Title: BBG
2Plant Blindness
3Symptoms of Plant Blindness
- Failure to see or focus on plants
- Seeing plants as merely backdrop to animals
- Insensitive to the aesthetic qualities of plants
- Overlooking the importance of plants
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7Brooklyn Botanic Garden Handbooks Invasive
Plants Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants
(coming this summer) www.bbg.org
8Celastrus orbiculata Oriental Bittersweet
9Celastrus scandens American Bittersweet
American bittersweet
Oriental bittersweet
11Change in Celastrus Species
C. scandens
C. orbiculata
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13Phragmites Phragmites australis
14Phragmites australis ssp. americana
Phragmites australis ssp. australis
Figure 1. Vegetation changes Iona
Marsh. Source NYS DEC / Hudson River National
Estuarine Research Reserve
16Iona Island Expansion of Phragmites australis
1964 - 1997
Percent of marsh surface
17Data from Breeding Bird Survey at Iona Marsh,
Spring 2004. By Lawler, Matusky Skelly
Engineers for DEC/PIPC and Hudson River Foundation
18Data from Breeding Bird Survey at Iona Marsh,
Spring 2004. By Lawler, Matusky Skelly
Engineers for DEC/PIPC and Hudson River Foundation
19Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria
20Purple loosetrife Lythrum salicaria
21Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata
22Garlic mustard
23Japanese Stiltgrass
24Japanese stilt grass Microstegium vimineum
25Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergiiCI 1.78
26Change Index top ten and bottom ten
27Giant HogweedHeracleum mantegazzianumConcerns
- Sap causes sensitivity to UV light
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29Pueraria lobata Kudzu
30Aralia elata
31Range map of Aralia elata (red) and A. spinosa