Title: The Semicolon
1The Semicolon
2Lets begin with a simple sentence
Grandma stays up too late.
3Now lets expand on that a bit
Grandma stays up too late. Shes afraid shes
going to miss something.
This is OK. Two independent ideas, separated by a
4What if we try to combine the two ideas? Grandma
stays up too late, shes afraid shes going to
miss something.
Somethings wrong. We connected two independent
clauses with only a comma. (The comma splice)
5We could insert a coordinating conjunction
Grandma is afraid shell miss something, so she
stays up too late.
This is better! Note the comma that accompanies
the coordinating conjunction.
6We could also try subordinating one of these
ideas Grandma stays up too late because shes
afraid shes going to miss something.
Notice that the comma disappeared. One idea (the
second one) now depends on the other it has
become a dependent clause.
7But lets try something else.
8Lets try using a semicolon in this
sentence. Grandma stays up too late shes afraid
shes going to miss something.
Notice there is no conjunction used with this
semicolon either subordinating or
coordinating. Just the semicolon, all by itself.
9Sometimes semicolons are accompanied by
conjunctive adverbs words such as however,
moreover, therefore, nevertheless, consequently,
as a result.
Grandma is afraid shes going to miss something
as a result, she stays up too late.
10 Notice the pattern as a result,
semicolon conjunctive adverb comma
This is a typical construction with semicolons.