Title: By Breann
1Egypt's Past
BYBreann Kyla
There are two types of land in Ancient Egypt,
Blackand Red. The black land is the Fertile
land along the Nile River. It becomes fertile
each year after the yearly flood that puts layers
of black silt along the shore. This is the only
land good for farming. The red land is the
deserts that protect Ancient Egypt on two sides.
Also this meant that Ancient Egypt was separated
by countries beside it. The deserts also provided
precious metal and semi-precious rocks. Egypt is
in the north eastern region of Africa surrounded
around the Mediterranean Sea on the north, On
the east it has the Red Sea, mountain ranges on
the south, and miles of desert on the west.
4Religion and Philosophy
5language, education, arts
6Political Science
- The jobs people of anceint Egypt would have would
depend on weather you were male or female. The
jobs people had would ussualy be something to do
with the pyrmids. If you are a man you would
probably do what you father did. The men would
probably farm, be carpenters, tame animals, make
papyrus paper, or make pottery If you were a
female you would baby-sit, get water from the
river, stir cosmetics, sew and weave. Some very
important jobs in Ancient Egypt was to be a
Scribe. There were quite a few people who would
scribe. The next important job is a Mortar maker.
These people would mix sand, lime,and water to
lubricate the pyrmids. Prymid probably would
exist if it wasnt for Mortars.
- http//www.ancientegypt.co.uk/geography/home.html
- http//emuseum.mnsu.edu/prehistory/egypt/dailylife
/geography.html - http//emuseum.mnsu.edu/prehistory/egypt/dailylife
/geography.html - http//emuseum.mnsu.edu/prehistory/egypt/maps/main
map.html - http//www.up140.jacksn.k12.il.us/Egypt99/Sullivan
/job.htm - http//www.