Title: The Mystery
1The Mystery of March, 1489
2 Medieval Times was the time of kings,
queens, castles, and knights with shields and
shining armor who while straddling their white
horses rescued damsels in distress. Wasnt it?
No, life wasnt like this for everyone. What did
most people do how did they live and what
happened to them? What occurred in this
little village in 1489? Are these people and
their spirits alive today? Did they leave their
mark on civilization for eternity? You
must find this out! If you solve the mystery and
proclaim the truth, legend says good fortune
will be yours forever!!!
3You are about to enter a world you never dreamed
existed. To succeed, please copy the next two
pages and record your findings in this journal.
4- Journal
- What is the object you found? ____________________
- What was its use? ________________________________
__________________________________________ - Who wrote this message and how would you
translate it? ___________________________________
_________ - __________________________________________________
______ - What do the symbols mean? _______________________
________________________________________________ - 5. Where are you? Include country and village.
______ - 6. What does high-wold village mean?
__________ - 7. What was believed to have happened to this
village? _________________________________________
_______ - __________________________________________________
5- 11. What can you tell about the people from these
objects? ________________________________________
____ - __________________________________________________
______ - 12. Please take notes on the surprises
archaeologists found at Wharram Percy. What
happened to its inhabitants? - __________________________________________________
__________ - __________________________________________________
__________ - __________________________________________________
__________ - __________________________________________________
__________ - __________________________________________________
__________ - __________________________________________________
__________ - __________________________________________________
__________ - __________________________________________________
6The Journey Begins You are enjoying a serene
vacation in England, ambling through the
countryside when you stumble upon an odd
appearing stone Click Below http//www.york.ac.u
4/artefacts.html to identify the object and its
purpose. Record this data in your journal (1 and
2). While perusing it, something wedged in
the objects center flutters to the ground. You
pick it up, unravel it, and read the ambiguous
7 held this land on the second of March 1489,
when those messuages were laid waste and thrown
down, and lands formerly turned
over work and earn their living and who
in crofts where between the crofts
was wattle and daub and gone away to take to the
roads in their misery Whosoever finds this and
solves the mystery of our ways and lives to tell
the tale, shall be rewarded with health and
happiness all the days of his life
Who wrote this, and what does it mean? Click
below http//loki.stockton.edu/ken/wharram
/depop.htm Record the information in your journal
(3) You notice there are many uses of symbols
throughout the medieval world. What do these
symbols mean? Click here http//www.fleurdelis.
com/meanings.htm Record the information in your
journal (4).
8Now, youre not an oaf you are valiant and
accept the quest! You decide to seek the answers
and create a response to the British Parliament
and the people of the Western civilization. You
will uncover the mystery enshrouded in the
message. Where will this lead??? Click here
Respond in your journal (5). Suddenly you
become giddy and flights of fancy and whimsy take
hold of you. You are about to go on an adventure
of a lifetime Begin your journey and search for
the truth through this siteClick here
Record responses (6 12) in your journal.
9- Your Task
- Now that you have gathered the facts and solved
the Mystery - of1489, you need to present your findings to
Parliament. Prepare - a document which you will them present orally.
It should contain the - following information
- Introduction What the reader is going to learn
- Description of the time and place
- Description of what happened to Wharram Percy
- Description of the residents, their homes and
work - Identify their misery
- Conclusion What everyone should know
- Journal
- _____ Complete
- Document
- _____ Introduction
- _____Description of the time and place
- _____Description of what happened to Wharram
Percy - _____Description of the residents, their homes
and work - _____Identify their misery
- _____Conclusion What everyone should know
Journal _____ Complete (40 points)
Written Document (40 points) _____
Introduction (10 points) _____Description of the
time and place (5 points) ____Description of
what happened to Wharram Percy (5
points) _____Description of the residents, their
homes and work (5 points) _____Identify their
misery (5 points) _____Conclusion What everyone
should know (10 points) Oral Presentation (20
points) _____Opening and Closing (5
points) _____Keep the topic in mind (5
points) _____Speak Clearly and Slowly, Use eye
contact(5 points) _____Show an interest in your
presentation (5 points)
Congratulations! You have solved the mystery of
1489! You now know that the Black Plague was not
solely responsible for the mass devastation of
villages during the Middle Ages and have a
better understanding of history during this time.
Why isnt the truth or the whole truth always
told? Perhaps you would like to further your
knowledge and take a closer look at the
misconceptions and reality of medieval life.
Click below http//orb.rhodes.edu Click on
this sites Medieval Encyclopedia where you can
search for information on whatever topic
interests you. Now you know the rest of the
story, and remember, there usually is much more
to discover! Keep investigating!