Title: Modules (Methods)
1Modules (Methods)
- Functions and Procedures
- Parameters ...Output
2Procedures and Functions
- Some of our pseudocode rules translate into firm
rules in Java - Functions return a single value
- Value returned can be any complex data type
(including an Object) - Procedures can return information by changing
an object that is passed in via a parameter. - Other rules are style issues
- Functions having no side effects
- Functions not doing I/O
3Java Methods
- Single construct for both procedures and
functions - When a function is called for, specify the
appropriate return type before the method name - public float average (float fNum1, float
fNum2) -
- float fReturnVal
- fReturnVal (fNum1 fNum2)/ 2
- return fReturnVal
- // of average
- to specify a procedure, make the return type void
- (More later)
4Writing Methods
A Java requirement --All methods belong to an
object (or class). --Name of object (or class)
must be unambiguous when the method
called. --To run a program, there must be a
class (whose name is the name-of-the-program),
containing a special method called main
for command line parameters
visible to all
public static void main (String argv)
a class method,not aninstancemethod
Method name
5Method Overloading
- Sometimes more than one method is required to do
the same job. - In Pseudocode, we frequently used a helper module
- Procedure Convert(Lhead iot in Ptr toa
LLNode) - Procedure ConvertHelper(Lhead iot Ptr toa
LLNode, - NewHead iot Ptr toa
LLNode) - In Java, multiple methods can have the same name
as long as the number, type or order of their
parameters is different - public void Convert(LLNode Lhead)
- public void Convert(LLNode Lhead, LLNode
6Method Signatures
- The signature of a method consists of the name
of the method and the number and types of formal
parameters to the method. A class may not declare
two methods with the same signature, or a compile
time error occurs. - Java Language Specification s.8.4.2
- Method overloading occurs where identically named
methods have different parameter (number, type or
order NOT name!) - public int getCube(int iNum)
- return iNum iNum iNum
- public int getCube(float fNum)
- return (int)(fNum fNum fNum)
- public int getCube(double dNum)
- return (int) (dNum dNum dNum)
7Methods Common Mistakes
public float average (float fNum1, float fNum2,
float fNum3) float fReturnVal
fReturnVal (fNum1
fNum2 fNum3)/ 3 return (fReturnVal)
// of average
Note ending semicolon -- results in unhelpful
error message
- Java only has in parameters
- Initially this will appear to be a big change. It
is a common feature in many languages. - We can get information out of a module via two
techniques - Return something from a function
- Pass in a reference to some object and inside the
method modify the object side effect
9Printing to Screen
- Pseudocode
- print (ltargumentsgt)
- Java
- System.out.print(ltA Stringgt)
- System.out.println(ltA Stringgt)
Inserts a newline after the printing is complete
10Printing to Screen
- int x 10
- System.out.println(5)
- System.out.println( )
- System.out.println(Hello World)
- System.out.println(x x)
- System.out.println(y 5)
- System.out.print(All on one )
- System.out.println(line)
5 Hello World x 10 y 5 All on one line
11(No Transcript)