Title: STK 3D Electronically Steerable Phased Array Antenna Plugin
1STK 3D Electronically Steerable Phased Array
Antenna Plugin
- Trey Spetch, Jerry Odhner, and Kristen Jones
2What is a 3D Steerable Phased Array Antenna?
- Flat Panel Array of Elements
- Beam Electronically Steered by Varying Phase
Across Elements - Steerable in Both Azimuth and Elevation
3Applications of Electronically Steerable Flat
Panel Arrays
- Over the Horizon Radar
- Missile Searching and Tracking (Patriot Missile)
- Ship-Borne Radar
- Aircraft Antennas
- Must be conformal with aircraft
- No dishes allowed
- Large apertures achievable
4STK Static Antenna Patterns Not Suitable to Model
Phased Array Beam
- 90 Degree Elevation Beams 45 Degree Elevation
Beams - 1 GHz, 1m Aperture 1 GHz, 1m Aperture
- Array Antenna Dish Antenna
Array Antenna Dish Antenna
5Antenna Notional Model
m 4
Crossed-Dipole Element
n 3
6Dihedral Angles to Boresight and ToObject
- Dihedral Angles for Boresight (f, q) and ToObject
(a, b)
7Plugin Model
Coord Xform
G(m, n, l, q, f, a, b)
m, n, l
8Beam Steered to Invisible Vehicle
9Creating and Attaching Plugin Scripts
There are several kinds of plugins (constraints,
transmitter and receiver models, custom antenna
gain, etc) For a custom antenna gain plugin,
select the plugin file on the receiver properties
panel under Antenna Details
Languages Matlab, Perl, and VBScript. The
examples scripts that AGI provides are a good
place to start. You can then add any additional
input variables as needed and write functions to
do custom calculations.
10Plugin Code
- AntennaGainPlugin.vbs.doc
11Directivity Visualization Using STK Coverage
12Effect of Changing Array Dimensions
- Increasing the number of elements along one axis
of the antenna decreases the beamwidth in that
5 x 5 Array, 1 GHz
5 x 10 Array, 1 GHz
10 x 10 Array, 1 GHz
13Effects of Wavelength
- For a given panel aperture size, the beamwidth
decreases with wavelength
1 meter array (2x2), 500 MHz
1 meter array (7x7), 1 GHz
1 meter array (33x33), 5 GHz
- STK Plugins allow dynamic beam shaping for
antennas based on custom equations - Any geometric variable or scalar value can be
input to the plugin - Allows extremely accurate modeling of link
margins for phased arrays and other custom