Title: who are streamOn'net
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2who are streamOn.net ?
- Noteable Clients
- eLearning
- Hewlett-Packard
- Dublin Bar Solicitors Association
- College of Anaesthetists
- Content Management
- Equality Commission
- Building Control NI
- Projects with a difference
- Panasonic
- Invest NI
- Department of Regional Development
- East Border Region
- User Centred Design
- Best End-user experience
- Appropriate branding and style
- Standards compliance
- Future-proofing
- Who are streamOn.net?
- Queens University spinout company
- Software Development Expertise
- Creative Solutions
- TV Production
- Quality Innovative Solutions
- Broadband Internet
- Content Management Systems
- Accessibility Standards
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6Workflow model StreamOn work out the information
requirements in conjunction with the TIO (they
supply as much background info as possible) We
then go about creating copy by carrying out
background research and finally Scripting There
is a sign off on the script / Agreement on the
actor from approved list Recording of
materials Placement of Podcasts on sites ie
tourist board site/EBR site, even the creation of
CD master to allow revenue model if they desire
Creating Advertising promotion material (web) for
the above
7Your role We will require a meeting with the TIO
or decision maker appointed to the project
That person will have authority or a route to
the decision maker in order to get sign off on
decisions You will be helping to  decide on
or provide focus for subject matter. StreamOn are
a content enabler, program maker but not the
subject specialist You need insider knowledge
of Marketing issues, your  audience profile etc
8In summary content generation decide on the
subject decide on the audience
profile identify any existing materials
Pamphlets, in-house materials press, even books
or images to assist research / Direct StreamOn to
a subject specialist We do the rest based on
the decision of the first meeting
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