Title: Michael Knable, Robert Yolken, E. Fuller Torrey
1- Michael Knable, Robert Yolken, E. Fuller Torrey
- Stanley Medical Research Inst.
- and
- Johns Hopkins University
2Javier Costas and Robert Yolken Universidade de
Santiago de Composela, Spain and Johns Hopkins
France and Stanley Medical Research Institute
4Patrice Marche Laboratoire d'Immunochimie,
INSERM, France
5Walter Lech Tufts University School of Medicine,
6Frances Yee and Robert Yolken Former Stanley
Faculty Member Johns Hopkins University
7Raphael Viscidi and E. Fuller Torrey Johns
Hopkins University - Stanley Division Stanley
Research Medical Institute
8Dixie Mager Terry Fox Laboratory, Canada
9Håkan Karlsson and Sarven Sabunciyan Past and
Current Fellows in the Stanley Division of the
Johns Hopkins University Dr. Karlsson now at
Karolinska Institute in Sweden
10Dr. Robert Yolken enjoys lunch with some of the
11Ann Cusic, Administrative Manager for the Stanley
Division of the Johns Hopkins University
12Christine Miller, Research Associate Stanley
Division of the Johns Hopkins University
13Christopher Tipper and Walter Lech, Tufts
University School of Medicine Sarven Sabunciyan,
Fellow, Stanley Division of the Johns Hopkins
14Jonas Blomberg, Uppsala University,
Sweden Lorraine Brando, Research Associate,
Stanley Division of the Johns Hopkins University
15Jeffrey Brockman, Pascal Laeng and C. Anthony
Altar Psychiatric Genome, Inc.,Gaithersburg,