Title: Road Race
1Road Race
- A local fieldwork activity using the free OS maps
for schools
- The local running club is planning to run a 5K
road race in your local area next year - They have come up with 3 proposed routes
- They want you to investigate
- each route and find out which
- one would be the most suitable
3Starter activity
- Look at the map extract your teacher has given
you - It shows each of the three proposed routes
- Complete the starter activity sheet
4Your brief
- You have been sent a brief which tells you what
you need to consider when you investigate each
Hills it cant be too hilly. A few is OK though
How will traffic be affected? The best route will
be the one likely to cause the least disruption
The best route will be scenic / attractive to
keep the runners happy!
What will local people think? The best route will
be the one with the least opposition
6The fieldwork
- You are going to be organised into groups
- Each group will be given one of the proposed
routes to investigate
7Heres how
1.Traffic counts at set times to assess the
potential impact on traffic
2.Questionnaires to find out peoples opinion of
the proposed race
4.Observations to decide the most suitable
locations for the water stop / first aid point
3.Environmental quality surveys to assess the
attractiveness of the route
- You will now use the data you collected during
your fieldwork to summarise your main findings in
the follow-up worksheet (1) - Once youve done this, you will swap information
with the other groups, and complete follow-up
worksheet (2) so that you have information about
all three proposed routes
9Decision time!
- Using the evidence for each route you must
decide which would be the most suitable for the
- Your task is to write a report for the running
club to explain and justify your decisions