Title: Michael PIELKE
1EUs Rural Development Policy 2007-13Which
support is provided for young farmers ?
- Michael PIELKE
- European Commission
- Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural
Development -
- This presentation represents solely the views of
its author and can not be regarded as the
official position of the Commission. - April 4th 2008, Brno
2Rural Development Policy 2007-2013Structure of
- Key elements and new features of Rural
Development Policy 2007-2013 - State of play and first results of programming
- Which support is available for Young farmers
3Rural development policy 2007-2013 Objectives
and Priorities
LEADER Axis (5) local development /
Axis 3 Diversification and quality of life
Axis 2 Environmentand Land Management (25)
- Biodiversity - Soil, Water - Climate
Change (Win-Win)
Axis 1 Com-petitiveness 10
- Human and physical capital - Innovation -
Knowledge-transfer - IT technologies - RD of new
- Employment opportunities in diversification
- quality of life
EAFRD European Agricultural Fund for Rural
4Rural development policy 2007-2013Measures
LEADER Axis (5) integrated, bottom/up,
Axis 3 Diversification and quality of life
Axis 2 Environmentand Land Management (25)
Axis 1 Com-petitiveness 10
- Farm modernisation
- Setting up
- Training
- Quality
- Advisory.
- Less favoured areas
- Natura 2000
- - Agri-environment
- - Forestry measures
- Diversification, tourism - Micro-enterprises -
Village renewal - Basic services
EAFRD European Agricultural Fund for Rural
5Rural Development Policy 2007-2013Key elements
- 1. EU Strategic Guidelines establish the
Community Priorities for the period 2007-2013
A strategic approach
2. National Strategies reflect EU-priorities
according to the situation in the Member State
3. Establishment of national or regional
programmes on the basis of SWOT analysis
4. Programme implementation accompanied by
monitoring und evaluation (ongoing evaluation
') based on a Community framework
6Rural Development Policy 2007-2013 State of play
State of playApproval of programmes and
- 27 National Strategy Plans
- 94 RDPs have been submitted
- 88 national or regional RDPs,
- 2 National Frameworks,
- 4 Programs on National Rural Development Networks
- By spring 2008 all 94 RDPs approved
7The indicative global Rural development
Rural Development Policy 2007-2013State of play
All financial data are based on RDP already
approved and on those still to be approved
- EAFRD 90,8 billion
- (43 of total)
- Public expenditure
- 57,9 bill. (27 of total)
- Private expenditure 62,7 billion (30 of
TOTAL 211,4 billion
8Rural Development Policy 2007-2013 State of play
EAFRD-Expenditure per axis
9Rural Development Policy 2007-2013State of play
EAFRD-Expenditure in Axis 1(Competitiveness) as
part of Total by MS
Ø 36,1
Axis 4 splitted and added to the relevant axes
10Rural Development Policy 2007-2013State of play
- Important measures - Axis 1
- 9,3 billion to Modernisation of Agricultural
Holdings (121) - 5,5 billion to Adding Value to agricultural
and Forestry products (123) - 5,1 billion to Improvement and Development of
Infrastructure (125)
11Rural Development Policy 2007-2013State of play
EAFRD-Expenditure in Axis 2 (Environment/Land
management) as part of Total by MS
Ø 45,1
Axis 4 splitted and added to the relevant axes
12Rural Development Policy 2007-2013State of play
- Important measures under axis 2
- 19,8 billion to 'Agri-environmental Payments'
(214) - 12,8 billion to Less Favoured Areas (211212)
13Rural development policy 2007-2013State of play
EAFRD-Expenditure in Axis 3 (Diversification and
quality of life) as part of Total by MS
Axis 4 splitted and added to the relevant axes
Ø 18,8
14Rural development policy 2007-2013State of play
- Important measures under axis 3
- 5,8 billion to 'Village Renewal' and 'Basic
Services' (321322) - 2,2 billion to 'Business Creation and
Development' (312) - 1,5 billion to 'Diversification to
non-agricultural activities' (311)
15Rural development policy 2007-2013State of play
EAFRD-Expenditure for Leader as part of Total by
Member States
Ø 6,0
16Rural Development Policy 2007-2013State of play
Indicative use of Funds under the LEADER Axis
17Rural development policy 2007-2013 Which support
for Young farmers ?
- Support specially dedicated to Young farmers
- Setting up of Young farmers
- Bonus for Modernisation of farms
- Link with early retirement
- Others measures which fit the needs of Young
farmers - Training and information actions
- Advisory services
- Axis 3 measures
18Rural development policy 2007-2013 Setting up of
Young farmers
- Amount of support
- Single premium max 40 000 euros
- Interest rate subsidy Max of 40 000 euros
- If combined gt max of 55 000 euros
- Conditions
- Less than 40 years old and set up as head of
holding for the first time - Adequate occupationl skills and competence
- Submit a business plan ( possibility to use it as
a tool kit for access to other measures)
19Rural development policy 2007-2013 Setting up of
Young farmers
- Data on the envisaged implementation of the
measure in Member States - 69 out of 94 Rural Development Programmes provide
for the measure - 24 Member States offer the measure
- 2.723 billions of EAFRD contribution is
programmed for this purpose
20Rural development policy 2007-2013Modernisation
/ early retirement
- Modernisation
- Higher support rate for Young farmers ( 10 )
- Grace period of 3 years in order to comply with
existing standards - Early retirement
- Possibility to use this measure to promote the
settiing up of young farmers
21Rural development policy 2007-2013 Other RD
support which fits the needs of young farmers
- Axis 1
- Measures aimed at promoting knowledge and
improving human potential - Vocational training and information actions
- Use of advisory services
- Setting up of farm relief services
- Measures aimed at improving the quality of
agricultural productions and products
22Rural development policy 2007-2013Other RD
- Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and
diversification of the rural economy - Diversification into non agricultural activities
- Basic services for the economy and rural
population - Village renewal and development
- For all Axis
- Application of priority selection critera
23Rural development policy 2007-2013Conclusion
- Specific support measures are in place and
applied by many Member States - It is recommended to make use of other measures
provided by the rural development programme to
develop the business
24- Thank you for your kind attention!
- More information on Rural Development and the
CAP - http//ec.europa.eu/dgs/agriculture/index_en.htm
- http//ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/fischer-boe