Title: Phased Array Radars
1Phased Array Radars
2Limitations of Mechanical Scanning Radars
- Positioning Antenna is relatively slow due
antenna inflexibility and inertia. - Reduced reaction times.
3Electronic Scanning
- Increased Data Rates
- Instantaneous Beam Positioning
- Elimination of Mechanical Errors
- Multi-mode Operation Multi-target capability
4Phase Concept
- The electromagnetic energy received at a point in
space from two or more closely spaced radiating
elements is a maximum when the energy from each
radiating element arrives at a point in phase.
5Phase Relationships
- Constructive Interference
- Destructive Interference
6Generating a Directional Main Lobe in a Phased
Array Radar
Wave Fronts of Maximum Energy
Beam Axis
Radiating in Phase
7Beam Positioning
Point P where all waves arrive in phase
8Beam Positioning
d Sin T
9Methods of Beam Steering
- Time Delay Scanning
- Use of time delay to achieve the desired phase
relationship - Time delay networks installed in front of each
radiating element - Expensive, Complex Heavy
10Time Delay Scanning
11Methods of Beam Steering
- Frequency Scanning
- Simpler Method, Inexpensive, jam resistant
- The physical length of the wave guide to delay
the frequency interval - (length between elements is n ?o )
- Vary the frequency about a base frequency
- SPS- 48 air search radar
12Frequency Scanning
13Methods of Beam Steering
- Phase Scanning
- Radiating elements fed by phase-shifting networks
(Phasers) - Phasers are adjustable over a range of 0 to 2?
radians - More expensive than frequency scanning but
cheaper than time delay - Most widely used SPY-1 in Ageis
14Phase Scanning
15Fleet Uses of Electronic Scanning
- Ticonderoga
- Arleigh Burke
- SPS-48 Air Search
- Hapan
16SPY-1 Ageis Weapons System
17Synthetic Aperature Array Radar
Uses the same theory of electronic scanning.
Uses the motion of the vehicle to generate
the antenna aperture (sequentially rather than
simultaneously). Used mostly in aircraft to
gain image data of the earths surface.
18Electronic Scanning Advantage in Target Detection
A single radar can can perform multiple
functions previously regulated to several
separate radar systems.
19Homework 5
- Read Countermeasures
- Chapter 11
- Workbook Ch. 7 1,2
- Describe how a phased array radar works
- Explain the 3 methods of beam steering