Title: Title IIA Professional Development
1Title II-A Professional Development
- Deb Carroll
- Project Manager
- Annie Watt
- Sr. Financial Analyst
- Office of Teaching and Learning
- PO Box 3107
- Portland, OR 97208
- 503-916-3202
- dcarroll_at_pps.k12.or.us
- awatt_at_pps.k12.or.us
2Title II-A Professional Development Activities
- The purpose of Title II-A is to improve the
knowledge of staff regarding effective
instructional practices that - Increase Student Achievement
- Involve collaborative groups of teachers and
administrators - Address the needs of students with different
learning styles including ELL and TAG. - Provide training in improving student behavior in
the classroom and identify early and appropriate
interventions to help students with special
needs. - Provide training on how to use data and
assessments to improve classroom practice and
student learning.
3Professional Development Activities must be
- Sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused and
are not one-day or short-term workshops - Advances teacher understanding of effective
instruction strategies that are based on
scientifically based research and - Are developed with extensive participation of
teachers, principals, parents, and
4Title II-A funds can be used for
- Conferences/Workshops
- Consultant Services
- Training Materials
- Teacher Stipends to Attend Workshops
- College course work to become highly qualified.
5What do Schools Need to do to participate
- Complete an FY 2010 Affirmation of Consultation
- Administrator a Staff Needs Assessment Survey
online will be sent to administrators June 1 - Prepare a Needs Assessment Plan
6Needs Assessment Plans
- Staffs input on Professional Development Need
(survey) - Strategies to increase Student Achievement
(assessments) -
- Aligned with School Improvement Plan
7Professional Development OpportunityCurriculum
- June 23, 2009 Curriculum Mapping 101
- August 19 20 2009 -Preparing for 2009/10 SY
- October 9, 2009 - Check-in Additional
Supports. - Register for June 23, 2009 by emailing
- School, staff names positions, email contact.
- Deb Carroll dcarroll_at_pps.k12.or.us
8Additional Contact Information
- Evelyn Brzezinski
- Interim Assistant Superintendent
- Office of Teaching and Learning
- 503-916-3202
- Bev Pratt
- ODE Title II-A
- 503-378-3600 x 2218
- http//www.ed.gov/programs/teacherqual/index.html
9Title II-A Fiscal Management
- Title II-A
- Annie Watt
- 503-916-3931
- awatt_at_pps.k12.or.us
10Annual Allocation
- Preliminary Allocation as of May 2009
- Expected Date of Final Allocation July 2009
- Calculation based on ALL students in PPS (Public
Private) divided by total available funds. - All Schools with Confirmation Form get an
allocation regardless of past spending.
11Request for Travel/Training
- Workshop has to be relevant to work
- Increase student achievement
- Identified in Needs Assessment
- Travel Training needs to be preapproved.
- Travel Training Form completed signed
- Workshop information and registration attached to
form. - Originals sent to Annie Watt (no faxes or PDF)
12Helpful Hints by Annie -
- Sample of Travel/Training Request
- Suzy Smith
- would like to attend
- Delight in Words Workshop
- June 29
- using Title II-A funds.
13Step 1 Find a workshop that is relevant and
will support student achievement
14Step 2 Complete Registration Form
15Step 3 Example of Authorization Form for
Workshop Registration Only
16Example for Request to attend Out-of-Town
Please register early We cannot prepay
registrations not received at least 4 weeks in
advance of training.
Please register early We cannot prepay
registrations not received at least 4 weeks in
advance of training.
Please register early We cannot prepay
registrations not received at least 4 weeks in
advance of training.
Please register early We cannot prepay
registrations not received at least 4 weeks in
advance of training.
Please register early We cannot prepay
registrations not received at least 4 weeks in
advance of training.
Complete all registration information This will
be sent to vendor.
Complete all registration information This will
be sent to vendor.
Complete all registration information This will
be sent to vendor.
Complete all registration information This will
be sent to vendor.
Complete all registration information This will
be sent to vendor.
Make sure to include information about the cost.
Make sure to include information about the cost.
Make sure to include information about the cost.
Make sure to include information about the cost.
Make sure to include information about the cost.
Make sure to include where the payment is to be
Make sure to include where the payment is to be
Make sure to include where the payment is to be
Make sure to include where the payment is to be
Make sure to include where the payment is to be
17Common Obstacles to getting payment requests
- All documents must be original. This includes
all forms and receipts. Please do not fax your
documentation to us it creates excess paper and
confusion. - .
- Be sure to attach all necessary documents. If you
are missing any necessary documentation in your
request, it will be sent back to you to complete.
- Make sure you are using the appropriate form.
Requests that do not have transaction form or
which have an incorrect transaction form will be
returned for you to complete. - Tuition In order to receive reimbursement for
college courses, staff must provide proof of
payment and proof of completion of course (grade
slip). - Contracts In order to use a contract, it must be
submitted to Annie Watt 30 days before the date
the contact is needed. If you need help writing
a contract, you must contact Annie Watt 60 days
before you need the contract. -
- Travel training If any conference fees need to
be paid by the district in advance, the travel
form must be submitted three weeks in advance.
18Important Dates
- Summer Activities
- Please have all summer professional development
activities preapproved by June 19, 2009. - All contracts, travel/training requests and
resource materials have to be into Annie Watt
prior to June 19 for approval. - Exceptions - Reimbursements and Stipend requests
can be made after June 19, 2009 - Starting July 1, 2008
- We will no longer fund out of country travel for
professional development. - Independent-study travel courses
- Out-of-town professional development staff
19Additional Contact Information
- Evelyn Brzezinski
- Interim Assistant Superintendent
- Office of Teaching and Learning
- 503-916-3202
- Shari Lewis
- Assistant Controller
- Grant Accounting
- 503-916-3153
- Bev Pratt
- ODE Title II-A
- 503-378-3600 x 2218
- http//www.ed.gov/programs/teacherqual/index.html