Title: One Country Two Systems: Below Replacement Fertility
1One Country Two Systems Below Replacement
Fertility Rural-urban Migration in China
- Dr. Xin YUANÂ
- Institute of Population Development
- Nankai University, Tianjin ,China
- Dr. Zhongwei ZHAO
- Department Sociology Program
- The Australian National University, Australia
21. Data and concepts? Data
- Chinas population censuses in 2000, 1990, 1982
and 1964 - Each year population statistic data from the SBB
of China during 1950 and 2002 - 1 per thousand national fertility survey dada in
1982 and 2 per thousand national fertility
survey data in 1988 by SFPC
3? Concepts
- Permanent migrants migrants who have obtained
permanent household registration statue (hukou)
at their place of destination - Temporary migrants (floating population)
migrants who migrate from their original hukou
registered areas, but their hukou do NOT changed
with the migration. - Inter-province floating population who migrate
across the border of province with a long
4- In 2000 census, floating population include
- ----who do not have permanent registered
hukou at their destination province and have
stayed there at least six months - ---- who live in the destination province
less than six months but have left their hukou
province more than six months - ----who have hukou from other provinces and
are still waiting for transferring their hukou to
the province where they are living
52.Two difference fertility regimes
- TFR decline in whole of China. The government
launched its nationwide family planning program
in the early 1970s. TFR dropped from
approximately 6 to less than 3 in the first
decade, from 2.6 to the level of replacement in
the second decade, and further decreased to 1.8
or lower in the third decade.
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7- difference fertility regimes between rural and
urban areas
Proportion of population by variant birth control
8- Current FP policy (general items)
- Han one in urban and one half in rural, meet
one of 6-7 stipulated conditions, can get one
more. - Ethnics a. 2 in urban and 2-3 in rural for most
ethnics b. free for ethnics that population is
less than 50 thousand c)free for Tibetan - Interval at least 3 or 4 year
- Only one child married each other, can get two.
Even only one child married with non-one child in
rural areas, can get two in 7 provinces.
9- Demographic transition. Dramatic demographic
transition in China fast and short term.
However, the urban began the transition before
implementation of family planning policies and
has completed it now, but the rural started the
transition after FPP and is still in the
processing of the transition.
10Early 1970s Late Longer less
mid-1970s 3 ok 2 not less
1984 One half children
End-1970s 2 ok 1 not less
1980 One child
11Changes of TFRs in Urban and Rural Areas in China
12Changes of TFR in China, BJ, SH TJ
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14Rural and Urban Demographic Transition in China
15- Long-term low fertility in large cities have
caused rapid population aging and shortage of
labor force, or even total population,but there
are a lot of surplus working age population in
the rural.
163. Rural-urban migration its implications on
urban population
- A great number of rural-urban temporary migrants
in the last 25 years. - Typical labor temporary migrants
- Slow down and reduce the population aging in the
big cities. - Lighten the elderly dependent ratio and total
dependence ratio in the cities. - Increase the size and proportion of labor force
in the total population in the cities.
17Increase of size of temporary migrants in China
19Percentage of floating and hukou population
20Age structure of floating population
21Living time of floating population in SH in 2000
- 2006 survey in Beijing
- 1/5 of total households is floatings
- 51.4 floatings have lived in BJ more than five
years - 41.2 floatings are whole family floating
22Age pattern of Shanghai, 1964 2000
23Age Pattern in Beijing, 1964 2000
24Age patterns of total,hukou floating
populationShanghai - 2000
25Age patterns of total,hukou floating
populationBeijing - 2000
26Age patterns of total,hukou floating
populationTianjin - 2000
27Dependent ratios Total population, hukou
population temporary migrants in Beijing,
Shanghai Tianjin in 2000
28Age structure of total population, hukou and
floating population
295. Conclusion
- Population transition started earlier in the
urban than the rural and China as a whole. - No evidence shows the low fertility would bound
up in the urban, esp. in the large cities, even
the family planning policy is more relaxed than
before. - Syndrome of low fertility has been appeared in
the urban. - Rural-urban temporary migrations are the
indispensable force of urban development. - Must attention demographic effects of both sides
of rural and urban