Title: Content adaptation in heterogeneous environment
1Content adaptation in heterogeneous environment
2Presentation plan
- 1- Presentation of the lab_at_future project
- an heterogeneous platform
- Thales concerns
- the concept of content presentation module
- 2- Middleware application Layer
- Topology Architecture
- Concepts and validations
- Adaptation module design
- 3- concrete example XML filtering inside a
communication infrastructure
3Lab_at_future Project An heterogeneous Platform
School LABoratory anticipating FUTURE needs of
European Youth
Lab_at_Future is a learning platform that uses
novel Information and Communication Technologies
to support and expand laboratory teaching
practices. The teacher or student will be
able to interact with real and synthetic objects,
using special devices. In addition, he will be
able to specify or carry out an experiment, both
in the real and the computer generated world.
4Four experiments in four different domains
Fluids dynamics
Environmental awareness
3D Mathematics
- The system is complex because of its
- heterogeneity
How to adapt the information content to the
constraints defined by the platform
? Introduces the concept of Content
presentation Module
6Adaptation RequirementsThe concept of Content
Presentation Module
- Need for content adaptation in the project
- HTML content adaptation
- Video
7Content presentation Module
- Wireless network constraints
- low bandwidth (low signal power)
- connection cut hazards
- End user equipment (heterogeneous)
- laptop PC
- PDA environment
- mobile phone environment
- user profile
- teacher, student, observer, expert
- access control
8Example of content adaptation
9Architecture Overview
10Where to find content adaptation?
- Client-based integration
- PDA content Adaptation
- HTML, images
- Server-based integration
- Module implemented by server routines
- VRML objects
- Network based integration
11 unified information format
Cell (Header, Content)gt Header (Parameter
) Content (Properties, Data) Properties
(Property )
Information structure a cell
12Information Flow
Content adaptation Service
Content Adaptation Module
content level
cell level
00101101 text...
transport level
Cell Parsers
13A system of policies
- If setOfProperties Then ... Else
Content properties
Context (System state)
Type Of Content
Set of policies
Loaded Service
Adapted Content
14policy design DTD Description
lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'utf-8'?gt lt!-- DTD
POLICY STRUCTURE --gt lt!ELEMENT policy (policyID,
instruction)gt lt!ELEMENT policyID
(PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT instruction (condition,
thenExpression, elseExpression)gt lt!ELEMENT
condition (booleanExpression)gt lt!ELEMENT
booleanExpression (operator, operandList)gt lt!ELEME
NT operator (andornon)gt lt!ELEMENT and
EMPTYgt lt!ELEMENT operandList (operand)gt lt!ELEMENT
operand (booleanExpressionproperty)gt lt!ELEMENT
property EMPTYgt lt!ATTLIST property name CDATA
REQUIREDgt lt!ELEMENT thenExpression
(instructionstatement)gt lt!ELEMENT elseExpression
(instructionstatement)gt lt!ELEMENT statement
(serviceID)gt lt!ELEMENT serviceID (PCDATA)gt
15Module Architecture
16CPM API and resources
CPM Services transport
Cell parsers
17Example XML content filtering
lteveryonegtThis document deals with...lt/everyonegt lt
studentgt Work to be donelt/studentgt ltteachergtLectu
re reference...lt/teachergt
- Use of JXTA technology
- For designing and simulating a network topology.
- To access network resources and retrieve
information profiles such as user identity