Title: Michael Boothman is a Passionate Tennis Coach
1Welcome to SRQ Tennis, located in Sarasota
2Michael Boothman is a Passionate Tennis Coach
Michael Boothman is a passionate tennis coach who
looks for sharing his technical skills and
experience with others. He firmly believes that
everyone should have the proper guidelines for
learning and playing tennis.
3Michael Boothman is a tennis player with his
roots in Punta Gorda, Florida. He has earned a
playing experience of more than 25 years. In his
college days, he got the chance to play for the
University of Alabama Club Tennis Team.
4Michael Boothman - At the Beginning of his Tennis
Michael Boothman started to work as an Assistant
Tennis Professional at the Country Club of
Detroit. After working for more than four years
over there, he decided to move to North Carolina.
Here, he served as an Assistant Tennis
Professional at Walnut Creek Country Club. In
this club, Michael Boothman used to teach
different players. Over here, his tennis skills
proved useful for the growth of juniors or young
tennis players.
5Michael Boothman - Tennis Professionals in Florida
Michael Boothman who has set a benchmark with his
achievements in the field of tennis. With over 25
years of experience in playing tennis, he has
become one of the recognized tennis professionals
in Florida.
6Contact Us
Address 3600 Torey Pines Blvd. Sarasota, Fl
34238 Phone Number (941) 451-6753 Email
michael_at_srq10s.com https//www.facebook.com/micha
el.boothman.792 https//www.instagram.com/michael
boothman/?hlen https//fons.app/_at_michaelboothman
Website https//www.srq10s.com