Title: Plants in space
1Plants in space?
Image Credit NASA
2If you could only pack five items for a trip to
Marswhat would they be?
Space Shuttle Discovery Image Credit NASA
3The Bare EssentialsOn earth we have
- Food
- Water
- Light
- Energy
- Oxygen
- In Space, astronauts must conserve these five
4Freeze-Dried vs. Fresh
- Freeze-Dried or Preserved Foods
- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Image Credit USDA
Image Credit NASA
5Benefits of Fresh Food for Scientists
- Scientists want fresh produce after eating so
many freeze-dried foods! - Fresh foods are the best source of many nutrients
needed by human bodies - Antioxidants-in many fresh fruits and
vegetables-are believed to boost human immune
6How will fresh foods be grown in space?
Special Plant Growth Chambers Image Credit NASA
- In a Salad Machine
- Scientists hope to have it fully operational by
7Watch Scientists Eat in Space
- Go to the Check Out Some Videos link on the
NASA website. - http//spaceflight.nasa.gov/living/spacefood/
- Watch Video
- See how astronauts eat in space
International Space Station-Food Pantry Image
Credit NASA
8Psychological Benefits of Plants
- Plants can reduce stress
- They may be psychologically beneficial for
astronauts during long space travel
9Psychological Benefits of Plants
- Astronauts will spend 15-20 minutes a day working
with plants during long spaceflights.
- Plants have shown to be good for the body and mind
10Additional Benefits
- Plants can consume some of the Carbon Dioxide CO2
produced by people aboard the space vehicle - Plants will generate small amounts of oxygen
needed for people to breathe - This is done through Photosynthesis
11PhotosynthesisPutting Together with Light
- This is the process by which plants use the
energy from sunlight to produce sugar. - Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of the
12Photosynthesishow it works
Image Credit techalive.mtu.edu/.../images/Photosy
13The Photosynthesis Equation
- 6 CO2 6 H2O 6 C6H12O2 6 O2
Carbon Dioxide
Sugar (Glucose)
14A Natural Water Cleaner?
- Plants can be grown in relatively dirty water
and release purified water from their leaves - This is done through the process of Transpiration
Image Credit www.hydrology.uni-freiburg.de/.../ve
- The process by which plants take in water through
the roots and release it through the leaves
- With plants on long-term space missions, gray
water can be recycled using transpiration - Gray water is non-toilet waster water
- Examples are
- Shower water
- Hand wash water
- Clothes water
Closed Ecological Life Support System Image
Credit NASA
17Why take plants to space?Lets Recap
- Plant produce many nutrients needed for the human
Image Credit NASA
18Plants may be psychologically beneficial to
Image Credit NASA
19Through Photosynthesis plants can consume some
CO2 produced by people and generate oxygen
20Transpiration will allow astronauts to recycle
some of their gray water
21Plants in Space?
- Plants provide many of the five essentials human
will need on long spaceflights! -