Title: Neutron (3He) spin structure in the resonance region
1 Neutron (3He) spin structurein the resonance
- Patricia Solvignon
- Temple University, Philadelphia
- For the JLAB Hall A and E01-012 Collaborations
First Workshop on Quark-Hadron Duality and the
Transition to pQCD
- Understand transition between partons and hadrons
- Study of higher twists
- Spin and flavor dependence of quark-hadron
duality - Access high xbj region if duality is demonstrated
and well understood
3Hint of duality
4The E01-012 experiment
Spokepeople N. Liyanage, J-P. Chen, Seonho
Choi Graduate Student P. Solvignon
- Ran in January-February 2003
- Inclusive experiment 3He(e,e)X
- Measured polarized cross-sections differences and
asymmetries - Form g1, g2, A1 and A2 for 3He
- Test duality on the neutron SSF
5The experimental setup
- Polarized e- beam at 3, 4 and 5 GeV Pavg
(77?3) - Both HRS in symmetric config. at 25o and 32o ?
Double statistics ? Control systematics - PID Cerenkov EM calo. ? ?/e reduced by 104 ?
6Polarized 3He target
Spin exchange between optically pumped Rb and 3He
- Longitudinal and transverse configurations
- High luminosity 1036 s-1 cm-2
- 2 independent polarimetries NMR and EPR
7Data analysis
??? - ???
??? - ??? A//raw ???? A? raw ????
??? ???
??? ???
- Generate asymmetries
- Measure unpolarized cross section
- Form polarized cross sections differences
- Can also get Born asymmetries
?oborn ?oraw - 2(?N2/ ?3He)?N R.C.
??//(?)raw 2 A//(?) ?o ??//(?) ??//(?)raw
A//(?) ??//(?) / 2?oborn
8Polarized structure functions
Extract g1 and g2 directly from our data
MQ2? E 1 g1 ??? ? ???
4?e2 E E E
(??// tan(?/2) ??? )
(- ??//
MQ2?2 1 g2 ??? ?????
4?e2 2E(E E)
E E cos? ????? Esin?
??? )
Need external input of R to form A1 and A2
A// ? A? A1
???? - ???? D(1 ??) d(1 ??)
? A// A? A2
???? ???? D(1 ??) d(1 ??)
(D and d depend of R)
9Elastic asymmetry
11Comparison of both HRS
12Nitrogen cross sections
Nitrogen dilution fN2 2 (?N2/ ?3He ) ?N ?N
QFS model from J.W. Lightbody and J.S. OConnell
13Unpolarized cross sections
14Unpolarized cross sections
15Polarized structure function g1
16Polarized structure function g1
17Polarized structure function g1
18Polarized structure function g1
19Polarized structure function g1
20Spin asymmetry A1
21Spin asymmetry A1
22Spin asymmetry A1
23Spin asymmetry A1
24Spin asymmetry A1
25Spin asymmetry A2
- E01-012 provides precision data of SSF on neutron
(3He) for 1.0 lt Q2 lt 4.0 (GeV/c) 2 - Direct extraction of g1 and g2 from our data
- Overlap between E01-012 resonance data and DIS
? test of Quark-hadron duality for neutron and
nuclei SSF - E01-012 data combined with proton data ?
test of spin-flavor dependence of duality - Our data can also be used to extract moments of
SSF (e.g. GDH sum rule, d2, BC sum rule)
Extraction of the neutron SSF
Final results by the end of 2005
28Extra slides
29Polarized structure function g2
30Spin asymmetry A1