European Monetary Union Prof' Dr' Jovan Pejkovski - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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European Monetary Union Prof' Dr' Jovan Pejkovski


The euro has replaced currencies that were, for many of the countries concerned, ... deficit as structural (cyclically adjusted) deficit to avoid pro-cyclical policy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: European Monetary Union Prof' Dr' Jovan Pejkovski

European Monetary UnionProf. Dr. Jovan Pejkovski
  • Since 1 January 2002, more than 300 million
    European citizens have been using the euro as a
    normal part of daily life.
  • It took only 10 years to get from the Treaty of
    Maastricht (February 1992), enshrining the
    principle of a single European currency, to the
    point where euro notes and coins were circulating
    in 12 EU countries.

  • This is a remarkably short time to carry through
    an operation that is unique in world history.
  • The euro has replaced currencies that were, for
    many of the countries concerned, centuries-old
    symbols and instruments of their national

  • In doing so, the new currency has moved Europe
    considerably closer to economic union. It has
    also given EU citizens a much clearer sense of
    sharing a common European identity.
  • With euro cash in their pockets, people can
    travel and shop throughout most of the Union
    without having to change money.

  • How was the idea of a single European currency
  • As long ago as 1970, the Werner Report, named
    after the then Prime Minister of Luxembourg,
    proposed a convergence between the economies and
    currencies of the six EEC countries.
  • The first step in this direction was not taken
    until March 1979, when the European Monetary
    System (EMS) was set up.

  • The EMS was designed to reduce variations in the
    exchange rates between the currencies of the
    member states.
  • It allowed them fluctuation margins of between
    2.25 and 6. But its mechanisms were weakened by
    a series of crises caused by the instability of
    the US dollar and the weakness of some currencies
    that became prey to speculators, especially at
    times of international tension.

  • The need for an area of monetary stability was
    felt increasingly as Europe made progress in
    completing the single market.
  • The Single European Act, signed in February 1986,
    logically implied convergence between European
    economies and the need to limit fluctuations in
    the exchange rates between their currencies.

  • How could a single market, based on the free
    movement of people, goods and capital, be
    expected to work properly if the currencies
    involved could be devalued?
  • Devaluing a currency would give it an unfair
    competitive advantage and lead to distortions in

  • In June 1989, at the Madrid European Council,
    Commission President Jacques Delors put forward a
    plan and a timetable for bringing about economic
    and monetary union (EMU).
  • This plan was later enshrined in the Treaty
    signed at Maastricht in February 1992.
  • The Treaty laid down a set of criteria to be met
    by the member states if they were to qualify for

  • These criteria were all about economic and
    financial discipline
  • --curbing inflation,
  • --cutting interest rates,
  • --reducing budget deficits to a maximum of 3 of
  • --limiting public borrowing to a maximum of 60
    of GDP and
  • --stabilising the currencys exchange rate.

  • In protocols annexed to the Treaty, Denmark and
    the United Kingdom reserved the right not to move
    to the third stage of EMU (i.e. adoption of the
    euro) even if they met the criteria.
  • This was called opting out. Following a
    referendum, Denmark announced that it did not
    intend to adopt the euro. Sweden too expressed

  • There would have to be some way of ensuring the
    stability of the single currency, because
    inflation makes the economy less competitive,
    undermines peoples confidence and reduces their
    purchasing power.
  • So an independent EuropeanCentral Bank (ECB) was
    set up, based in Frankfurt, and given the task of
    setting interest rates to maintain the value of
    the euro.

  • In Amsterdam, in June 1997, the European Council
    adopted two important resolutions.
  • The first, known as the stability and growth
    pact, committed the countries concerned to
    maintain their budgetary discipline. They would
    all keep a watchful eye on one another and not
    allow any of them to run up excessive deficits.

  • The second resolution was about economic growth.
  • It announced that the member states and the
    Commission were firmly committed to making sure
    employment remained at the top of the EUs agenda.

  • In Luxembourg, in December 1997, the European
    Council adopted a further resolution on
    coordinating economic policies.
  • This included the important decision that
    "ministers of the States participating in the
    euro area may meet informally among themselves to
    discuss issues connected with their shared
    specific responsibilities for the single

  • The EUs political leaders thus opened the way to
    even closer ties between countries that adopted
    the euro ties that went beyond monetary union
    to embrace financial, budgetary, social and
    fiscal policies.

  • Progress in achieving EMU has made it easier to
    open up and complete the single market.
  • In spite of the turbulent world situation (with
    stock market crises, terrorist attacks and the
    war in Iraq), the euro area has enjoyed the kind
    of stability and predictability that investors
    and consumers need.

  • European citizens confidence in the euro was
    boosted by the successful and unexpectedly swift
    introduction of coins and banknotes during the
    first half of 2002.
  • People appreciate being able to shop around more
    easily, now they can directly compare prices in
    different European countries.

  • The euro has become the worlds second most
    important currency.
  • It is increasingly being used for international
    payments and as a reserve currency, alongside the
    US dollar.

  • Integration between financial markets in the euro
    area has speeded up, with mergers taking place
    not only between stockbroking firms but also
    between stock exchanges.
  • An EU action plan for financial services is due
    to be implemented by 2006.

  • 7 February 1992 the Treaty of Maastricht is
  • The Treaty on European Union and Economic and
    Monetary Union (EMU) is agreed in Maastricht in
    December 1991.
  • It is signed in February 1992 and comes into
    force in November 1993.
  • Under this treaty, the national currencies will
    be replaced by a single European currency
    provided the countries concerned meet a number of
    economic conditions.

  • The most important of the Maastricht criteria
    is that the countrys budget deficit cannot
    exceed 3 of its gross domestic product (GDP) for
    more than a short period. Public borrowing must
    not exceed 60 of GDP.
  • Prices and interest rates must also remain stable
    over a long period, as must exchange rates
    between the currencies concerned.

  • January 1994 the European Monetary Institute is
    set up
  • The European Monetary Institute (EMI) is set up
    and new procedures are introduced for monitoring
    EU countries economies and encouraging
    convergence between them.

  • June 1997 the Stability and Growth Pact
  • The Amsterdam European Council agrees the
    stability and growth pact and the new exchange
    rate mechanism (a re-born EMS) designed to ensure
    stable exchange rates between the euro and the
    currencies of EU countries that remain outside
    the euro area.
  • A design is also agreed for the European side
    of euro coins.

  • May 1998 eleven countries qualify for the euro
  • Meeting in Brussels from 1 to 3 May 1998, the
    Unions political leaders decide that 11 EU
    countries meet the requirements for membership of
    the euro area.
  • They announce the definitive exchange rates
    between the participating currencies.

  • 1 January 1999 birth of the euro
  • On 1 January 1999, the 11 currencies of the
    participating countries disappear and are
    replaced by the euro, which thus becomes the
    shared currency of Austria, Belgium, Finland,
    France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the
    Netherlands Portugal and Spain. (Greece joins
    them on 1 January 2001).

  • From this point onwards, the European Central
    Bank takes over from the EMI and is responsible
    for monetary policy, which is defined and
    implemented in euro.
  • Exchange operations in euro begin on 4 January
    1999, at a rate of about 1 to 1.18 US dollars.
  • This is the start of the transitional period that
    will last until 31 December 2001.

Irevocably fixed euro conversion rates
  • 1 Euro
  • 40.3399 Belgian francs
  • 1.95583 Deutsche Mark
  • 340.750 Greek drachmas
  • 166.386 Spanish pesetas
  • 6.55957 French francs
  • 0.787564 Irish pounds
  • 1,936.27 Italian lire
  • 40.3399 Luxembourg francs
  • 2.20371 Dutch guilders
  • 13.7603 Austrian schillings
  • 200.482 Portuguese escudos
  • 5.94573 Finnish markkas

  • 1 January 2002 euro coins and notes are
  • On 1 January 2002, euro-denominated notes and
    coins are put into circulation. This is the start
    of the period during which national currency
    notes and coins are withdrawn from circulation.
    The period ends on 28 February 2002.
  • Thereafter, only the euro is legal tender in the
    euro area countries.

  • Established by the EC Treaty, the ECB is embedded
    in the specific legal and institutional framework
    of the European Community.
  • What distinguishes therefore the euro and the ECB
    from a national currency and a national central
    bank is their supranational status within a
    community of sovereign states.

  • Unlike comparable central banks, such as the US
    Federal Reserve System or the Bank of Japan,
    which are the monetary authorities of their
    respective national states, the ECB is a central
    authority that conducts monetary policy for an
    economic area consisting of 12 otherwise largely
    autonomous states.
  • Another specific feature of EMU is the fact that
    the euro area does not encompass all EU Member
    States since the realisation of EMU follows an
    approach of differentiated integration.

  • What is EMU?
  • Gains and losses
  • Rules of EMU
  • Past The road to EMU
  • Present The first five and half years 1999-2004
  • Future Risk and reforms

What is EMU?
  • Common currency
  • From 1 January 1999 irrevocably fixed exchange
    rates between 11, now 12, countries, The ins
  • Common currency (notes and coins) and unit of
    account, the euro, from 2002
  • Common monetary policy governed by European
    Central Bank in Frankfurt (ECB) from 1 Jan. 1999

Three outs
  • Exempted in Maastricht treaty
  • Denmark, United Kingdom
  • Not qualified
  • Sweden (not in ERM) 56 No-vote in fall 2003

Economic gain (long-run)
  • Trade frictions Þ Trade Þ Increased
    specialization Þ higher productivity through
    comparative advantage and large scale production
    Þ GDP per capita Þ Welfare
  • Large gain if
  • Nation is trade dependent (small)
  • EMU helps creating inner market

Loss (short-run)
  • No national monetary policy to counteract
    nation-specific (asymmetric) shock
  • Small loss if
  • 1) Small risk for asymmetric shock
  • or 2) easy adjustment to asymmetric shock
  • Flexible labor markets, or
  • Large scope for international labor mobility, or
  • Efficient fiscal policy

  • 1. Rules for ECB (Maastricht, 1991)
  • 2. Stability and growth pact, SGP, 1997

ECB goal
  • Intermediate, legal goal Price stability,
    defined as
  • Between 0 and 2 per cent inflation
  • Wider goal of EMU increased welfare through 1)
    higher long-run growth (efficiency) and 2) more
    macroeconomic stability

  • Having adopted the euro as their single currency,
    the EU Member States that are part of the euro
    area have relinquished their monetary
  • The ECB, as the core of the newly established
    central banking system called the European System
    of Central Banks (ESCB), has taken on
    responsibility for the monetary policy in the
    euro area.

  • Under the EC Treaty, the ESCB is entrusted with
    carrying out central banking functions for the
  • However, as the ESCB has no legal personality of
    its own, and because of differentiated levels of
    integration in EMU, the real actors are the ECB
    and the NCBs of the euro area countries.
  • They exercise the core functions of the ESCB
    under the name Eurosystem.

European System of Central Banks ESCB
  • National central banks (NCB)
  • European central bank (ECB)
  • ESCB governed by
  • The General Council of the ESCB
  • The Governing Council of the ESCB
  • The Executive Board of the ECB

The General Council of the ESCB
  • 25 national central bank governors in EU and
    chairman and vice chairman of ECB executive board
  • Surveillance of the economy in non-EMU countries
  • Prepares the introduction of the euro in the new

The Governing Council of the ESCB
  • National central bank governors in the 12 EMU
    countries and the members of the executive board.
  • Council meets every other week to decide monetary
  • Must work for price stability in the whole euro
    area average inflation weighted by country size

Voting at ECB Council
  • Board exclusive right to formulate propositions
    to vote on
  • Board votes to stabilize EMU average.
  • 63 wins EMU average outcome of voting
  • (average wins over median vote)

Independence of governing board
  • Members
  • Can not receive directives
  • Directors have long (8 year) mandates
  • Can not be reelected
  • Motivation for independence
  • Credibility of low inflation high since
    short-term motivation to increase inflation to
    achieve a) lower unemployment or b) reduce value
    of government debt is minimized
  • ECB modeled after Bundesbank

Control of ECB
  • Reports to European Parliament
  • Press conferences
  • No minutes published

  • There are three main political and economic
    reasons why a system was established to carry out
    central bank functions for the euro, and not a
    single central bank
  • 1. The establishment of a single central bank for
    the whole euro area (possibly concentrating
    central bank business in one single place) would
    not have been acceptable on political grounds.

  • 2. The Eurosystem approach builds on the
    experience of the NCBs, preserves their
    institutional set-up, infrastructure and
    perational capabilities and expertise
  • moreover, NCBs continue to perform some
    non-Eurosystem-related tasks.

  • 3. Given the large geographic area of the euro
    area, it was deemed appropriate to give credit
    institutions an access point to central banking
    in each participating Member State.
  • Given the large number of nations and cultures
    in the euro area, domestic institutions (rather
    than a supranational one) were considered best
    placed to serve as points of access to the

  • 2.3.1 Basic tasks of the Eurosystem
  • Article 105(2) of the EC Treaty and Article 3.1
    of the Statute of the ESCB confer upon the
    Eurosystem the sole competence for the following
    basic tasks
  • to define and implement the monetary policy of
    the euro area
  • to conduct foreign exchange operations
  • to hold and manage the official foreign
    reserves of the euro area Member States
  • to promote the smooth operation of payment

  • Other related tasks include
  • the issue of euro banknotes as the only such
    notes to have the status of legal tender in the
    euro area (Article 106(1) of the EC Treaty and
    Article 16 of the Statute)
  • the collection of the statistical information
    necessary for the tasks of the Eurosystem
    (Article 5 of the Statute).

Intra-Eurosystem legal acts
  • There are three intra-Eurosystem legal acts,
  • ECB guidelines
  • ECB instructions
  • internal decisions.
  • ECB guidelines and ECB instructions are special
    types of legally binding and judicially
    enforceable instruments. They are enacted to
    ensure that decentralised operations are carried
    out consistently by the NCBs in line with the
    internal division of competences.

  • The monetary and economic aspects of EMU have
    been organised differently.
  • Whereas monetary and exchange rate policies have
    been denationalised and centralised at the
    Community level, the responsibility for economic
    policy has remained with the Member States
    although national economic policies are to be
    conducted within a Community framework for
    cooperation in macroeconomic policies.

  • The Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (BEPGs) are
    the principal policy instrument for coordinating
    national economic policies.
  • They contain orientations for the general conduct
    of economic policy and make specific
    recommendations to each Member State and the

  • By outlining the necessary measures in different
    policy fields public finances, structural
    reforms, taxation, labour market regulation or
    training and education the BEPGs set the
    standard against which subsequent national and
    European policy decisions must be measured.

The stability and growth pact
  • Budget deficit lt 3 of GDP
  • Government debt lt 60 of GDP
  • Exceptions
  • budget deficit gt 3 , if serious downturn (real
    GDP growth lt 0,75 )
  • Government debt gt 60 , if debt is decreasing.

Purpose of Stability and growth pact (SGP)
  • Avoid spill-over effects
  • Rising interest rates
  • Risk of financial crisis
  • Inflation through ECB buying government debt (
    printing press financing)
  • The Bail-out problem The too large to fail

  • Interest-free deposit 0,2 of GDP 10 of the
    deficit that is over 3
  • The deposit is transformed to a fine if the
    deficit still is above 3 after three years
  • Commission issues recommendations and warnings
    acc. to Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP)
  • Council (ECOFIN) must decide on sanctions
  • Commission has sued the Council at the European
    Court of Justice for breach of SGP, verdict June

  • Interaction between political initiatives and
    legal procedure with binding agreements
  • Focus on gains
  • Focus on inner market
  • EMU a political and economic project
  • The German reunification 1989

The first five and half years1999-2004
  • Plus
  • Stable euro
  • Stable inflation
  • Increased financial integration

The first five years cont.
  • Minus
  • Relatively large spread of business cycle
    positions and inflation across members
  • Debate over ECB goals, procedures and
  • Breach of SGP
  • Low growth
  • Too restrictive monetary policy?
  • Big external shocks
  • Euro not large reserve currency

The futureMonetary policy risks and reforms
  • 1. Enlargement average EMU inflation target
    threatened by many small countries
  • reform new voting procedure to lessen influence
    of small countries
  • 2. Central lender of last resort national bank
    supervision Þ increased risk for system-wide
    financial crisis
  • reform European-level bank supervision
  • 3. Degree of short-run stabilization
  • reform increased accountability for ECB

Fiscal policy risks and reforms
  • Counteracting asymmetric shocks reforms
  • EU fiscal policy transfers
  • Labor market reforms
  • Increased labor mobility
  • Change SGP
  • Scrap deficit rule, only debt rule
  • redefine deficit as structural (cyclically
    adjusted) deficit to avoid pro-cyclical policy
  • spending limits and other national institutional

  • Paul De Grauwe Economics of Monetary Union.
    Oxford University Press, 2003
  • EMU after 5 years. 2004. European Commission,
    Directorate-General for Economic and Financial
  • http//
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