Title: Dr' Michael Hopkins
1 Teaching Corporate Social Responsibility
Dr. Michael Hopkins Chairman and CEO, MHC
International Ltd. Professor, Geneva and
Middlesex Universities, Geneva
London www.mhcinternational.com
Presentation Philias April 30th 2008
2 Teaching Corporate Social Responsibility
- Presentation
- Many different ways of teaching CSR
- What is CSR?
- 4. Jewellery Industry
- 5. Conclusion
3 Different ways of teaching
- Advanced Diploma Certificate on CSR at
University of Geneva - MHC International Ltd Executive Courses on
CSR - Third year CSR with mixed audience at Middlesex
University Business School, London - New School of Athens global CSR training
- CSR in the Jewellery Industry (CIBJO)
4- It is a modular course designed for busy
executives and is held once a month for 20 hours
from Thursday evening until Saturday. - The idea is that companies will release their
staff if only one day a month Friday is given
from the time of busy professionals. - To date the course has attracted mature
students from all over Europe, from business, UN
and NGOs some students also attend individual
modules. - The course started in 2008 and will run
annually. It is over-subscribed in its first
year of operation.
- Details on http//www.unige.ch/formcont/csr.html
5- Objective
- in English on the theme of Corporate Social
Responsibility - addresses the needs of professionals in Private
companies, NGOs, International organisations and
Government who are currently involved in CSR, or
who would like to be involved in CSR, and wish to
make the concept of CSR applicable in their
institution -
- Consists of
- Understanding the different aspects of CSR with
the aim to make it practical in different
strategic and operational environments. - Mastering the decison-making tools and
analytical instruments that institutions are
using today, and are likely to use in the future - Promoting CSR skills of individuals so that
they may play and important role in making the
concept even more widespread than it is today.
6Programme at University of Geneva Module 1
Introduction to Concepts What is CSR all about
Definition. Links to other concepts. Social
Reports. From principles to practice. (Prof.
Michael HOPKINS, Prof of Corporate Social
Research, Middlesex University London Visiting
Professor, Brunel University, London). 10-12
January 2008 Module 2 CSR and finance How does
CSR affect your bottom line. Socially Responsible
Investment. (Prof. Ed. DOMMEN, Founder Actares
Paul H. DEMBINSKI, Director, Observatoire de la
Finance, Genève, Stephen Hine, EIRIS, London). 31
January 2 February 2008 Module 3 CSR and
Measurement Key Impact Indicators. Ranking
systems such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index
(DJSI). Measurement systems such as Global
Reporting Initiative, etc. (Prof. Michael
HOPKINS. Ernst LIGTERINGEN, Executive Director,
Global Reporting Initiative, GRI). 21-23 Feb
2008 Module 4 CSR and Stakeholder Dialogue
Social Accounting and Accreditation. Sustainable
Tourism (Ivor HOPKINS, partner MHCI Ltd and
adviser Sustainable Tourism, Club Mistral Prof.
Adrian HENRIQUES, Adviser Stakeholder Dialogue,
British Telecom). 13-15 March 2008
7Module 5 CSR and Ethics Theory, Practical
Aplication using Q-Res. The Ethics Board Game
(Simone de Colle, former Head of Ethics, KPMG,
London and Darden Business School, USA).
Corporate Codes of Conduct (Prof. Prakash Sethi,
University Distinguished Professor at the Zicklin
School of Business, Baruch College, City
University of New York and is President of the
International Center for Corporate
Accountability) 3-5 April 2008 Module 6 CSR and
International Development Prof. Michael HOPKINS.
World Business Council for Sustainable
Development, WBCSD. World Economic Forum, WEF.
Prof Jem BENDELL, Lifeworth, UNRISD and WWF).
24-26 April 2008 Module 7 CSR and legal
aspects Prof. John TEPPER MARLIN, New York State
University ILO International Labour Standards
specialist World Trade Organisation
specialist).15-17 May 2008 Module 8 CSR and
strategic management What does CSR imply for
management ? Supply Chain Management. CSR and
Corporate Governance issues. UN Global Compact.
Social Reporting. Next steps for CSR managers.
(Prof. Abby GHOBADIAN, Henley Business School
Adrian Payne, Head of CSR, BAT, London Darren
Ford, Head, CSR and supply chains, Chartered
Institute for Purchasing and Supply, CIPS). 5-7
June 2008 Module 9 Submission of Thesis Present
by 21 June 2008
GROUP Top management CEO, CFO, VPs and Board
WHAT USE? Find out why so many organisations are
involved in CSR and what it could do for you.
What is CSR all about? MHCi CSR video. Who is
doing what on CSR especially close competitors?
How could CSR improve my bottom line? How can
CSR be measured? Do I need a Social Audit? How
will CSR potentially affect my corporate
reputation? How could I structure all this in my
company? How do I monitor what is going on? Do
I really need all this? 2 DAY CSR SEMINAR
Americano TARGET GROUP Mid Management key
Cappucino TARGET GROUP Young future executives
and trainees. Max 20 persons. see
2008 Course is about the responsibilities of
business leaders.
- Know what their role-related responsibilities
are - Know how to incorporate these responsibilities
into their decision making - Know how to build organizations that can make
good on these responsibilities and - Develop the personal strengths and resources
needed to recognize and carry out these
responsibilities - in ambiguous, stressful, and fast-changing
10 Teaching Corporate Social Responsibility
- Presentation
- Many different ways of teaching CSR
- What is CSR?
- 3. Jewellery Industry
- 5. Conclusion
11 CSR Definition
- Concerned with treating the stakeholders of a
company or institution ethically or in a
responsible manner - Ethically or responsible means treating key
stakeholders in a manner deemed acceptable in
civilised societies - Social includes economic and environmental
responsibility - Stakeholders exist both within a firm and
outside - The wider aim of CSR is to create higher and
higher standards of living - It must preserve and enhance the profitability
of the corporation or the integrity of the
institution, for peoples both within and outside
these entities. - Original Source Michael Hopkins (MHCi) A
Planetary Bargain Corporate Social
Responsibility Comes of Age (Macmillan, UK, 1998)
and updated by author January 2008
12- The terms used in the attempt to convince
corporations to become more attuned to their
stakeholders know no upper bound. - Corporate sustainability
- Corporate citizenship
- Corporate social responsibility
- Good corporate governance
- The ethical organization
- The inclusive organization
- The civil organisation
- Positive philanthropy
- all terms that have been used by different
13 CSR is not the same as philanthropy
BAT .. business may contribute responsibly to
sustainable development but seem over-focused
on philanthropy. Some actions that could be
considered 1. Companies should abandon all
philanthropy which is outside of a CSR framework.
2. Companies should work hand-in-hand with
Governments to promote economic and social
development. 3. Government should help those
people who cannot be helped to help themselves
through a subsidy. MH if a charity fails
because a company fails then this is a disaster
for all the vulnerable groups and people
14Follow the development communitys approach to
sustainable development projects?
- Is the project Type I, II or III?
- Type I Charitable or philanthropic donation to a
good cause in a developing country, - Type II Development as a direct by-product of
company actions, - Type III Activities that promote sustainable
development and anti-poverty initiatives that
might also be in addition to Type II
15- Three broad layers of CSR
Emphasis on Opportunity (trendiest layer cited
by Michael Porter and Mark Kramer who also say
CSR will become part of industrys competitive
16CSR Framework
Sustainable Development MDGs
17Books on CSR by Michael Hopkins
18 Teaching Corporate Social Responsibility
- Presentation
- Many different ways of teaching CSR
- What is CSR?
- 3. Jewellery Industry
- 4. Conclusion
19Be Seen and Known as Forward Thinking with
images like this
20..and these
Framework for Responsible Mining A Guide to
Evolving Standards www.frameworkforresponsiblemini
Madison Dialogue
CIBJO Code of Ethics
The Initiative forResponsible Mining
Assurance www.responsiblemining.net/
21but not these.
They cling precariously to the top of what is
left of the ice floe, their fragile grip the
perfect symbol of the tragedy of global warming
Daily Mail 1st February 2007
24Teaching CSR in the Jewellery Industry
Basic training courses General modules will
provide participants with a comprehensive view of
the development of CSR against the globalization
processes, the business and regulatory risks, how
to formulate effective CSR strategies, how to
integrate CSR practice into core business
strategy and enhance business performance the
role of CSR reporting and corporate image
building etc. Jewellery and Luxury -industry
tailored CSR courses The course for each sector
along the value chain should identify the
specific CSR issues most relevant to the sector,
for example, the meaning of CSR for diamond
extractive sector and retailer the best
practices from its competitors specific
regulatory changes and CSR tools the major
challenges and opportunities in formulating CSR
strategies etc.
25(No Transcript)
26Teaching CSR in the Jewellery Industry Need for
CIBJO CSR Impact Assessment Certification Scheme
International CSR Baseline Standards
CIBJO CSR Code Of Conduct
Jewelry-industry CSR Initiatives
27 Teaching Corporate Social Responsibility
- Presentation
- Many different ways of teaching CSR
- What is CSR?
- 3. Jewellery Industry
- 4. Conclusion
28Three Key Steps to Adopt CSR 1. Enthuse the
CEO 2. Engage the staff 3. Think out of the
29- Making money is art
- Working is art
- Good business is the best art of all
- Andy Warhol
30 Teaching Corporate Social Responsibility
Thank You
Dr. Michael Hopkins Chairman and CEO, MHC
International Ltd. Professor, Geneva and
Middlesex Universities, Geneva
London www.mhcinternational.com
Presentation Philias April 30th 2008