practice

Model Agreements
Model agreements for place-keeping are understood
here in a broad way - not necessarily only as
legal written documents signed by a number of
parties they may range from formal documents to
tacit arrangements.
Green Work(s!) Conference
Brugge12-13 October 2010
Emmen Revisited (ER) is an organisation
established by Emmen Municipality (Netherlands)
in 1998. Objective ER initiates urban and
village renewal projects. Main objective
improvement of social living environment.
Collaboration ER manages the collaboration
between municipality, housing corporations and
local residents groups in undertaking such
projects and has inputs from other
organisations. Process the ER process has
focused mainly on place-making, and is now
actively exploring its application to
Emmen Revisited (ER) Model Municipality of Emmen Netherlands Urban renewal projects, including open space improvement e.g. paving and landscaping through community involvement partnership Emmen Revisited (ER) Model Municipality of Emmen Netherlands Urban renewal projects, including open space improvement e.g. paving and landscaping through community involvement partnership Emmen Revisited (ER) Model Municipality of Emmen Netherlands Urban renewal projects, including open space improvement e.g. paving and landscaping through community involvement partnership Emmen Revisited (ER) Model Municipality of Emmen Netherlands Urban renewal projects, including open space improvement e.g. paving and landscaping through community involvement partnership Emmen Revisited (ER) Model Municipality of Emmen Netherlands Urban renewal projects, including open space improvement e.g. paving and landscaping through community involvement partnership Emmen Revisited (ER) Model Municipality of Emmen Netherlands Urban renewal projects, including open space improvement e.g. paving and landscaping through community involvement partnership
Purpose of PK focus to date mainly on place-making, currently exploring scope for extending process to place-keeping e.g. maintenance of open spaces Purpose of PK focus to date mainly on place-making, currently exploring scope for extending process to place-keeping e.g. maintenance of open spaces Purpose of PK focus to date mainly on place-making, currently exploring scope for extending process to place-keeping e.g. maintenance of open spaces Purpose of PK focus to date mainly on place-making, currently exploring scope for extending process to place-keeping e.g. maintenance of open spaces Purpose of PK focus to date mainly on place-making, currently exploring scope for extending process to place-keeping e.g. maintenance of open spaces Purpose of PK focus to date mainly on place-making, currently exploring scope for extending process to place-keeping e.g. maintenance of open spaces
Actors Place-Making Place-Keeping Monitoring Redress
Emmen Municipality Legally responsible for public space. Formally signs up to area programme
Emmen Revisited Initiates Permanent District Team (1 from each organisation 1-3 area volunteers) meets regularly. Formally signs up to programme for area. Monitors implementation management of area programme. District Team asks ER to intervene if place-keeping responsibilities not met
Housing Corporations Responsible for houses adjoining footpaths, gardens. Formally signs up to programme for area.
Social Work
Residents Convenes time-limited District Platform as local consultation body for preparation of area programme (20-25 people inc. orgs. residents).
Other stakeholders Province Water Board NGOs private owners businesses. Various responsibilities for maintenance of roads waterways landscape nature gardens farmland business premises.
Hamburg Steilshoop
  • Steilshoop housing estate built between 1969 and
    1975 (75 subsidised housing). 14,300 inhabitants
    live in 6,380 flats in 21 large blocks with a
    shopping centre in the centre Now land
    property heterogeneous ownership (30 private,
    20 public, 50 various cooperative
  • Neighbourhood Improvement District (NID)
    Proprietors in the area are working jointly on
    the development and implementation of a
    Neighbourhood Improvement District (NID) in
    Steilshoop. Difficulties due to present
    legislation Hamburg street cleaning law
    responsibility of Sanitation Department.
  • Informal organisation task force with all
    partners identification of problems solutions
    - partnership.
  • Aim joint cleaning and maintenance activities in
    the central pedestrian zone.(approx. 1,600 m long
    - 60 public and 40private ownership)

Green Work(s!) Conference
Brugge12-13 October 2010
Hamburg Steeilshoop Model Hamburg Steeilshoop Model Hamburg Steeilshoop Model Hamburg Steeilshoop Model Hamburg Steeilshoop Model Hamburg Steeilshoop Model Hamburg Steeilshoop Model
Purpose of Place-Keeping informal coordination of cleaning and maintenance of public and private open spaces in the central pedestrian zone of the Steilshoop estate. Purpose of Place-Keeping informal coordination of cleaning and maintenance of public and private open spaces in the central pedestrian zone of the Steilshoop estate. Purpose of Place-Keeping informal coordination of cleaning and maintenance of public and private open spaces in the central pedestrian zone of the Steilshoop estate. Purpose of Place-Keeping informal coordination of cleaning and maintenance of public and private open spaces in the central pedestrian zone of the Steilshoop estate. Purpose of Place-Keeping informal coordination of cleaning and maintenance of public and private open spaces in the central pedestrian zone of the Steilshoop estate. Purpose of Place-Keeping informal coordination of cleaning and maintenance of public and private open spaces in the central pedestrian zone of the Steilshoop estate. Purpose of Place-Keeping informal coordination of cleaning and maintenance of public and private open spaces in the central pedestrian zone of the Steilshoop estate.
Actors Place-Keeping (management plan) Monitoring Redress
Public Sanitation Department Hamburg (SRH) Initiated process with support from NID SG Coordination large manpower input on cleaning activities "on the ground". Payment of Kuemmerer. Provided regular updates to NID SC Not formal nor informal
Housing Companies / Proprietors private, public cooperatives Agreed aims and requested support (work) from their contractors and in-house services. Administrative support funding.
Service companies Responsible for work on the ground, e.g. gardening and cleaning of private open space. Some work on public space on request of the contractors.
District Council Wandsbek - management of open spaces Followed the process and supported with information
Ministry of Urban Development and the Environment (BSU) Hamburg Support the process to set up a NID in Steilshoop Funded minor physical improvements (programme "Lebenswerte Stadt 2007-2008). Paid the Kümmerer for the first two years (2008-2009)
Neighbourhood Improvement District (NID) Steering Committee (SC) Supported the whole process and requested initiation of activites Support, making available the participation of their inhouse or external service deliverers. Informal via discussion in the NID SC joint evaluation report for the first 18 months
Sheffield Firth Park
  • Firth Park one of Sheffields oldest and most
    historic parks a City Park City Heritage
    Site, but also a community park (15.2 Ha).
  • Features park landscape, ancient woodland,
    recreation facilities, community buildings and
    listed Clock Tower.
  • Friends of groups long tradition of Sheffield
    City Council(SCC) working with Friends of
    groups to deliver place-keeping activities in
    parks and open spaces.
  • Friends of Firth Park (FoFP) established in 1999
    by community. Involved in reversal of parks
    decline and ongoing place-keeping.

Green Work(s!) Conference
Brugge12-13 October 2010
Friends of Model Friends of Firth Park (FoFP), Sheffield Community-based voluntary organisation involved in place-keeping of Firth Park in partnership with SCC Friends of Model Friends of Firth Park (FoFP), Sheffield Community-based voluntary organisation involved in place-keeping of Firth Park in partnership with SCC Friends of Model Friends of Firth Park (FoFP), Sheffield Community-based voluntary organisation involved in place-keeping of Firth Park in partnership with SCC Friends of Model Friends of Firth Park (FoFP), Sheffield Community-based voluntary organisation involved in place-keeping of Firth Park in partnership with SCC Friends of Model Friends of Firth Park (FoFP), Sheffield Community-based voluntary organisation involved in place-keeping of Firth Park in partnership with SCC Friends of Model Friends of Firth Park (FoFP), Sheffield Community-based voluntary organisation involved in place-keeping of Firth Park in partnership with SCC
Purpose of PK maintenance management of open space and facilities Purpose of PK maintenance management of open space and facilities Purpose of PK maintenance management of open space and facilities Purpose of PK maintenance management of open space and facilities Purpose of PK maintenance management of open space and facilities Purpose of PK maintenance management of open space and facilities
Actors Place-Making Place-Keeping Monitoring Redress
SCC Parks Countryside Service Landowner responsible for park management.
SCC Parks Section Any initiate Onsite maintenance management staff. Staff Parks Officer liaise with FoFP Progress on ideas issues may be raised via different routes. Loss of Green Flag status. Report to Councillors
SCC Policy Projects Section Park improvement development. Regeneration Officer liaises with FoFP projects Progress monitored via Regeneration Officer reports to FoFP. Loss of project budget. Report to Councillors.
SCC Community Services Section Support guidance to FoFP in delivering activities events. Reports to FoFP meetings to funder Loss of project budget. Report to Councillors.
SCC Trees Woodlands Section Responsible for woodlands. May attend FoFP meetings. Reports to FoFP meetings to funder for specific projects. Loss of project budget. Report to Councillors.
Friends of Firth Park Monthly meeting lobbies for park users. Specific responsibilities in projects. Informal responsibility for general management monitoring, also via reports to FoFP. Formal reporting to funders of specific projects. Loss of project budget.
Flemish Land Agency VLM
  • VLM part of the pool of organisations working
    within the Environment, Nature and Energy policy
    area of the Flemish Government . Responsible for
    the organisation and management of open space as
    well as for shaping rural policy within the rural
    and peri-urban areas in Flanders.
  • Partnerships some of the main stakeholders are
    the Agency for Nature and Forestry, Regional
    Landscape organisations as well as farmers and
  • Four models
  • Land Consolidation projects - improvement of
    farming through consolidation of land parcels
  • Land Development projects
  • Land Development for Nature projects
    development/conservation of natural areas (within
    limitations in rural areas)
  • Agro-environmental management agreements with
    farmers , allowing organisation of environmental
    landscaping measures (EU agreement programme
    pillar 21).
  • allow VLM to organize environmental and landscape
    measures on farmers land. These agreements are
    based on
  • the EU agreement program pillar 22

Green Work(s!) Conference
Brugge12-13 October 2010
VLM Model Land Development Projects Development of open spaces for recreation, landscape, agriculture, environmental issues, etc. VLM Model Land Development Projects Development of open spaces for recreation, landscape, agriculture, environmental issues, etc. VLM Model Land Development Projects Development of open spaces for recreation, landscape, agriculture, environmental issues, etc. VLM Model Land Development Projects Development of open spaces for recreation, landscape, agriculture, environmental issues, etc. VLM Model Land Development Projects Development of open spaces for recreation, landscape, agriculture, environmental issues, etc. VLM Model Land Development Projects Development of open spaces for recreation, landscape, agriculture, environmental issues, etc.
Purpose of PK general maintenace e.g. grass/tree cutting, mowing verges, etc Purpose of PK general maintenace e.g. grass/tree cutting, mowing verges, etc Purpose of PK general maintenace e.g. grass/tree cutting, mowing verges, etc Purpose of PK general maintenace e.g. grass/tree cutting, mowing verges, etc Purpose of PK general maintenace e.g. grass/tree cutting, mowing verges, etc Purpose of PK general maintenace e.g. grass/tree cutting, mowing verges, etc
Actors Place-Making Place-Keeping (management plan) Monitoring Redress
VLM Sets up Steering Committee leads plan preparation provides subsidies Responsible for maintenace first 2-3 years (often sub-contracted to RL). Agreement w/ landowners next 20 years. Visits owners 2-3 years later. Monitors via Maintenance Filling Card. Often subcontracts monitoring Execution of management plan not legally enforceable.
Ministry Env.Nat.Energy Provides capital investment
Provincial Gov. State sector agencies take ownership of infrastructure management/maintenance from VLM. Voluntary agreement for maintenance subsidy. Organised w/other organisations(e.g.NGOs, farmers, RL) via contract.
Municipality State sector agencies take ownership of infrastructure management/maintenance from VLM. Voluntary agreement for maintenance subsidy. Organised w/other organisations(e.g.NGOs, farmers, RL) via contract.
Other state sector agents State sector agencies take ownership of infrastructure management/maintenance from VLM. Voluntary agreement for maintenance subsidy. Organised w/other organisations(e.g.NGOs, farmers, RL) via contract.
Other state sector agents State sector agencies take ownership of infrastructure management/maintenance from VLM. Voluntary agreement for maintenance subsidy. Organised w/other organisations(e.g.NGOs, farmers, RL) via contract.
Regional Landscape Provides maintenance via contract (w/ privatepublic org.) - also education, training, liaison w/volunteers.
Private landowners, farmers Provide land capital investment if measureso on their prorperties. Provide land capital investment if measureso on their prorperties. Maybe required to pay back capital investments subsidies if PK responsibilites not met.
  • Group discussion 1 model per group (15')
  • SWOT analysis
  • Relation to own context lessons from examples
    and for examples.
  • Reporting (10')

Green Work(s!) Conference
Brugge12-13 October 2010
Thank You
MP4 HWU Team Dr Harry Smith
k Dr Marcia Pereira Prof
Glen Bramley Dr Caroline Brown Dr Scott
Fernie Marilyn Higgins Dr Alicia Montarzino
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