Title: Adult Education Finance for the NonFinancial Manager
1Adult Education Finance for the Non-Financial
2Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
- Accounting Codes
- EF-X-132
- Subsidy Formula
- Other Issues
- Questions
3Accounting Codes
- Form the backbone of any financial reporting and
accountability system - This structure gives an entity the ability to
accurately and effectively report on its
financial activities - Provide a uniform means for comparing
evaluating organizations (i.e. School Districts) - Maine DOE Model Chart of Accountshttp//www.mai
4Accounting Codes
- Expenditures use a series of levels in a
hierarchy to identify the following - The fund from which the funds are being expended
- The program that is spending the funds
- The function for which the funds are being spent
- The object on which the funds are spent
- The level of instruction associated with the
expenditure (Cost Center)
5Accounting Codes
- Further they identify
- The project for which funds are being spent
- The operational unit on which the funds are being
spent - The subject matter on which the funds are being
spent - The job class associated with the expenditure
6Accounting Codes
- Expenditures use a series of levels in a
hierarchy to identify the following - The fund from which the funds are being expended
- The program that is spending the funds
- The function for which the funds are being spent
- The object on which the funds are spent
- The level of instruction associated with the
expenditure (cost center)
7Accounting Codes
100 6500 1000 1010 40
- These are the minimum categories in the States
Chart of Accounts - Additional categories may be added for more local
level detail
8Accounting Codes
The fund from which the funds are being expended
100 6500 1000 1010 40
9Accounting Codes
Examples of Fund Codes
Fund Code 150 may be used to specifically
differentiate Adult Education from other General
Fund expenditures if the LEA wishes
10Accounting Codes
- The program that is spending the funds
100 6500 1000 1010 40
11Accounting Codes
Examples of Program Codes(specifically
applicable to adult education)
Summary Code
12Accounting Codes
- The function for which the funds are being spent
100 6500 1000 1010 40
13Accounting Codes
Examples of Function Codes
14Accounting Codes
- The object on which the funds are spent
100 6500 1000 1010 40
15Accounting Codes
Examples of Object Codes
16Accounting Codes
- The level of instruction associated with the
expenditure (Cost Center)
100 6500 1000 1010 40
17Accounting Codes
Examples of Cost Center Codes
18Accounting Codes
Can you name these accounts?
19Accounting Codes
Benefits for the teacher of an adult education
CTE course
20Accounting Codes
Supplies for an adult education high school
completion course
21Accounting Codes
Salary for an adult education teacher of an adult
transitions course
22Accounting Codes
Salary for an adult education Director
23Program Codes
Subsidizable Category
24Special Object Codes
25The EFX-132 is the Form for Reporting Your
Programs Financial Information and Calculating
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29EF-X-132 Page 1
- FTE Full Time Equivalent (expressed as a
decimal) - FTE calculation based on a standard 40 hour work
week - Hours worked as stipulated in contract or other
work agreement - Divide hours worked by 40
- Work 20 hours FTE .50
- Work 32 hours FTE .80
- Work 19 hours FTE .48
30(No Transcript)
31EF-X-132 Page 1
- Item 10 Major Duties
- These are NON-ADULT EDUCATION duties
- Examples
- Alternative Education Director
- Affirmative Action Officer for district
- Gifted and Talented Coordinator
- DO NOT list duties that are part of the Adult
Education Directors job (e.g. intake, testing,
designing the course catalogue, registrations,
submitting reports) - Being on the Districts Administration Team is
considered part of the duties of an Adult
Education Director
32(No Transcript)
33EF-X-132 (Page 2) Enrollment Data
34Demog Tab Pages 1 and 2
Finan Tab Page 3
35EF-X-132 Financial Page
36EF-X-132 Financial Page
- Organization based on the hierarchy of the MDOE
Chart of Accounts - Section A Instructional Programs
- Section B Grants and Contracts
- Section C Administration
- Additional information and detail
- Data used to calculate the Adult Education
Subsidy (Items marked with an asterisk)
37EF-X-132 Financial Page
Subsidizable Expenditure
38EF-X-132 Financial Page
39EF-X-132 Financial Page
40EF-X-132 Financial Page
Line 10f on Page 1
Directors Salary Detail Page 3
41EF-X-132 Financial Page
42EF-X-132 Financial Page
43EF-X-132 Financial Page
Directors reported salary reduced by the 25
reflecting the percentage of time spent on
Alternative Education
44Accounting CodesEFX-132
45Accounting Codes
- How do your codes stack up?
- What differences exist
- What will it take to reconcile those differences
- What special needs do you have (for codes)
- Unique programs
- Local reporting expectations (e.g. multi SAU
adult ed programs) - Would you be able/feel comfortable having the
adult education financial data reported as part
of the MDOE Data Warehouse reporting process?
Talk to your Bookkeeper NOW!
46Adult Education Subsidy Formula
- Two Key Components of Formula
- Allowable Expenditures
- Ceiling
47What Are Allowable Expenditures?
48Instructional Costs
- Teachers Salaries
- Teachers Benefits
- In The Following Instructional Categories
- Local Literacy (6600)
- High School Completion (6500)
- Workforce Training Retraining (6300)
- Adults With Disabilities (6400)
- Adult Transitions (6060)
Projected to become a subsidizable category in
75 Reimbursement
49What Are Allowable Expenditures?
- Instructional Costs
- Object Codes
- Salaries 1010
- Benefits 2010
- Contracted Services eligible for subsidy 3430
50What Are Allowable Expenditures?
- Instructional Costs
- Administrative Costs
51Allowable Administrative Costs
- Directors Salary Benefits
- Assistant Directors - Salary Benefits
- ABE Coordinator - Salary Benefits
- Clerical - Salaries Benefits
- Instructional Support Services -Salary Benefits
70 Reimbursement
52What Are Allowable Expenditures?
- Instructional Costs
- Administrative Costs
- Salaries 1040 1080
53What Are Allowable Expenditures?
- Instructional Costs
- Administrative Costs
- Salaries 1040 1080
- Benefits 2040 2080
54What Are Allowable Expenditures?
- Instructional Costs
- Administrative Costs
- Supplies Other Support Services
55Supplies/Other Support Services
- Textbooks Instructional Materials
- Certain Other Costs
- Postage
- Telephone
- Publicity
- GED Annual Fee
- Fiscal Services
- Travel To State Meetings
50 Reimbursement
56Supplies/Other Support Services
- Textbooks Instructional Materials
- Supplies 6100
50 Reimbursement
57Supplies/Other Support Services
- Textbooks Instructional Materials
- Certain Other Costs
- Postage 5310
- Telephone 5320
- Publicity 5400
- GED Annual Fee 8130
- Fiscal Services 5000
- Travel To State Meetings 5830
50 Reimbursement
58Adult Education Subsidy Formula
- Two Key Components of Formula
- Allowable Expenditures
- Ceiling
59Adult Education Subsidy Formula
- Ceiling Calculation
- Local Share Subsidy Check Ceiling
- 60,000 40,000 100,000
The Ceiling Represents the Maximum Amount of
Expenditures That Will be Considered for
Calculating the Subsidy.
60XYZ Adult Community Education Program Subsidy
Calculation for FY2004 Case 1
- Amount of state subsidy received in foundation
year (FY02) - 70,000.00 - Amount of Local Participation in foundation year
(FY02) - - 30,000 - Instructional Expenses - 70,000.00
- Administrative Expenses - 40,000.00
- Supply Expenses - 20,000.00
61Subsidy Calculation
62Subsidy CalculationOrder of Operations
- I Instructional Exp.
- Am Administrative Exp.
- Smart Supplies Exp.
63Subsidy Calculation
64Subsidy Calculation
65Subsidy Calculation
66Subsidy Calculation
67Subsidy Calculation
68Subsidy Calculation
69Subsidy Calculation
70Subsidy Calculation
71XYZ Adult Community Education Program Subsidy
Calculation for FY2006 Case 2
- Amount of state subsidy received in foundation
year (FY04) - 70,000.00 - Amount of Local Participation in foundation year
(FY04) - - 80,000.00 - Instructional Expenses - 70,000.00
- Administrative Expenses - 40,000.00
- Supply Expenses - 20,000.00
72Subsidy Calculation
73Subsidy Calculation
74Subsidy Calculation
75Subsidy Calculation
76Subsidy Calculation
- Case 1 Subsidy 73,500.00 (local share
30,000.00) - Case 2 Subsidy 90,000.00 (local share
80,000.00) - Conclusion?
- The amount of your subsidy is impacted
(positively or negatively) by the amount of the
local share.
77Subsidy Calculation
- Also remember that how you spend your money
(programming categories etc) will impact the
amount of subsidy you get. - Example 1 director retires AEFLA coordinator
takes over as director no new coordinator hired
subsidy decreased (reduced admin. expenditures) - Example 2 Offered fewer HSC courses but
increased enrichment classes offered total
expenditures remained the same but subsidy
decreased (expenditures for enrichment classes
not part of subsidy formula)
78Other Issues
- No Subsidy For General Courses (AKA Enrichment
or Quality of Life) - No Subsidy For Equipment Purchase or Upkeep
- Do not include in the subsiduzable categories any
expenditures that were paid for by grants or
other sources (except registration fees). These
would be reported under a separate column on the
form. - Carl Perkins CTE AEFLA Grants already on form
- Other activity would be reported under a separate
6__ Other column
79How Do I Account For Fees We Collected?
- Registration Fees Are Reported on the EFX-132 (at
the bottom of page 3) - Registration Fees collected for subsidizable
activities will be subtracted from allowable
Supply expenditures
80How Do I Account For Fees?
- What are Fees for subsidizable courses?
- Were the participants charged a fee to take the
course (including lab and/or materials fees)? - Was that teachers salary reported (on the
EFX-132) in one of the program categories that is
eligible for subsidy? - If the answer to both questions is Yes, then you
have Fees For Subsidizable Courses
81Remember, if an expenditure isnt in one of the
asterisked cells, it will not be included in the
subsidy calculation!
82Subsidy Amount is Prorated Based on Available
Current Rate is About 60 /- (subsidy reduced by
83Subsidy Calculation Worksheet
- Fill in the amounts from the appropriate cells on
the EF-X-132 - Provides an estimate of your subsidy for the
following year. - The one unknown is the Prorate
84Subsidy Calculation Worksheet
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88Got Questions?
- Call - 624-6754
- Email - andy.mcmahan_at_maine.gov
- District level Bookkeeper Contact
89Adult EducationFinance For the Non-Financial