Title: Theories of Obedience to Unjust Authority
1Theories of Obedience to Unjust Authority
- Nazis were an aberration in history
- Shirer Flaw in German character
- Arendt Flaw in human character
- Milgram A social psychologist looks at obedience
2Milgrams Baseline Procedure
3Milgrams Baseline Procedure
- 63 shock to the limit (STL)
4Ethical Criticisms of Milgrams Work
- No true informed consent
- Participants experienced significant stress
- Long-term negative effects on self-worth
5Milgrams Response To Ethical Criticism
- Extensive debriefing
- After session discovered learner was not harmed
- Participants were free to leave
- No evidence of permanent psychological harm
6Follow-up of Milgrams Participants
- 80 reported that they were Very Glad or Glad
they participated. - 15 had No Strong Feelings
- Just over 1 were Sorry or Very Sorry
- 80 said more research of this kind should be
done. - 74 said they learned something of lasting value.
7A Question Mark The Cost of Ethics?
8How To Get Good Men and Women To Murder Their
- Get them to say
- I hate or
- I would never
9Psychology of Learning From Protozoa to Beyond
Virtual Reality
10Habituation in Spirostomum ambiguum
- Habituation A response decrement to repetitive
stimulation - Spirostomum is a ciliated protozoa
11Habituation in Spirostomum ambiguum
- Place individuals on a slide
- Tap slide with a mechanical stimulus each 4
seconds - Animal shows a response decrement (habituation)
after 12 to 15 stimuli - Other studies show that Spirostomum can remember
for a least 10 minutes
12E. B. Twitmyer
- A Beauty Never to See Flower
- A discoverer of the conditioned reflex
13Ivan Pavlov
- A Russian physiologist
- Discovered the conditioned reflex by chance
14Pavlovs Basic Procedure
- Present the CS without the US-The UR is observed
- Pair the CS with the US for a number of trials
- The CR is observed just prior to the US onset
15Mowers Bell and Pad
Pavlovian procedure used to treat enuresis