topics covered in lecture: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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topics covered in lecture:


2. linking - mapping class file info into runtime data structure ... class loader - user-defined class loader & boot-strap class loader - part of JVM ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: topics covered in lecture:

Lecture 10
  • topics covered in lecture
  • loading of classes
  • linking of classes
  • associated reading - Engel, chapter 6 8.

creation of a class
  • 1. loading - getting binary file from source
  • 2. linking - mapping class file info into runtime
    data structure representation of class
  • a). verification of class checking correctness
    of imported class
  • b). preparation - allocates memory for class
    variables and sets default values
  • c). resolution - of symbolic references to direct
    references (can be postponed until reference used
    rather than in linking)
  • 3. initialisation invoking java code that
    initialises class vars to proper starting values

1. loading
  • loading implemented by a ClassLoader class
    (except arrays)
  • obtain a stream of binary data that represents
    the class (normally class file format) - obtained
    from local file system, from across network, from
    archived file, etc
  • parse the stream and construct in the method area
    of JVM of an implementation specific internal
    representation of the class.
  • create instance of class java.lang.Class to
    represent type

  • class loader can load before first active use and
    cache binary data, but can only report error in
    load on first active use of class
  • Arrays cannot be extended and thus structure of
    class known to JVM - thus JVM constructs array
    class representation without use of a loader
  • 2 types of class loader - user-defined class
    loader boot-strap class loader - part of JVM
  • user-defined - can extend class loading
    facilities e.g. loading from different sources
    such as encrypted file, database, or generated
    dynamically as output from executing process

  • At runtime a class is known to JVM by its
    pathname and the identity of its class loader.
    When class references another class, that class
    will be loaded by same class loader. Classes can
    only access classes loaded by same class loader -
    providing possibility of multiple name spaces.
  • Class loader parses representation of class. It
    uses pass 1 of verifier to determine whether
    representation is in correct class file format,
    but also determines whether representation is for
    a class of the specified name (NoClassDefFoundErro
    r is thrown)

2. linking
  • effectively - linking loaded class in with other
    classes already loaded ready for execution -
    consists of
  • verification of class to ensure that it is
    structurally valid (pass 2 and 3 of verifier)
  • preparation of class
  • resolution

2. a) verification
  • need to verify byte codes - because compiler may
    be buggy or someone may have hand crafted or
    modified class file to do something illegal e.g.
    manipulate bytes in other methods in class file
    and crash the virtual machine - jump beyond end
    of method crashing jvm or produce non existent
    byte codes, etc.
  • essentially 4 passes - pass 1 - verification of
    gross features of class file format (during
    loading), pass 2 - verification of more detailed
    features of class file, pass 3 - verification of
    byte code, pass 4 - verification of references
    (during use of reference)

verification - pass 1
  • checks for magic class file code identifier
  • checks length of file consistent - each class
    file component says how long it is - so checks
    lengths are consistent - can tell if class file
    truncated or extended
  • checks for obviously spurious data in entries

verification - pass 2
  • Checks whether final classes not subclassed,
    final methods not overridden
  • checks for existence of superclasses, (except for
  • checks for consistency in constant_pool entries -
    are they correct format and hold valid data e.g.
    If entry should hold an index to another entry in
    constant_pool, does it hold a value that could be
    an index to an entry of the correct type
  • checks whether class/method/field names and
    descriptors are well formed

verification - pass 3
  • pass 3 - checks byte code - could verify
    bytecodes during execution but that is too
    costly. It is simplest to verify all at once
    during linking phase.
  • Checks that all branches/jumps, etc lie within
    code array for method and are aligned with the
    start of a byte code instruction
  • checks all accesses to local var slots occurs
    within array of local vars
  • checks all indices into constant_pool access
    entry of the correct type

path analysis
  • then performs analysis of the execution paths of
    the byte code of each method. It maintains a log
    of the state of the stack and local var slots
    after the execution of each byte code in each
    possible execution sequence.
  • State of stack is number and types of entries on
  • State of local var slots is types of values held
    in each location
  • Verifier does not execute the bytecode
    instruction but monitors the effect on the stack
    and local var state that the execution of a byte
    code instruction would have.

  • During path analysis the verifier
  • checks for valid byte codes
  • checks that type and number of operands on stack
    or in local var slots are appropriate for given
    byte code operation
  • checks parameters to method call are consistent
    with method signature (correct number, type and
  • checks field variables are only accessed using
    operations of appropriate type
  • checks that local var slots not accessed before a
    proper value is assigned to them
  • checks to ensure that whichever path of execution
    is taken to get to specific byte code all paths
    leave operand stack with same number and types of
    values on them

verification - pass 4
  • some checks are delayed until the first time the
    code for a method is invoked - to avoid loading
    of classes into JVM when they may not be
  • verification of symbolic references (full
    pathname of class/method/field)
  • checks whether field/method/class exists
  • checks for consistency between field/method/class
    descriptor and and actual type of
  • checks access rights e.g. is it private or
    public, etc.

2. b) Preparation
  • creates static fields for the class and
    initialises them with default values

2. c) Resolution (can be postponed)
  • class files contain symbolic references to
    classes, objects, fields and methods of other
    classes and to fields and methods in own class in
  • resolution is the process of locating entity
    identified by symbolic reference and replacing
    symbolic reference with direct reference - a
    pointer or offset to class , field or method
    within heap or method area for class
  • constant pool entry resolved only once ready for
    first use - later uses are to direct reference

  • 2 strategies for timing of resolution -
  • early resolution - link and resolve all symbolic
    references from initial class and then
    recursively all symbolic references of referenced
    classes until all references resolved
  • program would be completely linked before main()

  • or late resolution - resolution occurs on demand
    or first use of symbolic reference
  • could select strategy in between - early
    resolution of symbolic references internal to
    class and to already loaded and linked classes
    but late resolution of references to classes that
    are not yet loaded and linked
  • but jvm must behave as if it uses late resolution
    - it will only throw errors it encounters during
    linking when a program first attempts to use a
    symbolic reference and not before (and never
    throw the error if the symbolic reference is not

resolution of class references
  • check if class type has already been loaded into
    current name space - if not then pass fully
    qualified name i.e. the symbolic reference itself
    to class loader
  • class loader loads the class file, parses info
    into internal data structures and creates a Class
    object to represent the class
  • process then repeated for each superclass until
    reach Object class

resolution of field/method references
  • both field and method references have entry for
    class in which they are declared
  • resolution involves first resolving the class to
    which the field/method belongs
  • then if class resolution successful jvm searches
    symbolic references in internal representation of
    constant_pool of class and checks for existence
    of field/method and checks access permissions,
    throwing exceptions if there is a problem
  • if all ok then jvm replaces symbolic reference
    with direct reference to appropriate internal
    data structures

direct references
  • references into entities in method area are
    likely to be native pointers or offsets into
    method table for instance methods
  • whereas references to entities on the heap are
    likely to be offsets within the structure used
    for the heap
  • all depends on exact structure of internal data

3. Initialisation
  • set class variables to proper initial values - as
    defined by user initialisation code
  • with constants - static finals - values placed in
    constant_pool or in-lined into bytecode stream
    and not placed in a class field
  • after class loaded, linked and initialised you
    can access static fields and methods and create
    instances of it

  • if class has a super class then before class is
    initialised, its super class must be initialised.
  • In order to initialise the super class (if not
    already in the JVM) must in turn be loaded,
    verified, prepared (possibly resolved) before
    being intialised. This process is recursive until
    we get to Object which has no super class.

  • most classes are instantiated explicitly via new
  • some classes are instantiated implicitly - String
    arguments to main, Class object that represents
    internal details of a class, creation of String
    objects via concatenation operator

  • JVM allocates space on heap for instance
    variables of class (and superclasses including
    hidden variables) and other run-time data
    elements and initialises instance vars with
    default values
  • then JVM initialises instance vars with proper
    specified initial values - from source code
    declaration and/or object constructor method
    (creates instance initialisation method ltinitgt())
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