Title: A Brief Introduction to Social Science Research
1A Brief Introduction toSocial Science Research
Disaster Research Boot Camp
- Havidán RodrĂguez, Ph.D.
- Disaster Research Center
- University of Delaware
2005 NDMS Disaster Response Conference Orlando,
Florida May 2, 2005
2- Everything you ever wanted to ask about research
but were afraid to ask?
3Behavioral Objectives
- Define Research and Basic Terms of the Field
- Discuss Some Data Collection Methodologies
- Explore Differences Between Qualitative and
Quantitative Research
4- Numbers do not exist independent of people
understanding numbers requires knowing - Who counted what?
- Why they bothered counting?
- How they went about it? (Best, 2004XIII)
5 Ethical issues and your Research Agenda
Babbie, 2004
- Voluntary participation Informed consent
- No harm to participants
- Avoid deception
- Confidentiality and privacy issues
- Accurate Analysis and Reporting
- Researchers must be honest about their findings
and research
6Social Science Research
- Social Science Research explores
- What is?
- What is disaster preparedness?
- Why?
- Why do some individuals prepare for an impending
disaster and others do not? - Social regularities
- Who are most likely to prepare? What are their
demographic and socio-economic characteristics?
7Three Purposes of Research
- Exploration
- Description
- Explanation
8Foundations of Social Science
- Theory - Logic - focuses on what is and not what
should be - Data collection - Observation
- Data Analysis - Comparison of what is logically
expected with what is actually observed
10Research Methodology
11(No Transcript)
12The Wheel of Science
(Walter Wallace, 1971)
13 (Silverman, 1993 9)
Qualitative and Quantitative
14Unit of analysis
- Who or what is being studied
Artifacts (books, photos, newspapers)
Geographical units (town, census tract, state, countries)
Social interactions (dyadic relations, divorces, arrests)
15Variables and Attributes
Babbie (2004)
- Dependent Caused by another (independent)
variable (e.g., evacuation behavior) - Independent Impacts the dependent variable
(e.g., income, gender, race, previous disaster
17Levels of Measurement
Babbie (2004)
- A hypothesis is a specific statement or
prediction - It describes in concrete (rather than
theoretical) terms what you expect will happen in
your study - Describes a provisional (but testable)
relationship between two variables (i.e., white
population is more likely to evacuate than
minority population)
19Validity vs. Reliability
Babbie (2004)
20Correlation vs. Causation
- Correlation vis-Ă -vis Causation
- Whats the difference?
21The Time Dimension
- Cross-sectional studies
- Longitudinal Studies
- In the 2000 Presidential election, pollsters came
within a couple of percentage points of
estimating the votes of 100 million people. - To gather this information, they interviewed
fewer than 2,000 people.
23Random Sampling
- Based on probability theory
- All elements must have same probability of
selection - Sample is representative of the elements included
in that sampling frame - Allows you to generalize to the population
- Primarily associated with quantitative data
24Random Sampling
25Random Sampling
- Types of Sampling Designs
- Simple random sampling (SRS)
- Systematic sampling
- Stratified sampling
- Multi-stage cluster sampling
- Probability proportional to size sampling (PPS)
26Non-Probability Sampling
- Are not representative of the population which it
pretends to study - Ideal for qualitative studies
- Some types of non-probability sampling
- Available subjects
- Purposive sampling
- Snowball Sampling
27- Strengths of Survey Research
- Useful in describing the characteristics of a
large population - Flexible - many questions can be asked on a given
topic - Primarily quantitative data analysis
28- Weaknesses of Survey Research
- Can seldom deal with the context of social life
(e.g., artificiality) - Inflexible in some ways
- Weak on validity
29Survey Research
- Mail Surveys
- Advantages
- Inexpensive
- Disadvantages
- Low response rates
- Biased samples
- Multiple follow-ups are important
30- Telephone Surveys
- Advantages
- Money and time
- Control over data collection
- Disadvantages
- Surveys that are really ad campaigns
- People hang up on you
- Answering machines
- May not be representative Use CATI with random
digit dialing
31- Face-to-face Interviews
- Advantages
- Control over data collection
- Very high response rates
- Disadvantages
- Very expensive
- Labor intensive
32Some Questions Regarding Polls Surveys
Babbie, 2004, Appendix G
- Who conducted the poll/survey?
- Who paid for the poll/survey and why was it done?
- How many people were interviewed?
- How were the people chosen? What was the response
rate? Sample bias?
33Some Questions Regarding Polls Surveys
Babbie, 2004, Appendix G
- When was the poll/survey conducted?
- How were the interviews conducted (face-to-face,
mail, phone)? - What is the sampling error for the poll/survey
results? - What questions were asked (wording, sensitive
34- Data collected by other researchers or
institutions - Decennial Census
- Current Population Survey
- Other types of surveys or archives
- Advantages Economical accessible ease of use
- Disadvantages No control over data collection
process validity/reliability issues might not
include some of the variables you need
35Ethnographic studies are designed to answer some
basic questions Â
Ethnographic Research
- What is occurring in this environment,
- community or place?
- 2. Who is involved or participating in what types
of activities? - 3. Why is whats being done, done?
(Schensul, et. al. Enhanced Ethnographic Methods,
36Ethnographers use these questions to obtain basic
information about social structures, social
events, cultural patterns, and the definitions
people give to these patterns or events
Ethnographic Research
371. It is directed by and generates
theories2. Primarily qualitative 3. It is
done locally (in communities) 4. Ethnographic
research is applied
Ethnographic Research
- Ethnographic studies are based on four basic
(Schensul, et. al. Enhanced Ethnographic Methods,
38Â Schensul, et. al. Enhanced Ethnographic
Techniques to Obtain Ethnographic Information
- Audiovisual techniques used to record behavior
and communication through electronic devices - 2. Interviews using focus groups
- 3. Non-structured observation
- 4. Non-structured in-depth interviews
- 5. Semi-structured interviewsÂ
39Evaluation Research
40Concluding Comments
- The goals of social science research should be
to - Discover
- Explain
- Transform (Many debates on this issue)
41Concluding Questions
- What is the importance of the research?
- What are the theoretical or applied
contributions? - Do we now know more than what we did before the
research? - What is the value and use of this research and
how can it meet the needs of our communities?
42For Additional Information
- Visit the DRC facilities at
- 87 E. Main Street, Newark, DE
- (302) 831-6618
- Visit the DRC webpage
- www.udel.edu/DRC/
43The End