The Bitch - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Bitch


We get a movie without sound that is 14 minutes long. ... het feit aan dat Uffa de enige met pro tools en dus de enige die kon werken aan ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: bitch | protools


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Bitch

The Bitch
  • Group 14
  • BV3
  • Jeroen van Iverson

Project description
  • We get a movie without sound that is 14 minutes
    long. The film is called The bitch is back by
    Tjebbo Penning. The presentation will be on the
    26th of February.
  • We wanted to have a coherent sound in the film as
    well as music to go with the movie. One of the
    first things we decided was to not use any
    samples of sounds but to record everything
    ourselfs with the same equipment. Every sound
    happening in a certain room, in the movie, will
    also be recorded all in the same room. For
    example all sounds in the bathroom are recorded
    in uffas bathroom and all sounds in the
    livingroom are recorded in Nardi's livingroom.
    Same idea then is going to be used in the mixing
    process (so same reverb on all the sounds
    happening in a specific room).

Group structure What are the jobs of each and
everyone in the group? Did it keep that way
through the project? What did change?
  • Individual jobs within the group before work
  • Niels Leader, music
  • Nardi Ambience sounds, Sound FX, music
  • Toon Mixing
  • Úffa Mixing
  • How did it actually turn out
  • Niels and Nardi synqronized folie.
  • Niels, and Nardi making of all foley sounds.
  • Úffa foley recordings using Powerbook G4, Mbox
    and Sennheiser MD421 for localisation
    recording. Mixing.
  • Nardi Sound design and loads of coffeemaking.
  • Niels Music

  • The movies and sounds we studied
  • We started on watching Alien and Halloween
    together. Then individually watching many more
    movies and getting ideas about how and how not to
    approach the work!
  • In the process we decided that we wanted to use
    some kind of music in the tension scenes to make
    the movie more exciting (the folie couldnt do it
    all alone).

Planning and preperation
  • Make a list of all the sounds in the film
  • - Make a list of what sounds we have to
    record in which room
  • - Make a list of which rooms (in the movie)
    are which rooms (in our houses)
  • The bitch is back is a movie of 14 min 50 sec.
    The group consists of us four Nardi, Niels,
    Toon and Uffa. We splitted the movie in 4 parts
    (3 and ½ min each) and everyone went home to with
    their part and started to write down all the
    sounds we needed for the movie. Everyone then had
    an indivitual brainstorm of realizing how we
    wanted the movie to be and sound! Then everyone
    of us has its own function and responsibilities
    within the whole project.
  • Niels groupleader and music.
  • Nardi Ambience (and some FX).
  • Toon and úffa mixing
  • Folie and ambience effects (room sounds) All
    together, combined forces.
  • The mixing 5.1. Reserve the studio. (11. 20.
    21. January).

Examples of planning
  • A list of what sounds we have to record in which
  • All bathroom sounds in úffas bathroom.
  • Footsteps in living room in Nardis bedroom ect.
  • A List of which rooms (in the movie) are which
    rooms (in our houses)
  • Living room Nardis bedroom.
  • Kitchen Nardis kitchen.
  • Bathroom Uffas bathroom.
  • Stairs Uffas stairs.
  • Hall (on top of stairs)
  • Hall (on bottom of stairs)

A list of sounds we have to make (sorted by
  • 715. The bitch hangs up the telephone.
  • 720. She tries to hang the guy with the phone
    line, here the fighting starts. Shes hanging on
    his back.
  • 725. A table with a TV on it falls down.
  • 729. Another table falls down, they keep on
  • 735. The power point in the wall comes out.
  • 737. They crash into the cupboard. A vase
    falls down from it! He hits her to the cupboard
    often (6 times)
  • 750. She passes out and he starts getting her
    and the phone line of himself.
  • 759. He hits her with the phone-answertool.
  • 804. She starts drawling sperm
  • 808. Camera on him, his breathing. He looks
    for her tab. So touching clothes sound.
  • 815. He picks out the tap on the doll.
  • 816. She airs out. Camera on him sometimes,
    breathing sound.
  • 826. She dies and starts drawling more sperm.
  • 837. She really dies!
  • 843. He turns around and walks towards window.
  • 853. He drops phone tool
  • 857. He opens window.

A list of sounds we have to make (sorted by
minutes) (cont.)
  • 900. He breaths heavily through the open
    window. Houses of Amsterdam.
  • 910. She starts moving again.
  • 921. He starts turning around and realizes that
    she is not there.
  • 931. She returns, head down and says something
    .. the bitch is back?
  • 936. She head hits him and then makes a swing
    back to the floor
  • 941. She lands on the floor after the jump.
  • 943. He holds his nose after the hit. Probably
    makes noise coz of the pain.
  • 956. She grapes his neck and then says
  • 1000. She bites his nose. He screams.
  • 1009. She lets him go and he falls back.
  • 1011. She ties him up on both hands with the
    phone line again.
  • 1024. She laughs
  • 1029. She moves away and he moves around on the
    table, trying to escape.
  • 1042. She reappears with the liquid.
  • 1044. He very scared moans
  • 1050. She smells the liquid
  • 1054. She says something
  • 1058. He very scared moans
  • 1102. She starts pouring the liquid on him,
    moving it up his body up towards his face

Examples from the diary p1
  • Folie recording
  • Day 1
  • This was the beginning of it all. We got
    together at Nardis place, nicely positioned in
    den Haag, and started recording the folie sounds.
    We decided to start on the beginning and work in
    a straight timeline. We watched the scenes and
    then Nardi and Niels encountered their incredible
    syncing skills úffa recorded the sounds
    straight into ProTools with the movie running
    next to the audio. The guys took turns in
    acting the sounds and we just recorded each
    scene a few times until it all was pretty much in
    sync. This was done so less energy can go into
    editing all the sounds together later. This also
    proved to be much more realistic way of working.
    In a whole day we got most of the sounds of the
    first 1 minute good. Yebb, its going to be a
    lot of work but we also had loads of laughs and
    good fun!

Examples from the diary p2
  • Day 4 We met again to record more folie. This
    time we recorded the sounds for the bathroom
    scene. These we all recorded in the same
    bathroom so the sounds all sound as realistic as
    possible. We tried squeezing a tomato for the
    sound of when she stabs him with the knife but I
    think we have to record a better sound for that
    one. In the end of the day we got almost all the
    folie sounds up to minute 530 when he runs out
    of the bedroom. So there is still a lot of folie
    to be done. We are already busy with other
    aspects as well.
  • Ambiance and FXs Nardi is making a
    soundscapeish kind of thing for the beginning
    scene of the film. Úffa is busy with the voice
    of the doll and Niels is busy with composing the

Examples from the diary p3
  • Day? (14. January)
  • More, yes, more folie recording today. We
    are getting quite fast now so by dinnertime we
    have almost all the folie sounds. Still the
    voice of the bloke is needed and the voice of the
    doll. Niels brought some music in today that he
    had sampled and edited from known horror movie
    soundtracks. It was nice to hear some music
    under some scenes but no mixing has been done yet
    on the folie sounds so it was quite hard to
    judge. We all agreed that the music may
    absolutely not mask all the hard folie work we
    have done.
  • Over the weekend we all have our projects and
    things to do regarding the movie and then we get
    back together Monday to do the last folie work
    and hopefully place the work from the weekend
    also into the project!

The home stretch
  • The last week of work was quite stressful.
    When we had all the sounds, music and effects
    there was time for mixing. We had one weekend
    for that. Úffa sat for 12-14 hours, by the
    computer, for 3 days in a row. That resulted in
    RSI for her ... Great! But we finished
    everything and everyone was happy!

More about the project in Dutch
  • Pre productie
  • Eerst hebben we een planning/draaiboek gemaakt,
    hierin stonden een aantal punten
  • -Tijdsplanning van de productiefases
  • -Rolverdeling van de groepsleden
  • -Indexatie van de benodigde spullen
  • -Feedback en analyse momenten
  • Productie
  • Op basis van dit plan zijn we aan het project
  • De productiefase verliep voorspoedig, de
    rolverdeling en toewijzing van echte kamers aan
    de verschillenden ruimtes in de film werkte zeer
    goed waardoor er een evenwichtigklankbeeld
    ontstond. I
  • De evaluatiemomenten zijn niet nageleefd. Wel
    liepen we tegen het feit aan dat Uffa de enige
    met pro tools en dus de enige die kon werken aan
    het project met al het werk. Deze situatie was
    niet ideaal.
  • In Toon hadden we een collega die aan het
    twijfelen was aan de studie.
  • Het was zeer leerzaam om alle geluiden zelf op te
    nemen in plaats van gebruik te maken van sample
  • De fx klonken goed en niet over de top
  • Wel was er weinig tijd om de fx verder uit te
    werken waardoor sommige elementen niet helemaal
    goed uit de verf kwamen

More about the project in Dutch
  • Post productie
  • Doordat de productiefase uitliep kwam de post
    onder druk te staan. Er was simpelweg te weinig
    tijd over om onder normale omstandigheden de
    mixage met goed resultaat te voltooien.
  • Ook het 5.1 afmixen bleek niet zo makkelijk als
    vooraf beschouwd.
  • Persoonlijk
  • Vooraf vond ik het erg moeilijk een inschatting
    te maken van de productiefases en de tijd die het
    in zou nemen, hierdoor kwamen er mijns inziens
    ook fouten in de planning. De special fx in de
    film heb ik te weinig aandacht kunnen geven en
    waren achteraf bezien belangrijker dan het geluid
    wat meer ondersteunend was.
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