Title: Engineering Problem Solving With C An Object Based Approach
1Engineering Problem Solving With CAn Object
Based Approach
- Chapter 15
- Introduction to Classes
- The building blocks of object oriented
programming - Include function members and data members
- A well designed class is as easy to use as a
pre-defined data type
3Designing a Class
- Desired operations
- Member functions or methods
- constructors
- accessor functions
- overloaded operators
- (functions that do the work)
- Required data members
4Writing a Class Definition
- A class definition has two parts
- Class declaration
- defines name of class, data members, and
prototypes for member functions - Class implementation
- implements the member functions
5Class Declaration
- Name of the class is specified using the key word
class - Body of the class declaration includes
- declaration statements for the data members
- function prototypes
- Keywords public, private and protected specify
the accessibility of the class members
6Example - Date Class Declaration
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- class Date
- //class body
- public
- void input(istream) // I/O methods
- void print(ostream) const
- void setDate(int mo, int d, int y)
- int get_day() const // access methods
- int get_month() const
- int get_year() const
- private
- int day, month, year
7Date Class
- Name of the class is Date
- Three private data members
- Six public function members
- Data members can only be accessed by the member
8Class Implementation
- Includes
- Function definitions for all function members
- Scope Resolution Operator () specifies a
function as a member of a class
9Implementation of Date Class
- include Date.h
- void Dateinput(istream in)
- in gtgt month gtgt day gtgt year
- void Dateprint(ostream out) const
- out ltlt month ltlt/ ltltday ltlt / ltlt year
- void Dateset_date(int m, int d, int y)
- month m
- day d
- year y
10Accessor Functions
- Required to access private data members
- Complete set should be provided
- Our Date class requires 3 accessor functions
int get_day() const int get_month() const int
get_year() const
- const should be placed at the end of any
function that is not intended to modify the
calling object.
11Initializing Objects
- Constructor functions are used to initialize
objects at the time they are declared - Called automatically
- Same name as the class name
- No return value, not even void
12Constructors for the Date Class
- Default Constructor
- constructor with no parameters
- Prototype
- Date()
- Constructor with Parameters
- Prototype
- Date(int m, int d, int y)
13Default Constructor
- Definition
- DateDate() month(1), day(1), year(2002)
- or
- DateDate()
- month 1
- day 1
- year 2000
- First definition is preferred.
14Constructors With Parameters
- Definition
- DateDate(int m, int d, int y)month(m), day(d),
year(y) -
- or
- DateDate(int m, int d, int y)
- month m
- day d
- year y
15Using Programmer Defined Classes
- Separate Compilation
- Class declaration is saved in a file named
classname.h - Class implementation is saved in a file named
classname.cpp (or whatever extension your
compiler expects) - .h file is included in user program and
implementation file - User program is linked to implementation file
16Using the Date Class
- include Date.h
- int main()
- Date today(4,6,2002), birthday
- //member functions are called using the dot
operator - birthday.input(cin)
- today.print(cout)
- birthday.print(cout)
- if(today.get_day() birthday.get_day()
- today.get_month() birthday.get_month()
) - cout ltlt happy birthday!
- Given this definition of a class for a rational
number implement the default constructor,
parameterized constructor, and the input
function. - class rational
- private
- int num, denom
- public
- rational( ) // initialize to 1/1
- rational(int n, int d)
- void input (istream istr ) const
- void output (ostream ostr) // write as
num/denom - bool improper() const // true if num gt denom
18Answer to practice!
include "rational.h"
rationalrational( )num(1),denom(1)
rationalrational(int n, int d)num(n),denom(d)
void rationalinput (istream istr )
istr gtgt num gtgt denom
- Assignment operator is defined for objects of the
same type - Date d1, d2
- d1.input(cin)
- d2 d1
- Other operators are not predefined, but can be
overloaded in the class definition(see chapter
10) - arithmetic, relational, logical, input and output
20Helper Functions
- Member functions
- Called by other member functions
- Usually specified as private
- Design a class to implement a unit vector. A
vector object will be represented by an anchor
point (the base of the arrow), and an
orientation(always between 0 and 360 degrees).Â
There are 2 manipulations that you can perform on
a vector without changing its length. - translate (slide) the vector in the plane,
changing its position but not its orientation. - rotate a vector, changing its orientation
22Translation - change position but not orientation
23Rotation - change orientation around anchor point
24Class Declaration
class UnitVector public
UnitVector() //
contstructors UnitVector(double init_x,
double init_y, double init_orientation)
void rotate(double d_orient)Â Â Â Â //
rotate the vector void
translate(double dx, double dy) // translate
the // vector. private
//helper function    void
fix_orientation()Â Â Â // Calculate a legal
orientation     double x,
y                  // The anchor point of the
object. Â Â Â Â int orientation
25Class Implementation
//Constructor functions UnitVectorUnitVector(dou
ble initial_x, double initial_y, double
initial_orientation) x(initial_x),
y(initial_y), orientation(initial_orientation
) fix_orientation() UnitVectorUnitVector(
) x(0), y(0), orientation 0
26Member Function Definitions
// rotate the calling vector void
UnitVectorrotate(double d_orient)Â Â Â Â Â Â orient
ation d_orient fix_orientation() //
translate the calling vector void
UnitVectortranslate(double dx, double dy) x
dx y dy
27Helper Function Definition
//This function adjusts the orientation value
//Original orientation may be lt 0 or gt 360)
//Adjusted orientation is 0ltorientation lt 360.
void UnitVectorfix_orientation() Â
if(orientation lt 0) orientation 360
orientation360 else orientation
28Passing Objects To Functions
- Objects may be passed either "by value" or "by
reference" - Example
bool UnitVectorShareBasePoint(UnitVector
v)const ( if (x v.x y v.y) return
true else return false
- Which of the statements on the right is valid
within a main program which contains an include
for this header file. - class rational
- private
- int num, denom
- int LCD( )
- public
- rational( )
- rational(int n, int d)
- void input (istream istr )
- void output (ostream ostr) const
- void reduce ( )
- rational A
- rational B(5, 9)
- input(A)
- B.output(cout)
- int divB.LCD()
- A.denom 3
- B.reduce