Title: Top Five Benefits of Business Intelligence (BI)
ABiQ Business Intelligence
2Turn Data into Actionable Information
According to Surveys, over 50 percent of
businesses using BI tools said they achieved
their goal of making better decisions and were
able to predict trends and patterns. Data
captured from portals, CRMs, ERPs, websites
and much more allow BI solutions to analyze
comprehensive data to identify significant trends
that can be used to modify or implement
strategic plans. As such, Business Intelligence
Services can help you understand and improve
various organizational processes and enhance your
ability to identify key opportunities and/or
threats thus enabling you to plan for a
successful future.
3An increasing number of Market Research Companies
have found business intelligence as a critical
tool to ensure competitiveness and productivity.
Management teams are aware of the daily
challenges trying to assess raw data manually.
With BI solutions, managers can retrieve,
analyze and share information across various
departments. This allows the executive team to
respond more intelligently to trends in
production, material usage, labor, supplier
information and more. Ultimately, BI makes the
process of analyzing and interpreting data
faster and more efficient, ultimately improving
your productivity.
To Boost Productivity
4Insights into Consumer Behaviour
Meeting customers needs is what drives a
business forward. One of the main advantages of
investing in BI is the fact that it will boost
your ability to discover and analyze the current
consumer buying patterns and trends. Once you
understand what your consumers are buying, you
can use this information to develop new projects
in Africa and services that match the current
consumption trends resulting in an increase in
ROI through improved customer satisfaction and
brand reputation. In fact, companies using BI
consider that customer behavior analysis is
giving them a real competitive advantage.
5BI improves your marketing and sales intelligence
by keeping track of data about your customers.
It also allows you to understand how they
generate leads in UAE with your organization at
a deeper
To Gain Sales Market Intelligence
level, so you can identify solutions to
customer issues and better reach
your your
customers with targeted messages to increase
it helps with sales planning and
to manage productivity. For one
sales. Also,
forecasts, example,
many organization has a Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) system, which
collects the data about your customer and
presents it to you in various tables and charts.
6To Improve Visibility
The only constant is change and your companys
ability to understand, accept and apply
strategies to manage this change will determine
your success. Business Intelligence will provide
organizations with the necessary data visibility
through dashboards and reports that help you see
the connections and correlations between
different data sets, plus, most of the times,
these systems will also use sqlite alternatives.
If you want to improve control over various
essential processes in your organization, BI
will enhance the visibility of these processes
and make it possible to any pinpoint any areas
that need improvement.
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