Title: Network Update
1Network Update
- Steve Cotter / Rob Vietzke /
- Rick Summerhill
- April 24, 2007Internet2 Spring Member Meeting
2Community UpdateNetwork BuildNetwork Services
Transition UpdateDynamic Services Update
3Community UpdateNetwork BuildNetwork Services
Transition UpdateDynamic Services Update
4Internet2 Membership
- 208 Member Universities 209
- 12 Corporate Partners 12
- 13 Corporate Sponsors 11
- 37 Corporate Members 34
- 52 Affiliate Members 46
- 0 Regional Network Members 19
- 48 International MoU Partners (reaching 80
networks) 54 -
- Network Community
- 33 Connectors 32
- 244 Participants 246
- 147 Sponsored Participants 153
- 38 Sponsored Education Group Participants
(SEGPs) 38
5Network Community
- New Participants
- USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)/BARC
- Thomson Corporation
- New Sponsored Participants
- Texas Natural Resource Information System (TNRIS)
- Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
- ARTstor
- St. Mark Grade School
- University of the Virgin Islands (UVI)
6Internet2 SEGP States (38 total)
7Federal Peers
- Chicago ESnet
- StarLight USGS, NISN, DREN
- NYC ESnet via MAN LAN
- Seattle DREN, NREN
- Sunnyvale ESnet
- PAIX upgraded to 10GE
- LA NREN via PacWave/LA
- Atlanta ESnet
Denotes v6 peering
887 Networks Reachable via Internet2 Network
Europe-Middle East
Europe (GEANT2) Austria (ACOnet) Belgium
(BELNET) Croatia (CARNet) Czech Rep.
(CESNET) Cyprus (CYNET) Denmark
(Forskningsnettet) Estonia (EENet) Finland
(Funet) France (Renater) Germany (G-WIN) Greece
(GRNET) Hungary (HUNGARNET) Iceland
(RHnet) Ireland (HEAnet) Israel (IUCC) Italy
(GARR) Jordan (JUNET) Latvia (LATNET) Lithuania
(LITNET) Luxembourg
Latin America (redCLARA) Argentina
(RETINA) Brazil (RNP2/ANSP) Canada (CAnet) Chile
(REUNA) Colombia (RENATA) Costa Rica
(CR2Net) Guatemala (RAGIE) Mexico
(Red-CUDI) Nicaragua (RENIA) Panama (RedCyT) Peru
(RAAP) Uruguay (RAU2) Venezuela (REACCIUN2)
Malta (Univ. Malta) Netherlands (SURFnet) Norway
(UNINETT) Palestinian Territories
(Govt Computing Center) Poland
(PIONIER) Portugal (RCTS2) Qatar (Qatar
FN) Romania (RoEduNet)Russia (RBnet,
RUNNET) Slovakia (SANET) Slovenia (ARNES) Spain
(RedIRIS) Sweden (SUNET) Switzerland
(SWITCH) Syria (HIAST) United Kingdom
Australia (AARNET) China (CERNET,
(HARNET) India (ERNET) Indonesia (ITB) Japan
KREONET2) Malaysia (MYREN) New Zealand
(KAREN) Philippines (PREGINET) Singapore
(SingAREN) Taiwan (TANet2, ASNet) Thailand
Central Asia
Algeria (CERIST) Egypt (EUN/ENSTINET) Morocco
(CNRST) Tunisia (RFR) South Africa (TENET)
Armenia (ARENA) Georgia (GRENA) Kazakhstan
(KAZRENA) Tajikistan (TARENA) Uzbekistan (UZSCI)
9Trans-Atlantic Connectivity
Connection to Link Operator (Funder) BW (Gbps) N.A. Interconnect
CERN LHCnet (CalTech) (DOE) 2x10, 1x10 MAN LAN, StarLight
CESnet (CZ) CESnet (CESnet) 10 StarLight
GEANT2 (Europe) DANTE (GEANT2) 10, 10 NGIX-East, MAN LAN
GEANT2 (Europe) TransLight/StarLight (NSF) 10 MAN LAN
GEANT2 (Europe) Internet2/HOPI (Internet2) 10 MAN LAN
SURFNET (NL) SURFnet 10, 10 StarLight, MAN LAN
SURFNET (NL) Internet2SURFnet (IEEAF) 622Mbps Abilene-NYC
NetherLight TransLight-StarLight (NSF) 10 StarLight
NetherLight Internet2SURFnet (IEEAF) 10 MAN LAN
RBnet (Russia) Gloriad (NSF/Russia) 3x1 (on TL/SL link to NetherLight) StarLight
UKLight (UK) UKERNA (JISC) 10 StarLight
Qatar Foundation Network Qatar Foundation (Qatar Foundation) 155Mbps MAN LAN
TENET (S. Africa) Telkom SA (TENET) GRE tunnel MAN LAN
10Trans-Pacific Connectivity
Connection to Link Operator (Funder) BW (Gbps) N.A. Interconnect
APAN TokyoXP TransPAC2 (NSF/NICT) 10 Pacific Wave-LA
JGN2 (Japan) NICT (NICT) 10 StarLight
AARNET (Australia) AARNET (AARNET) 2x10 Hawaii/Pacific Wave
CERNET (China) CERNET (CERNET) 155Mbps StarLight
CSTNET (China) GLORIAD (CSTNET) 2.5 PacificWave-Seattle
KREONET (Korea) GLORIAD (KREONET2) 10 PacificWave-Seattle
Hong Kong HARNET 45Mbps StarLight
SINET (Japan) NII (NII) 10, 2.5 MAN LAN, PW-LA
GEMNET (NTT-Japan) NTT (NTT) 622Mbps Pacific Wave
SingAREN (Singapore) SingAREN (SingAREN) 155Mbps Pacific Wave-LA
NUS (Singapore) NUS (NUS) 155Mbps Pacific Wave - Seattle
TWAREN (Taiwan) NCHC (NCHC) 2, 2.5, 1.2 Pacific Wave, MAN LAN
ASNET (Taiwan) ASNET (Academica Sinica) 2.5 StarLight
UNINET (Thailand) UNINET (UNINET) 155Mbps LA
WIDE WIDEPNWGP (IEEAF) 10, 622Mbps Pacific Wave - Seattle
Qatar FN Qatar FN (Qatar Foundation) 155Mbps Pacific Wave - LA
11Americas Connectivity
Connection to Link Operator (Funder) BW (Gbps) US Interconnect
CAnet (Canada) CANARIE (CANARIE) 50 StarLight/PWave/MAN LAN
redCLARA (Latin America), ANSP (Brazil), RNP (Brazil) WHREN-LILA (NSF, FAPESP) 1.2 AMPATH
Gemini/NOAO, Chile (NSF funding) 55Mbps AMPATH
12Community UpdateNetwork BuildNetwork Services
Transition UpdateDynamic Services Update
13(No Transcript)
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Internet2 Network OperationsProvisioning
Level 3 MOSS
Atlanta, GA
Broomfield, CO
GREvia peering
Indianapolis, IN
Sunnyvale, CA
18Joint Operational Support Strategy
Through June 30, 2007 Beyond July 1st Future
Network Configuration I2, ESnet and Level 3 NOCs see mirror of all data I2, ESnet and Level 3 NOCs see mirror of all data Internet2 takes exclusive network control
Roles Responsibilities Level 3 provides Tier 1 through Tier 3 support for service activation and service management Level 3 provides Tier 1 through Tier 3 support for service activation and service management Internet2 provides Tier 1 and 2 support Level 3 engaged as Tier 3 escalation path (reactive)
Level 3 Engagement Pro-active Pro-active Re-active
Service Commitment Wavelength SLAs (circuit MTTR) Wavelength SLAs (circuit MTTR) Level 3 commitment to respond once requested
Provisioning Dedicated TCAM 7x24 support for rapid turn-up without service orders Internet2 ESnet VNOC direct provisioning Dedicated TCAM 7x24 support for rapid turn-up Internet2 controlled
Service Management Dedicated TCAM 7x24 support for rapid changes and support Dedicated TCAM 7x24 support for rapid changes and support Internet2 controlled
Summary Level 3 business as usual however no front-end order-entry process I2 leverages Level 3 systems, personnel and processes Internet2 direct control, Level 3 is available for tier 3 on request
Proposed Timing Q406 Q207 Q307 -gt ongoing Q307 -gt ongoing
- Internet2 ESnet will provision through
partition of Level(3)s Trailblazer system,
assuring that waves are rippled in to circuit
inventory as they are provisioned. - This allows the SLA to be enforced.
- Allows Level(3) to be backup
- Internet2 ESnet have full TL1 (read) access to
all network elements - Future option for direct control of all elements
20Community UpdateNetwork BuildNetwork Services
Transition UpdateDynamic Services Update
21MAN LAN Exchange Point
- Manhattan Landing in New York City
- Partnership with NYSERNet, Indiana University,
Internet2 the IEEAF - High performance exchange facility for RE
networks - Located at 32 AoA in NYC - easy interconnection
to many national and international carriers and
other RE networks - Peerings with Atlantic Wave
- Peering model is open and bilateral
- Cost recovery model - minimal connection charges
for layer 2 facility, none for layer 1
connections - Alcatel/Ciena joint testing with Géant, MAX to
better understand the compatibility between SONET
and SDH at 1/10GE
22MAN LAN Services
- Layer 2 Cisco 6513 Ethernet switch for IPv4/v6
peering with 1GigE 10 GigE interfaces - Layer 1 TDM based optical equipment (SONET /
Ethernet interfaces) - Cisco 15454
- Nortel OME 6500
- Nortel HDX
- MAN LAN website http//networks.internet2.edu/
23Expanded Internet Connectivity
- Upgraded PAIX Palo Alto from a 300Mb/s, to 10GE
- Connected to Equinix Chicago at 10GE
- Connecting to Seattle Internet Exchange at 1GE
- Planning for Equinix Ashburn
- Planning additional opportunistic private peerings
24Commercial Peering Service
- Opt-in IPv4 Settlement-Free Peering Service
- Net neutral connection between content providers,
and Internet2 members enabling delivery of
advanced content and promotion of v6 - Cost effective access to commodity Internet
- 30 commodity savings with todays Beta with
potential to grow to over 50 as the service
matures - Network researchers gaining access to routing
infrastructure carrying large and dynamic routing
tables (current service has 54,000 routes,
compared to Abilenes normal 8,000)
25Leveraging Existing Resources
- Using the Juniper T640 routers
- Ability to have multiple virtual networks, with
large routing tables, without compromising
performance or stability - The IU Global NOC
- Using the new Internet2 network backbone
- Ability to deploy additional waves to accommodate
growth (keeping RE waves un-congested)
26Current Participants
- Indiana GigaPoP
- University of Texas
- Oregon GigaPoP
- OARnet (OSCnet)
28Current Status
Peering Beta Traffic Levels via Chicago Equinix
Peering Beta Traffic Levels via PAIX Palo Alto
29How do you participate?
- Contact the NOC (noc_at_abilene.iu.edu)
- Uses your current Abilene/Internet2 connection
- Service delivered over a vLAN (or DLCI for Packet
over SONET links) - Configured over a second BGP peer session
- The NOC can provide technical assistance to get
you going! - For more information seehttp//www.abilene.iu.ed
http//www.abilene.iu.edu/ and click on the
Commercial Peering Link
30Internet2 Observatory - Overview
- Services
- Data collection An integrated data archive of
the performance and network status information
collected on the Internet2 Network - Collocation Network experiments and measurement
servers developed by the research community
(where space is available) - Experimentation Specific experimental projects
- Phoebus (http//e2epi.internet2.edu/phoebus.html)
- NetFPGA (http//yuba.stanford.edu/nf2/)
31Internet2 Observatory Whats New?
- Expanded capabilities
- 10 GE measurements
- perfSONAR integration
- ( http//www.perfsonar.net/ )
- Control plane functionality
- ( http//dragon.maxgigapop.net )
- Research projects
- Phoebus
32REN-ISAC Update
- Member-driven trusted community for sharing
sensitive information regarding cybersecurity
threat, incidents, response, and protection - Activities since FMM
- New alliance with Microsoft Security Cooperation
Program (SCP) http//www.ren-isac.net/relationship
s/microsoft.html - Formed Microsoft Analysis Team
- Formed Executive Advisory Group
- Formed additional information sharing
relationships with private mitigation groups - Held the first annual REN-ISAC Member Meeting sin
conjunction with the EDUCAUSE and Internet2
Security Professionals Conference - Contact info http//www.ren-isac.net
- 24x7 Watch Desk ren-isac_at_ren-isac.net
33Compromised System Notifications to .edu
34Community UpdateNetwork BuildNetwork Services
Transition UpdateDynamic Services Update
35Network Build
- Infinera Optical Transport Network
- Collocation Suites
- Abilene Replacement IP Service
- Ciena Wavelength Grooming System
- Observatory Upgrade
- Management / VNOC / Trailblazer development
36(No Transcript)
37Collocation Suites
- Termination point for all Internet2 wave services
- IP / Dedicated Wavelength / Dynamic Wavelength
- All 120 waves at 3-way points, 48 waves at
smallest 2-way site - Partner and Connector Racks (ESNET)
- Equipment
- Ciena Coredirector / Management Servers
- Observatory
- Juniper T640 Routers in 9 locations\
- Today, waves can be provisioned on network suite
to suite in hours
38Internet2 Network - IP
39Internet2 Network - IP
40Internet2 Network - IP
41Internet2 Network - IP
42Internet2 Network - IP
43Internet2 Network - IP
44Internet2 Network - IP
45Internet2 Network - IP
46P2P Optical Topology
47Connectors Role
- Share local knowledge tips on facilities
- Agree on interface type bandwidth level
- Request collocation space if desired
- Order the cross connects to the suite
- Note Replaces current Qwest Abilene interconnect
fee - Be prepared to accept the new connection during
transition window for your optical node - Participate in NTAC and its subcommittees
48Transition Timelines
- PHASE 1 New York, Philadelphia, Washington,
Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, Boston - Internet2 and Connector Site Design
Discussions Complete - Colocation Planning, Connector Coordination Compl
ete / Ongoing - Colocation Availability and Equipment
Installation Complete - Wave Availability and Backbone Turn Up Complete
- Connector Cutover and Abilene Node Turn
Down Complete - PHASE 2 Raleigh, Atlanta, Nashville, Louisville,
Indianapolis - Internet2 and Connector Site Design
Discussions Complete - Colocation Planning, Connector Coordination Compl
ete / Ongoing - Colocation Availability and Equipment
Installation Complete - Wave Availability and Backbone Turn Up Complete
- Connector Cutover and Abilene Node Turn
Down Complete Pending SLR/SOX - PHASE 3 Kansas City, Tulsa, Houston, Baton
Rouge, Jacksonville, Albuquerque, Denver - Internet2 and Connector Site Design Discussions
Complete - Colocation Planning, Connector Coordination Compl
ete / Ongoing - Colocation Availability and Equipment
Installation In Process - Wave Availability and Backbone Turn Up Complete
- Connector Cutover and Abilene Node Turn Down
4/19/07-5/20/07 On Schedule - PHASE 4 Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland, Los
49Community UpdateNetwork BuildNetwork Services
Transition UpdateDynamic Services Update
50Dynamic Circuit Services
- Current infrastructure and deployment
- The HOPI testbed - uses a single wave on the wave
platform - Is a breakable platform for experimentation
- VLAN based, modeling a circuit infrastructure
- Uses Force10 switches
- A single wave connected to the Ciena platform
- Working toward a persistent set of services to
support real applications - Separation of development services from
production services - Eventually would like a unified control plane to
control all aspects of the network
51Internet2 Network Infrastructure with Multiple
Routed IP Network
Router Layer
Ethernet Layer
SONET Switched Network
Switched SONET Layer (vcat, lcas)
Provisioned Services
Switched WDM Optical Layer
Ethernet VLAN Switched Network (i.e., HOPI)
Multi-Layer GMPLS Networks
52Dynamic Circuit Services Development
- Current Development involves two main areas
Intra-domain and Inter-domain capabilities - Intra-domain work
- The Ciena Network
- Have a small Ciena testbed between Bloomington
and Indianapolis - Inter-domain work
- Collaborations with other networks
- Following and participating in standards bodies
53Intra-Domain work
- Challenges
- Multi-vendor environment
- Multi-layer environment
- Uses DRAGON GMPLS control plane for both HOPI and
the Ciena network - HOPI has been in place for several years, and
functions as a test-bed - Ciena Implementation should support a large
number of platforms, eventually - Evolving to a UNI-2.0 interface at this time
- It is currently using the TL-1 interface
- Software platform should be extensible and vendor
independent - Lot of support from Ciena on all aspects of this
54Inter-Domain Development
- Collaborations with many different group
- For example, the DICE group - Dante (GEANT2),
Internet2, CANARIE, and ESnet - Working closely with ESnet on interfacing OSCARS
and HOPI - involves AAA work, using OSCARS
interface - Reporting back progress to the GLIF and other
organizations - For example, Phosphorus, in coordination with the
SURFnet and University of Amsterdam participants - Also having discussions with JGN2
- Coordinating with OGF on various schema -
topology, path computation, signaling - Working with the appropriate standards bodies -
55Multi-Domain Control Plane
- Multi-Domain Provisioning
- Interdomain ENNI (Web Service and OIF/GMPLS)
- Multi-domain, multi-stage path computation
process - AAA
- Scheduling
Internet2 Network
Dynamic Ethernet
Dynamic Ethernet
Domain Controller
Ctrl Element
Data Plane
SONET Switch
Control Plane Adjacency
IP Network (MPLS, L2VPN)
Slide from Tom Lehman
56Development Team
- Tom Lehman, Jerry Sobieski leading the efforts
- Xi Yang
- Chris Tracy
- Jarda Fildr
- Make software available to the community
- Supporting workshops to aid further deployment
57Development Time-Line
- By the time the Internet2 network deployment is
complete, - Have a working DRAGON based intra-domain
capability on the Ciena network - Implementation that can be deployed on campuses
and regional networks - Have basic inter-domain capabilities that can
communicate topology, path computation, and
signalling information - By the end of the year, have initial stages of
AAA and scheduling built into the implementation
Special thanks to everyone contributing to the
new networks success!