Title: Thunderbird-TWC/Bright House Competitive Intelligence Challenge Two
1Thunderbird-TWC/Bright House Competitive
Intelligence Challenge Two
- Getting the Most out of Secondary Sources
2The CI Challenge So Far
The CI Challenge Process So Far
Challenge 1
one week
two weeks
- In Challenge One, you all worked with the
painpoint and opportunity analyses templates to
create the key intelligence questions that were
posted on March 12. - Since then, you have been seeing how much water
you - could put in each glass
- from inside TWC and
- Bright House.
Internal Intelligence Collection
KIQ Development
3Introducing Challenge TwoBeginning to Collect
Competitive Intelligence outside of TWC/BH
This challenge is about leveraging intelligence
from the public information sectorbasically,
secondary sources. Remember this slide from the
The Competitive Information World
4Keys to Keep in Mind About the Public Information
Keys to Keep in Mind About the Public Information
- 1) Most companies under-value whats in it
- They think that if information is in the public
record, it cant have real value as CI - This is dead wrongtheres lots of good CI you
just have to know how to find it - 2) Many people dont know how to get the most out
of searching the public box - It takes them a whole bag of
- oranges to get one glass of
- juice
5Keys to Keep in Mind About the Public Information
Keys to Keep in Mind About the Public Information
- We know the key challenges you all have re public
information sources are - Not enough time to search, and
- Its hard to know where to look re CI
- We hope to help in this Challenge by
- 1. diagnosing the Key Intelligence Questions
(KIQs) you created in Challenge One so you can
better understand what kind of CI to look for,
and - 2. guiding you to specific sources to search for
the answers
6Problem Statement If we knew more about our
adjust our own financial metrics and guidelines
to compete more effectively with them in the
KIQ 1 Developed in Challenge One
- Key Intelligence Questions
- 1. What business model does our competitor
have that allows them to offer their products at
their current rate? - 2. What are their internal financial metrics
that allows them to compete so effectively?
(i.e., IRR, ROI, ROE, Return on Customers, P/E,
etc.) - 3. What kind of return does our competitor
get on those bulk order rates and is that
sustainable over the long term? - 4. What are our competitors customer
acquisition costs per customer? - 5. Retention costs per customer?
7Diagnosing the Financial Status and Model KIQs
Diagnosing the Financial Status and Model KIQs
- You may be able to find, either through secondary
sources in Challenge Two, or primary sources in
Challenge Three, specific answers to some of the
data in KIQs 2, 3, 4, and 5 - But, it is more likely that you will find only
pieces of these puzzles that you will have to
identify and arrange to create the whole picture.
- So, search for the whole answer to ATTs
customer acquisition costs per customer, for
example, but also look for any clues that would
help you figure this out later. - With regard to KIQ 1, you almost certainly will
have to build your version of ATTs or Verizons
business model once you understand the data
points youve identified in KIQs 2-5. - Thunderbird will provide you with some modeling
tools in Challenge 4.
- Key Intelligence Questions
- What business model does our competitor have that
allows them to offer their products at their
current rate? - What are their internal financial metrics that
allows them to compete so effectively? (i.e.,
IRR, ROI, ROE, Return on Customers, P/E, etc.) - What kind of return does our competitor get on
those - bulk order rates and is that sustainable over
the long term? - What are our competitors customer acquisition
costs per customer? - Retention costs per customer?
8Some Places to Look for Competitors Financial
- A competitors Annual report reveals many hidden
secrets - Analysts can provide some detailed informational
reports on companies - Shareholder presentations have good information
about their financial status
- Verizon Informational Linkshttp//www.google.com/
- ATT Informational Linkshttp//www.google.com/fin
9Problem Statement If we knew more about our
STRATEGY, we could adjust our own marketing and
sales strategies to compete more effectively in
the marketplace.
KIQ 2 Developed in Challenge One
- Key Intelligence Questions
- How does our competitor segment and target their
markets? - How does our competitor then position itself in
those market places? - What products does our competitor offer to its
customers? - What does our competitor say about us? Our
products? Both explicit and implicit. - How do their customers react to their marketing
and communication strategy?
10Diagnosing the Marketing and Communications
Strategy KIQs
- -KIQ 3 is basically a collection of hard datathe
more exhaustive and specific the information you
collect, the more informed you will be about
countering. - -KIQs 3 and 4 are essentially about
- anecdotal datathat is, you will be collecting a
variety of responses and opinions that will need
to be interpreted in Challenge Four to be of
maximum value. The more anecdotal information you
can collect (sample size) and from the broadest
variety of sources possible (sample
representation), the better the insight you will
be able to draw from it in Challenge Four.
Thunderbird will help you with some
interpretative approaches in Challenge Four. - -KIQs 1 and 2 will be entirely interpretative,
in that you will find descriptions of their
segmentation targeting strategies, but we will
need to assess (as I discussed in the Forum)
their effectiveness to provide the insight
necessary to be able to counter. - Thunderbird will provide assessment tools in
Challenge Four.
- Key Intelligence Questions
- How does our competitor segment and target their
markets? - How does our competitor then position itself in
those market places? - What products does our competitor offer to its
customers? - What does our competitor
- say about us? Our products? Both explicit and
implicit. - 5. How do their customers react to their
marketing and communication strategy?
11Some Places to Look for Competitors Marketing
and Communications Strategies
- Competitor Websites provide valuable information
about their positioning in the market - PR News wires reveal hidden gems about a
competitors strategy - Watch dog sites reveal publicly available
information about competitors
- http//www22.verizon.com/
- http//www.att.com/
- http//www.prnewswire.com/
- http//www.publicintegrity.org/telecom/
12Search a specific site using Google
13Search for a specific file type using Google
14Problem Statement If we knew more about our
could more adjust our own operational and
strategic goals to compete more effectively in
the marketplace.
Results from Challenge One
KIQ 3 Developed in Challenge One
- Key Intelligence Questions
- Where is our competitor targeting to enter into
in the future? - What markets (i.e., regions, locales, and
neighborhoods) is our competitor targeting? - What national and regional players are our
competitor targeting for long term contracts? - When is our competitor targeting to enter into
those markets? - What products and services are our competitor
launching to enter into those markets? - What products and services are they planning to
introduce after launch? - How does the competitors technology compare to
our own? Quantitatively and qualitatively?
15Diagnosing the Operational and Strategic Goals
- This problem set is about creating as complete a
picture as possible of ATTs and Verizons
future competitive strategies and timelines.
Thunderbird will provide some forward-looking
methodologies in Challenge Four. - -KIQs 1-5 focus on STMP issues (segment, target,
market, product), and you should be looking for
as much - hard or interpretable data as possible in trying
to answer them. You may get lucky and find entire
lists, or you may find only partial answers that
will have to synthesized.
- Key Intelligence Questions
- Where is our competitor targeting to enter into
in the future? - What markets (i.e., regions, locales, and
neighborhoods) is our competitor targeting? - What national and regional players are our
competitor targeting for long term contracts? - When is our competitor targeting to enter into
those markets? - What products and services are our competitor
launching to enter into those markets? - What products and services are they planning to
introduce after launch?
16Diagnosing the Operational and Strategic Goals
KIQs, cont.
- -KIQ 6 will have to combine hard data re what can
their technology do vs. yours and interpretable
data re how is their technology perceived by the
customers and those who influence them vs. yours.
Look for all the hard data necessary to make the
comparisons in the former for the latter, we
will need to set up a methodology in Challenge
Four to help measure the impact of the
perceptions battle so that TWC/BH can craft an
effective counter-strategy.
- Key Intelligence Questions
- 6. How does the competitors technology compare
to our own? Quantitatively and qualitatively?
17Some Places to Look for Competitors Operational
and Strategic Goals
- Keep track of competitor buzz using web 2.0
sites like trendio.com
18Some Places to Look for Competitors Operational
and Strategic Goals
- Keep track of competitors customer relationships
through blog search engines like icerocket.com
19Competitors Operational and Strategic Goals
- Keep track of competitors moves using Google Maps
20Data Collection Strategies and Tips
- There are lots of ways to capture the
intelligence you are gathering. This is just one
system that we recommend. If you prefer to use
another, please share!
21Data Collection Strategies and Tips
- 1) You know what the Wow! answer is to these
KIQsImagine what the slide would look like.
2) Build your final report with that Premium
Answer in mind
22Data Collection Strategies and Tips
- 3) Track your intelligence according to
completeness and reliability
The number we heard from the ex-sales guy with
the Competitor re their acquisition cost per
customer may not be fully reliablehe really
hates the Company and is trying to paint them In
a bad light.
That list of targeted markets we got from
that vendor is reliable but covers only part
of the region.
23Other Web-based Sources of CI
- Web casts
- BestCalls.com
- http//www.bestcalls.com/
- TV Guide of Web casts
- Events of about 3,700 firms
- Subscription required
- Earnings.com
- http//www.fulldisclosure.com/
- TIP! Search for conference call transcripts in
Investext by searching by company name and
limiting to contributor Fair Disclosure Financial
- Network, Inc
- Word of Mouse
- Topica
- directory of Internet discussion groups, mailing
lists and newsgroups. - http//lists.topica.com/
- Online forums
- NetNews Tracker
- http//www.netnewstracker.com/
- BoardReader
- http//www.boardreader.com/
- Extremetech.com, CNET.com, Slashdot.org, Amazon,
24Other Web-based Sources of CI
- Want-ads
- Use to
- Identify new products
- Discover expansion plans facility descriptions
- Uncover strategy shifts
- Find company overviews
- Follow Organizational changes
- Hypernetworking
- LinkedIn.com
- Ryze.com
- Itsnotwhatyouknow.com
- they make finding business leads quicker and
more reliable, including hiring employees,
signing up distributors and locating industry
experts. - CNN.com
25Other Web-based Sources of CI
- Alert Services
- Monitor changes in competitors web sites
- http//watchthatpage.com/
- http//trackengine.com/
- Internet Archives
- Use the Wayback Machine to see
- how a companys Web site has changed over time
- http//www.archive.org
- Contains about 30 billion
- archived Web pages
26Other Web-based Sources of CI
- Follow the Links
- Links expose business relationships
- partners link to partners
- vendors link to clients
- associations link to members
- Reverse link
- LinkPopularity.com queries Google, Altavista,
and Hotbot, and reports on link popularity. - Specific searches
- company AND Contract... Distributor... Client...
Customer... Project... Alliance... Partner...
Joint venture..