Title: Contractor Injury
1Contractor Injury Electrical Arc
FlashWashington Site
- What Happened?
- On 3/15 contractor installed a 15 HP starter into
a live 480V MCC - Wore hard hat and safety glasses and used a
regular screwdriver w/o an insulated shaft - Received 1st and 2nd degree burns to face and
both hands - Fortunately, did not receive electrical shock or
eye damage - Contractor expects to recover fully with only
minor scarring of hands
2Contractor Injury Electrical Arc
FlashWashington Site
- Background
- Experienced Journeyman with 20 yrs. exp.,
- Very familiar with site 10 yrs. experience
- Trained on required PPE for Hazard Risk Category
3 electrical tasks - Insertion of motor starter into live MCC a common
practice at many sites
3Contractor Injury Electrical Arc
FlashWashington Site
- Preliminary Investigation Results
- Root/Contributing Causes
- Contractor Personal Performance - failed to
utilize proper PPE and proper tool (V-rated
gloves, V-rated screwdriver, FR coveralls, flash
suit hood, etc.) - Site Procedures did not not adequately address
guidelines for working on electrically energized
4Contractor Injury Electrical Arc
FlashWashington Site
- Preliminary Investigation Results
- Corrective Actions to be finalized after
receiving final safety report from electrical
contractor. - Recommendations
- Sites should critically review procedures for
working on energized electrical equipment to
ensure necessary guidance, approvals,and
oversight exist. (See NFPA 70E, Article 130 and
draft procedure from Wyandotte, WYN032.043)
5MCC2 Contains total of 66 motor starters.
Shutdown of entire MCC affects 4 of 7 reactor
systems and other critical tank farm equipment
63 phase, 480V starter for 15 HP agitator motor .
Starter was removed to drill holes for future
mounting of control relay
7Exposed 480 V buss bar with starter removed
8 Rear view of starter. Incident occurred
while tightening this hold-down screw from the
9Uninsulated screw driver contacted electrically
energized wire
10 from the front
Signs of melting at screwdriver tip. Temperature
likely exceeded 2500 F
11Soot residue on helmet and safety glasses
12PPE requirements poster located in MCC. Approx.
4 feet from starter
13Duffle bags containing required PPE V-rated
gloves, FR coveralls, flash suit hood,
etc. Located in MCC. Approx. 10 feet from