Title: Optical Fibre Communication
1Optical Fibre Communication
- Lecture delivered by Christie Alwis
- 2009 faculty of Applied Science for computer
science , and physics special students. - University of Sabaragamuwa , Belihuloya.
- For more details on this lecture, please visit
- www.christiealwis.com
- How it's going to be affected to the human being?
a.) can talk with the use of latest Technology _at_
any where in the world, _at_ low cost.
b.) can be accepted knowledge _at_ anywhere in the
world. (e- Assessment)
3Explosive Growth of Internet
Local Area Node
Country A
Domestic Transport Network (OF,
Undersea Optical Fiber Networks
International Transport Network
Country B
Both Domestic and International Transport will be
on Optical Fibers. And Switching Nodes will be on
- Following 8 major components can be identified
- Geographical Location Terminal
- Access Networks
- Local Exchange
- Domestic Transport Network
- International Exchange
- International Transport Network
- Other Country International Exchange
- Other Country Domestic Network (With the similar
components as above)
- Access Network is developed to accommodate
integrated services such as Internet, IPTV, Data
with Voice
- Radio Options 3G, EvDO, WiMAX
- xDSL, PON, and PLC
8Theoretical capacities of other Medias
- CuShort distance could for a 8Mbps
- Similarly
- Microwave radioSTM 16 More than 2.5Gbps
- SatelliteSTM 1 155.52 Mbps
- Coaxial cableApproximately 1.5 Gbps
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10Basic Principles
11Principle of step graded index fibers
12Attenuations in fibre
13Basic principle of dispersion
- Dispersion is a little complex than attenuation
- Dispersion is a process whereby optical pulses
are widened as they travel along an optical
fibre. It is caused by the different wavelength
components of a light signal of finite spectral
width traveling down the fiber at different
velocities.The effect is a pulse at the
terminating end of a fibre that is a wider than
the original pulse that was transmitted.If the
amount if widening is excessive, the individual
pulses will not be distinguishable by the
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15Chromatic Dispersion
- Variation of refractive index with wavelength of
light - The two main underlying mechanisms, material
dispersion and waveguide dispersion, naturally
cancel one another, giving a zero dispersion
point ?0 - Control of the refractive index profile can place
?0 anywhere in the 1300/1550nm wavelength range - The fibre characteristics are controlled by
careful design of the chemical composition
(doping) of the glass used - Dispersion is quoted in terms of the dispersion
parameter D with units ps/(nm.km) - An indication of the pulse broadening is given
by - (D (spectral width of the optical source)
(link distance))
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22Optical transmission system concepts
- The basic components
- A serial bit stream in electrical form is
presented to a modulator, which encodes the data
appropriately for fibre transmission
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24Basic Concept of LED
- Like a normal diode, the LED consists of a chip
of semiconducting material impregnated, or doped,
with impurities to create a p-n junction. As in
other diodes, current flows easily from the
p-side, or anode, to the n-side, or cathode, but
not in the reverse direction. Charge-carrierselec
trons and holesflow into the junction from
electrodes with different voltages. When an
electron meets a hole, it falls into a lower
energy level, and releases energy in the form of
a photon.
- The wavelength of the light emitted, and
therefore its color, depends on the band gap
energy of the materials forming the p-n junction.
In silicon or germanium diodes, the electrons and
holes recombine by a non-radiative transition
which produces no optical emission, because these
are indirect band gap materials. The materials
used for the LED have a direct band gap with
energies corresponding to near-infrared, visible
or near-ultraviolet light.
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28Power ratio (DecibeldB)
- The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit of
measurement that expresses the magnitude of a
physical quantity (usually power or intensity)
relative to a specified or implied reference
level. Since it expresses a ratio of two
quantities with the same unit, it is a
dimensionless unit.
- To calculate the ratio of 1 kW (one kilowatt, or
1000 watts) to 1 W in decibels, use the formula
- Similarly for amplitude ,current or voltage,
(power is proportional to the square of the above
3 quantities. )
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31Example 1
32Answer (Example 1)
- Connector loss 81dB 8dB
- Cable loss (4100)/10000.4dB
- System margin 5dB
- Sensitivity -30 dB
- Transmitter Power connector losscable
losssystem marginsensitivity - 80.45-30 -16.6dB
8 Connectors
33Example 2
34Answer (Example 2)
- Connector loss 21.5dB 3 dB
- Cable loss 0.4dB 50 20 dB
- System margin 8 dB
- Sensitivity -34 dB
- Transmitter Power connector losscable
losssystem marginsensitivity - 3208-34 -3 dB
- No of splices 3/ 0.15 20 splices
2 Connectors
35Example 3 (a)
36Example 3 (b)
37Example 3 (c)
38Example 3 (d)
39Example 3 (e)
40Example 3 (f)
41Example 3 (g)
42Example 3 (h)
43Optical fibre
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45Future of optical fibre
- The following 2 major factors plays a vital role
in designing the maximum capacity of an optical
fibre - How far the digital multiplexing can be
achieved - As at present , 488ns micro information of a bit
pertaining to 2Mbps pcm stream will be shrinked
to 25ps when it goes through stm 64 (10Gbps).If
the technology improves to shrink less than 25ps
, then the no of bits in the higher order pcm
will be more than 10Gbps. - To transmit 10Gbps , the bandwidth required in
the optical fibre is around 0.078ns 78ps
( for 1 wavelength) - If the available bandwidth in the optical fibre
is 200ns , the no of wavelengths that can be
produced is around 2400 , which will result in
producing a total of 24Tbps. - Hence both time division multiplexing and dense
wave division multiplexing can further improve
the traffic carrying capacity of an optical fibre
up to a total of 24Tbps.
46Overview of WDM
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48No of wavelengths ( 24 103 Gb ) / 10 Gb
2400 wavelengths
Future scenarios Theoretical Maximum of an
optical fibre cable
488 ns
25 ps
Optical Fibre
2 Mbps
Only 1 core is needed
49Further study of optical fibre network
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51Optical signal to noise ratio
52ASEAmplified spontaneous emission
53Optical tools for maintanance
55Fusion splicing
- It is the process of fusing or welding two fibers
together usually by an electric arc. Fusion
splicing is the most widely used method of
splicing as it provides for the lowest loss and
least reflectance, as well as providing the
strongest and most reliable joint between two
fibers. - Virtually all singlemode splices are fusion.
- Fusion splicing may be done one fiber at a time
or a complete fiber ribbon from ribbon cable at
one time. First we'll look at single fiber
splicing and then ribbon splicing. - Â
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57SEA-ME-WE 4 Cable System Configuration Diagram
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60Happy Memories
- Thank You!, Special thanks to Dr. Udawatte.
- Wish you an enjoyable stay in your university
- Situated in a lovely environment
- Christie Alwis
- B.Sc (Eng) Hons, MIET (Lond), C.Eng Lond,
FIESL (SL) - Former chief network officer in SLT
- Visit www.christiealwis.com under sabaragamuwa
optical fibre 2009