Artificial Intelligence IV - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Artificial Intelligence IV


... consider a robot arm assigned to solder all the connections on a printed circuit ... The shortest tour that visits each solder point exactly once defines the most ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Artificial Intelligence IV

Artificial Intelligence IV
  • 2006

Genetic Algorithms
  • More Advanced Concepts a bit of a challenge ?

Interesting Facts
  • The Bots in Quake3 were evolved using GAs
  • GAs were used to optimize a fuzzy controller,
    whose job is to decide for the Bots what to do
    next, i.e. 86 pick up better gun, 53 pick up
  • NASA often uses GAs
  • Calculate low altitude satellite orbits
  • Calculate the positioning of the Hubble telescope

The Traveling Salesman Problem
  • Given a collection of cities, the traveling
    salesman must determine the shortest route that
    will enable him to visit each city precisely once
    and then return him to his starting point.

  • Class NP-Complete
  • As more cities are added the processing power to
    solve this increases exponentially
  • To find the optimum solution you need to test all
  • i.e.
  • to find the optimum for 4 cities ? testing 4 x 3
    x 2 x 1 24 permutations
  • 10 cities ? 3 628 800 permutations
  • 15 ? 1 307 674 368 000 permutations
  • 100 ? ridiculously huge amounts of work!

  • This TYPE of problem frequently occurs when
    coding AI for strategy games, etc.
  • Many logistical problems are similar
  • This is a great problem to tackle with GAs
    (start with about 20 cities)
  • Improving algorithms for more and more cities can
    also be an additive exercise

  • Although the problem arises in transportation
    applications, its most important applications
    arise in optimizing the tool paths for
    manufacturing equipment.   
  • For example, consider a robot arm assigned to
    solder all the connections on a printed circuit
    board. The shortest tour that visits each solder
    point exactly once defines the most efficient
    path for the robot.
  • A similar application arises in minimizing the
    amount of time taken by a graphics plotter to
    draw a given figure.

  • The world-record-setting traveling salesman
    program is by Applegate, Bixby, Chvatal, and Cook
    D. Applegate, R. Bixby, V. Chvatal, and W. Cook.
    Finding cuts in the TSP (a preliminary report).
    Technical Report 95-05, DIMACS, Rutgers
    University, Piscataway NJ, 1995. , which has
    solved instances as large as 7,397 vertices to
  • At this time, the program is not being
    distributed. However, the authors seem willing to
    use it to solve TSPs sent to them.
  • In their paper, they describe this work as
    neither theory nor practice, but sport - an
    almost recreational endeavor designed principally
    to break records. It is a very impressive piece
    of work, however.

  • How would YOU tackle this using a GA?
  • What would be different?

TSP So whats different?
  • All solutions MUST be a viable permutation! (A
    tour of all cities)
  • A tour of 8 cities can be encoded using 3 bits
    per city i.e.
  • 3,4,,0,7,2,5,1,6 011 100 000 111 010 101 001
  • You cant randomly generate a starting population
  • 3,1,2,3,1,5,6,7 Would not be valid for 8 cities
  • Crossover would have to change
  • 3,4,0,7,2,5,1,6 (Valid parent)
  • 2,5,0,3,6,1,4,7 (Valid parent)
  • 3,4,0,7,6,1,4,7 (INVALID child)
  • Mutation would make a VALID child invalid by

TSP So whats different?
  • In this case using binary strings will simply
    make coding more difficult, so use an array of
  • Well need a different type of cross-over (MUST
    produce only valid children)
  • Well need a different type of mutation

  • Many types of crossover can handle permutations
  • Partially-Mapped Crossover
  • Order Crossover
  • Alternating-Position Crossover
  • Maximal-Preservation Crossover
  • Position-Based Crossover
  • Edge-Recombination Crossover
  • Subtour-Chunks Crossover
  • Intersection Crossover

Partially Mapped Crossover (PMX)
  • P1 2,5,0,3,6,1,4,7
  • P2 3,4,0,7,2,5,1,6
  • Choose 2 random crossover points (i.e. after 3
    cities and after 6)
  • Now look at mapping between parents for the
    centre section
  • 3 maps to 7
  • 6 maps to 2
  • 1 maps to 5
  • Create new copies of chromosomes (Children)

Partially Mapped Crossover (PMX)
  • C1 2,5,0,3,6,1,4,7 (Initially identical to P1)
  • C2 3,4,0,7,2,5,1,6
  • Loop through children and swap genes listed in
  • Swap for 3 and 7
  • C1 2,5,0,7,6,1,4,3
  • C2 7,4,0,3,2,5,1,6
  • Swap for 6 and 2
  • C1 6,5,0,7,2,1,4,3
  • C2 7,4,0,3,6,5,1,2
  • Swap for 1 and 5
  • C1 2,1,0,7,6,5,4,3
  • C2 7,4,0,3,2,1,5,6

How do you mutate?
  • Swap any two genes!
  • Choose two random positions
  • i.e. position 2 and 7 and swap entries
  • 7,4,0,3,2,1,5,6
  • Becomes
  • 7,5,0,3,2,1,4,6

  • We need a fitness function that gives shorter
    routes a higher fitness
  • Also important We must have a reasonable spread
    of fitness values between the best and worst case
  • Thus simply using the actual tour length is a
    bad idea. i.e. (tour length)/(pop total tour
  • Better
  • Keep track of the worst length,
  • For each genome calculate difference with this
  • NOW use normal roulette wheel with ELITSM
  • (worst tour length-current tour length)/(total
    pop tour length)

Internal representation (MAP) For playing around
  • The solution thus far presented actually get
    stuck a LOT!
  • The key to GAs (and NNs) is too develop a feel
    for them
  • This feel can be developed by playing with
    different operators

Alternative Mutation Operators
  • Scramble Mutation (SM)
  • Choose two random points and scramble entries
    between them
  • 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 becomes 0,1,2,5,6,3,4,7
  • Displacement Mutation (DM)
  • Select two random points
  • Grab the chunk between them and MOVE it somewhere
  • 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 becomes 0,3,4,5,1,2,6,7

Alternative Mutation Operators
  • Insertion Mutation (IM)
  • Same as DM, but only one gene gets moved
  • 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 becomes 0,1,2,4,5,3,6,7
  • Inversion Mutation (IVM)
  • Select two random points
  • Reverse the entries between them
  • 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 becomes 0,1,2,6,5,4,3,7
  • Displaced Inversion Mutation (DIVM)
  • Select two points
  • Invert then Displace
  • 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 becomes 0, 6,5,4,3,1,2,7

Alternative Permutation Crossover Operators
  • Order Based Crossover (OBX)
  • Randomly choose nodes (cities) from one parent
  • Impose the order of those nodes (cities) on the
    other parent
  • P1 2,5,0,3,6,1,4,7
  • P2 3,4,0,7,2,5,1,6
  • C1 3,4,5,7,2,0,1,6
  • C2 Choose nodes in P2 and impose on P1

Alternative Permutation Crossover Operators
  • Position-Based Crossover (PBX)
  • Similar to OBX, instead of order, the position is
  • P1 2,5,0,3,6,1,4,7
  • P2 3,4,0,7,2,5,1,6
  • Step 1 Copy order of P1 across
  • C1 ,5,0,,,1,,
  • Step 2 Fill the rest in sequence from P2
  • C1 3,5,0,4,7,1,2,6
  • REPEAT for C2 using P2 for order

Selection Techniques
  • Elitism
  • Make X copies of the current generations fittest
    genome(s) into next generation
  • Steady State Selection
  • Extreme elitism ?
  • Keep entire generation, except for the worst X

Selection Techniques
  • Fitness Proportionate Selection
  • Roulette wheel selection
  • (Bad for small populations)
  • Stochastic Universal Sampling
  • Instead of spinning the roulette wheel N times,
    spin it once but select using N evenly spaced

Selection Techniques
  • Tournament Selection
  • Choose n individuals at random (nltpopulation
  • Take the fittest of those selected and add to the
    new generation
  • DO NOT remove selected ones
  • Repeat until full generation

  • Raw (un-scaled) fitness scores CAN give a useable
    value BUT in general GA performance can be
    improved by scaling fitness to avoid outliers
  • Rank Scaling
  • Rank genomes, the rank is the new fitness
  • I.e. if population size 5 the fittest becomes
    fitness 5, second becomes fitness 4, etc
  • This helps prevent premature convergence (on i.e.
    a local minima)

  • Sigma Scaling
  • Raw fitness often converge too fast, rank fitness
    often converge too slow
  • Sigma scaling tries too smooth things out (keeps
    selection pressure steady)
  • If stddev 0 then newf 1 else newf
  • Avg(fit) å Fit(x)/popsize
  • Stddev ÖVAR
  • VAR (å (Fit(x) avg(fit))2) / popsize

  • Boltzmann Scaling
  • Sometimes you might want to vary selection
  • i.e. Start with low pressure to maintain
    diversity in population BUT increase it every
    generation so that fitter individuals have a
    higher change towards the end
  • Newfitness (oldF / temperature) /
    (avg(fit) / temperature)
  • Temperature is a value that start fairly high and
    get decreased gradually each generation

  • Niching is a way of preserving population
    diversity by grouping similar individuals
  • Explicit Fitness Sharing
  • Group members with similar genomes together
  • (i.e. two genomes may have an exact overlap in 5
    places ? compatibility score 5)
  • Test each genome against some sample and then
  • Share the fitness between similar genomes
  • If three are grouped together, each has its
    fitness divided by three
  • This penalize individuals if there are too many
    similar ones, THUS increasing diversity
  • Other niching techniques do exist

So What?
  • The only way to truly develop a feel for
    Genetic Algorithms (and Neural Networks) is to
    PLAY with them
  • The techniques outlined earlier should be
    experimented with
  • Some of them will make your pathfinder
    practical better (Its not about finding the exit,
    its about finding it in better ways!)
  • TSP ? Is a VERY nice (and well studied)
    optimization problem. If you want to get really
    good at GAs, its an excellent testing ground

Next Practical
  • Write a GA to solve the TSP
  • Should generate a random OR a circular list of
  • Solve TSP for a fixed number of generations or
    until convergence or until user says stop

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